3383 Friday Family Photo
This is family in a larger sense. This is an unidentified photo of a Church of the Brethren congregation in 1917, celebrating some sort of a clean life meeting, perhaps a revival? "Our aim a new life and a clean life" says the sign on the right. The building's sign says "Church of the Brethren Preaching 11 a.m. 7 p.m., several lines I can't read, then "All Welcome." It appears to be summer time--or at least May or June--from the clothing, open windows and doors and trees.
This photo is in a collection of a 3rd cousin. We don't know what congregation or who might be a relative. I'm posting it in hopes that someone among the Brethren will recognize the people or the building. The cousin is a descendant of Daniel Weybright and Nancy Kinsey Weybright of Ohio, but so are several hundred other people, and doesn't know the origin of the photograph. But because it was saved and passed down (unidentified), we're assuming there is a family connection.
Note to self: label your photographs and date them.
Church of the Brethren
old photographs
Can't help with any information on the photo, but just wanted to say that it is a great old photo. Hope you're doing well:)
After taking a closer look, the owner now thinks the photo was taken in Colorado. So we've narrowed it down. She recognized someone.
Good to hear from you.
Thanks for your comment on my blog, Veterans Voice.
I notice in the explanation for this photo that you mention Weybrights from Ohio. I had done my geneology a number of years ago, and I traced our ancestors from the Port of Philadelphia.
They came from the Paletinate in Germany and landed at the Port of Philadephia in September of 1680, I believe. They then migrated steadily across Pennsylvania, Ohio, and into Indiana. My Weybright ancestors have lived in Indiana now for about 175 years.
When I was 18, I went to Germnany with my husband, who was in the Army. He was stationed at Wiesbaden, and we lived in a small city called Mainz-Gonsenheim. At that time, geneology was far from my mind. Little did I know that I would find out I had lived in the very region from where my ancestors emigrated.
Our name was originally spelled. "Weibrecht" on the ship's list. It got changed immediately to be able to be more "Americanized." But even with the change, there is little doubt that we came from Germany.
I am also curious as to whether or not we are related. My maiden name is "Weybright" which I took back after my divorce. I have one brother who lives about 25 miles from me and several cousins of whom I am aware.
Do you have any relatives in Indiana?
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