Such a precocious child
"Growing up in hardworking northwestern Wisconsin, David Obey leaned Republican early on, even supporting Sen. Joe McCarthy, before he turned Democratic." It must have been awfully early on, like before he could shave. He's my age. McCarthy died in 1957. I believe the voting age was 21 back then.Democrats have either long noses, or short memories. Like Senator Tom Harkin accusing Rush Limbaugh of not supporting the troops by calling some phony soldiers, well, phony soldiers (they didn't serve and told outrageous lies and there has been legal action against them which was reported in the news). Senator Harkin. Isn't he the guy who lied about his combat service in Vietnam and his handicapped brother? I guess he forgot he didn't serve there, or that his brother was retired, not fired. And then there's the phony angst of Harry Reid, old white flag Harry. Just rips your heart out, doesn't it? Do these Senators have so much time to waste on condemning Rush for what he didn't say? And accusing him on the floor of the Senate of using drugs?

This whole campaign against O'Reilly, Rush and talk radio, funded and fueled by the arm of the Clintons, Media Matters, sure does have a McCarthy ring to it, though, doesn't it? I do seem to remember old Joe--we talked about him in history class. A sign of things to come if she gets elected?
Update: I didn't see this in time to include it, but Byron York comments on the McCarthyism tactics of the left of trying to stop a person's livelihood: "when Limbaugh talked about "phony soldiers," he was referring to phony soldiers--that is, to men like Jesse Macbeth, an "antiwar" activist who claimed to have served in Iraq, received a Purple Heart and killed innocent civilians, when in fact the Army discharged him before he even completed basic training.
If Democrats want to support the phony troops, it is their right to do so. But when they try to interfere with Limbaugh's livelihood, that amounts to an effort at creating a McCarthy-style blacklist.
The Fox report says that 41 Democratic senators signed this letter, which means that 9 or 10 did not (depending on how you count Joe Lieberman). Will they speak out against their colleagues' intimidation efforts? And where are the Republicans in all this? With the Democratic Party increasingly in thrall to hate groups like MoveOn and Media Matters, America urgently needs politicians of either party with the courage to take a stand for decency."
James Taranto noted the similarities prefacing it with, "In recent weeks we've seen how the Democrats have aped the tactics of Joe McCarthy, including character assassination of military officials and childish wordplay on people's names ("Senator Half Bright"; "General Betray Us"). Oct.3, Best of the Web.
More on this topic of fake vs phony:TNR and Weekly Standard battle over fake military stories.
Media get caught by faked military records.
Fake photos of the war.
Fake reporter who is fake Marine revealed on Daily Kos (did Senate investigate Kos for these charges against the military?)
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