Sunday, September 23, 2007


Now who's BeTrayUs?

So the NYT gave a special cut rate to run their smear ad against General Petraeus? That was against their policy as is smearing the reputation of someone in a political ad. No! I'm shocked. Just shocked. Bias in the press. Oh say it isn't so! Read Betraying its own best interests. And this apparently isn't the first time they gave the Movers a special rate.
    By the end of last week the ad appeared to have backfired on both and fellow opponents of the war in Iraq — and on The Times. It gave the Bush administration and its allies an opportunity to change the subject from questions about an unpopular war to defense of a respected general with nine rows of ribbons on his chest, including a Bronze Star with a V for valor. And it gave fresh ammunition to a cottage industry that loves to bash The Times as a bastion of the “liberal media.”

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