Saturday, November 01, 2008

Yes, Theresa, it is a single issue election

Character. The sum of those distinctive mental and moral qualities, and those traits instilled by nature, education religion and habit. Theresa Hogan has a long article on the Op-Ed page of the Dispatch today, claiming some Republicans are voting a single issue, ABORTION. Well, that would be enough for me, but the single issue for me is the man Barack Obama. I don't care if he is a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist. He must be a man of character.
    • His Supreme Court and lower court nominees.
    • Who will be rubber stamped because he'll have a filibuster-proof Congress.
    • Who will decide critical cases based on their personal feelings and beliefs rather than the Constitution.
    • Which Obama sees as a mere list of negatives.
    • His tax plan and rescinding the Bush tax cuts.
    • Taxes imposed because of his idea of fairness, not need.
    • Which will destroy our economy with the same heavy hand that FDR used in the 1930s to extend and expand the Great Depression another 10 years after he took office.
    • His disregard for our security and the military.
    • A flaw so large that even his enemies have sensed it sending warnings through Joe Biden.
    • His willingness to run out on our allies, regardless of the circumstances that took us into the war, or what will get us out.
    • His unwillingness to face the serious charge of being a socialist by joking about sharing in grade school but never answering the charge.
    • His prancing around Europe like he was an elected leader, claiming to be a citizen of the world. Posing with symbols of fascism.
    • His address to the nation (infomercial) before he has been elected.
    • His choice of friends and associates, known terrorists, crooks and race baiters, while at the same time showing complete disregard for the living conditions and feelings of his blood relatives, white and black.
    • His inability to identify with or respect rural and working people and their values.
    • His lying about his position as "professor" when he was only a "lecturer," then using his attack troops in the press to go after Joe the Plumber because he hadn't passed his apprenticeship, and used his middle name (Obama doesn't like to use his).
    • The same lackey press who have been unable to find a thing askew in Obama's college record, employment history, his friendships, or his family.
    • His lack of experience--well, Theresa, dear heart, that's as wispy and dangerous as the web of the recluse spider (shy, lonely and sedentary, weaving its web in high and dark corners).


Anonymous said...

Came over from Ladybug for a "look-see" and found more pure common sense than I've seen or read in months.

I, too, was enraged that PRIVACY RIGHTS didn't apply when "Joe, the plumber" asked a question! The Obama camp played dirty and rutted into his private life. They revealed all his PRIVACY issues and didn't even get it right! Anything to discredit him!!! Is that the dirty politics we can expect?
What they did was illegal.Is anyone being punished or fired???

I don't want anyone reaching into my pocket to share the wealth. Obama
earned $4,000,000 last year. He doesn't get it. He is not one of us. He's elitist and arrogant enough to tell me he feels my pain!
His first act will be to put his hand in my purse and take out the tax cut that Bush gave me.

I'm also amazed that he hasn't been made to produce a BIRTH, no, people don't be misled, a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH is NOT the same thing and he knows it. The press knows it. Why isn't the press all over this?

He spent 4-6 million dollars for his infomercial and he can't or won't produce his birth certificate. If it exists, ask yourself, why not?

Friends, if you vote to let Obama in to pack the Supreme Court, our every Constitutional right is in jeopardy. This is the most serious issue you'll face. Your Constitutional rights will be decimated.

His total lack of experience is profound. He has never balanced a budget.He has never worked tables or sold retail in college. He has never managed or owned a business. Except for a very short stint in a law office, you, the tax payer, paid his salary. Note, the elitist, had white collar, not blue collar jobs even in college. He really doesn't get it.

He hasn't a clue on foreign policy. How do you think his arrogant, know-it-all, I know what is good for you, attitude will play with our allies. He has already made very serious errors in judgment with our enemies!

He has NO respect for our soldiers or the military who keep him safe.
Note, he has no military knowledge, exposure, or service; he doesn't get it. He will bring them back in defeat!

His associates are so questionable that even the liberal press should be all over it.
Okay, I'm done and thanks for letting me share. Hopefully the electorate will face the facts and ignore the false rhetoric when they vote. Too much depends on it., our country and our values.

Norma said...

Good for you. If you don't have a blog, get one and use a pseudonym. Oops. I almost said "if Obama wins" but there will be no hiding your identify. Look what they did to Palin, and that was illegal, but made no difference.

My site meter doesn't track back to your computer (I have no interest in snooping), so welcome any time.

R. L. said...

I KNOW! He joked around about the Socialist question. Can you honestly imagine that he didn't take it seriously? I really think politicians need to address every crackpot idea with gravitas. Yes, I really do.

Norma said...

He could have been honest. What a concept. He could have said, No, I'm not and here's why (and lose all his lefties), or Yes, I am and here's why I think it's best for the country. It's not secret, R.L.

R. L. said...

No, I can guarantee you he wouldn't have lost all of his lefties. In fact, I can categorically state that I've never talked to an Obama supporter that has said, "I'm voting for Obama because the is a socialist/marxist." In fact, I don't consider him a socialist and I am voting for him.

You really should right fiction. You're very good at it.

Norma said...

Getting testy? Can't tell the non-fiction from the fiction?

Norma said...

"When you buy a haircut, your life gets better because you prefer shorter hair to the $15 you paid. Similarly, the barber’s life gets better because he used his time and talent to help you, and now he can go out to lunch. Who is worse off because you got a haircut? Nobody. Who is worse off because a barber starts hair salons and earns $450,000? No one. That’s just 30,000 little events where both parties improve their lives. That’s the nature of a free market.

So when you imagine that the guy who made it possible for thousands of people to have haircuts suddenly owes those people for having the audacity to have already given them a benefit, you’ve inverted the very meaning of money. And when you then tax him more because he’s been so effective at helping people, you’re teaching him that helping people is a bad thing and disincentivizing good behavior. But regardless of whether he is deaf to your foolish instruction, you have still stolen from him what was rightfully his entirely on the premise that being very good at helping people somehow puts you even more in their debt, a patently absurd concept."
Do the rich owe us?

R. L. said...

Interesting. No overhead, no costs, just pure profit.

30,000 haircuts in a year makes for about 83 haircuts a day (no vacations, no weekend days off). Lets assume he's working an 8 hour day, that amounts to a haircut about every 6 minutes. Sounds like you're getting the military induction haircut, and I can't imagine spending $15.00 for that.

Before ya'll get your undies in a twist and start the "big picture" mantra, I'm not responsible for their obviously stupid example. if that is all the effort they're going to put into it, they deserve to be mocked.

Norma said...

You're so in the tank for Obama you're drowning.

R. L. said...

"his middle name (Obama doesn't like to use his)"

No, not like we constantly refer to John Sidney McCain and Sarah Louise Palin.