Thursday, December 03, 2009

The mother in law problem--a repeat

I don't dither. Here's my response to a mother-in-law problem--this is a repeat from February 2007:
    I have so many people on my prayer list with really serious, mind numbing problems, I admit I got a bit testy and talked back to the ingrate woman who wrote "Dear Abby" this week about her mother-in-law.

    It seems her MIL does her laundry and dishes when she comes over to babysit. She started doing it when the complainer was bedridden and really needed the help, but she just won't stop! Really, what some people call a problem, I can fix in 3 shakes of a lamb's tail. DO THE LAUNDRY AND DISHES BEFORE SHE GETS THERE. Start picking up after yourself so Mama and others won't see your home looking like a cyclone went through as you run off for lunch with your friends, or where ever you're going. If your home looks like a federal disaster zone, don't be surprised when the volunteers show up for cleaning. Or, here's another thought. HIRE SOMEONE TO BABYSIT. Then invite your in-laws over for a non-working time with the kids (she wanted MIL to supervise the kids instead of cleaning up messes).

    Now, wasn't that easy?


Renee Nefe said...

LOL! I sure wish I had that problem with my MIL!!! That would be a blessing, not a problem!

I think your advice is awesome.

I wonder if you could help with my problem? I have no idea what to buy/make for my MIL for Christmas this year. She had a stroke back in May and has very limited mobility. Her older kids (I married her baby) moved her to the other side of the country and we won't be visiting until after the holidays.

Anonymous said...

my mom was easy..his mom was like a queen...her children were her subjects and woe be to those that did not pay homage...and Christmas was a nightmare...she would actually hide gifts from her children and complain they did not send them...and she dusted twice a day...even when she visted your home...God rest her soul...she is dusting things in heaven,no doubt

Norma said...

Renee: it's not exactly a "gift," but if she's been moved to a care facility she has no room for anything. But a card or letter a week might be a nice promise. Or calling her old friends, catching up on their news, and passing it along. Everyone loves mail. It's actually easier to write once a week than once a month or year.