Saturday, November 08, 2008

National Socialism--could it happen again

A Chinese-American friend was visibly upset by the election of Barack Obama. Thinking perhaps she was remembering her youth in China when Mao came to power and so many capitalists had to flee (my college roommate’s family went to Brazil), we discovered she was going back further than that, to the free and democratic election by the German people of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s, the subsequent suppression of the already weakened church, and the collapse of capitalism. And to that perfect storm, I would add race-based myths-- only this time around it’s the idea that by being of African descent Obama is superior, almost messianic in his appeal not only at home but abroad. Only he can expiate the sins of a history of slavery and Jim Crow. Clicking briefly through the news programs since Tuesday, the adulation by the native and foreign press and capitulation even by Republicans have been revolting. Dancing in the streets in Indonesia because he has brown skin? Have they never had a brown skinned despot in Asia? The government will now take care of all your deepest needs ideology? Haven’t we heard this all before? I almost can’t believe my ears and eyes. The spiritualized political language and its mesmerizing affect is breathtaking in its reminder of both the past and its precursor of what’s to come.


R. L. said...

Wow. This is why historians try and not fit a round historical peg into a square current events hole.

If you really want, I can go through the mountains of differences between Obama/Democratic Party and Hitler/NDSAP.

To being with, Hilter did not win a majority vote. Ever. I believe the most he ever had was 43 or 44 percent, and by the second round of voting, the Nazis were declining in popularity. Secondly, he was appointed Chancellor (because CONSERVATIVES thought they could control him). Chancellor was not an elected position. Thirdly, Obama never ran a campaign based on race - neither elevation of his, nor denigration of others.

Honestly, Norma, dislike his policies, his style, whatever, but trying to make a equate Obama with Hitler? I can't believe you are so ideologically blinded that you grasp at such intellectually vacuous comparisons.

Norma said...

Perhaps it is all the imagery--standing beside monuments in Germany and creating Greek columns for his acceptance speech. Even his supporters in the press are starting to say how little they know about him. Instead of discounting it, keep an eye on it.

R. L. said...

The assumption that it will happen in the same fashion as it did in 1930s Germany and that it will look the same is a little far-fetched. Honestly? You need to watch for it with anyone that gains that much power.

Norma said...

If you follow this entry with the next, on the role of the Christians, it's not far-fetched at all. It's not that Obama is Hitler--goodness how often did we hear that about Bush? It's that people willing turn over their rights to someone who promises to take care of them. Obama didn't invent the nanny state--politians of both parties have been using this scheme, but he's been quite honest in his lies about his intentions. The people ate it up thinking, what's in it for me--a bit different than the JFK message. Obama has completely turned the Constitution upside down, and millions cheered him on. Race based myths, whether about a master race that is superior or a bi-racial man who is superior because of his race, are still race based.

No, Obama isn't Hitler, but we the people are starting to behave like the 1930s Germans handing over our rights, and soon our religious freedoms to an elected leader.

Ladybug Crossing said...

You are absolutely right. From the first second I saw Obama, I immediately thought of Hitler... Then I thought of Mao... then Jim Jones... Narcissists - all of them!

Norma said...

"On January 30, 1939, when Hitler delivered his ominous Reichstag address--in which he warned of "the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe"--the religious press ignored it. The liberal Christian Century magazine even admitted there was "plenty of extermination" of Jews occurring in Europe, but doubted that any good purpose was served by publicizing speculative numbers; better to focus on diplomatic solutions to Nazism." Joseph Loconte, "Fascism, Islamism, and Anti-semitism"