Friday, September 03, 2010

Union members will gather on October 2 to protest Beck

October 2 is an important date in union history. Obviously, the rally organizers chose October 2 [hyperbole alert and snark, in case you missed the liberal uproar over August 28] to rub it in the faces and threaten anyone who would protest a president.
    Remember the Clinton Lewinsky affair? Some people didn't think it was seemly. "The October 2, 1998 attack occurred as [the Adams siblings] marched with a sign calling Bill Clinton a “liar, pervert, national shame.”

    Two Teamsters snuck up behind him and ripped the sign out of his hand. When he and his sister turned around to retrieve it, they were encircled by a mob of Teamsters led by (then) Local 115 officer and IBT Vice President, John Morris. Mr. Morris rammed a fedora over Mr. Adams’ face, blinding him to the onslaught of Teamsters who proceeded to jump and pummel both Adamses.

    Mr. Adams suffered head injuries (including a mild concussion), lacerations, bruising, and a herniated (neck) disc. He was treated at an area hospital. Ms. Adams, who tried to protect her brother, was bruised but not seriously injured. The attack was captured on videotape by local news stations and broadcast nationally at a time when (then) Mayor Ed Rendell was trying to attract both the 2000 Democratic and Republican National Conventions to the “City of Brotherly Love.”

Of course, it's also Ghandi's birthday and the anniversary of President Wilson's stroke. But sifting through historical dates, and given that union members from SEIU to NEA as well as Daily Kos readers will be called out to attend by their leaders, I'd go with the Clinton protest.

Maybe they'll bend over . . . and clean up their own trash?


Anonymous said...

If people picked up their own trash the unionized sanitation workers would be out of work. That's why liberals are so messy and dirty.

Norma said...

Here's another conflict with that date. Arizona State's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law is hosting a conference for aspiring law professors on Saturday, October 2, 2010 in Tempe, Arizona.