Thursday, April 29, 2010

Flavors fade as we age

Wrinkles, chin hairs and now taste buds? "About 10,000 taste buds line an adult's tongue, throat and mouth, perceiving sweet, salty, sour and bitter. As the years pass, we lose some of them, and the taste buds that remain grow less sensitive. Salty and sweet tastes are usually the first to go.

Compounding the problem, older adults also begin to lose their sense of smell, a vital enhancer of taste. Dietitians say the consequences can become apparent as early as age 50, particularly for people who are prone to sinus and respiratory infections or take certain medications.

By the time seniors hit their 70s and 80s, most palates have dulled and favorite foods simply don't taste as good."

Read more Flavors fade as we age, but there are ways to compensate - Health -

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