Friday, January 31, 2020

David and Putin. Giving credit where none is due

Can you explain that? I asked David on Facebook.  “Trump gave Russia codes?  What codes? Something in the KJV?”  All the spying was done during the Obama administration. Trump didn't have any power in 2015 and 2016--only Obama and his FBI had power.

Meanwhile all Trump was doing was listening to the people the Democrats had ignored for years and was filling auditoriums and sports palaces. Trump has the same uncanny gift that Bill Clinton had--he connects with people and makes them feel important.

The pollsters chased the media which said he had no chance of winning any states, meanwhile giving him billions in free publicity by talking about him all the time. Obama/Clinton (Obama 2.0) visited only the states they liked. Obama 2.0 had the support of media, all of academe, all of entertainment like TV and movies, a vast number of the churches, all of big Tech which supported her on the internet, and all the major lobbyists for rich corporations. Clinton was loved by the institutions that hated the little people. She called them deplorables and laughed at them. She still doesn't get it.

The Clinton clique put their arms around the race and sex groups and told everyone who would listen they were powerless victims and lived in a terrible country. Trump went around the country and told Americans they were great people, strong, best in the world. Now, maybe you didn't believe that, the Democrats obviously didn't, but people were hungry to hear some affirmation. And you fell into Clinton's trap and when it was all over you (who didn’t even vote) and millions of embarrassed Democrats looked around for an excuse and gave Russia the credit for Trump's hard work and smarts. You fell for the same lies from the media that millions of others did. And you're still doing it, 3 years later.

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