I'm not happy with what this man, Chris Dorner, has allegedly done, but he deserves a trial, not a drone death authorized by the state of California or the federal government to be jury, judge and executioner. We let convicted criminals put forward years of expensive appeals, and this guy won't even get arrested? Drones had been used domestically for surveillance in 2011, but this is the first they’ve been used armed. Also, remember the Aurora shooter had booby trapped a building. How do we know this man doesn’t have information about traps or bombs he has set around California, which if he’s killed before capture will never be known?
It’s so crazy we’re having a “national conversation” about gun control when the government has gone berserk on drones against Americans. The first amendment is not about worship, it’s for religious freedom, and that includes not forcing contraception and sterilization on Christian churches, schools and hospitals. The second amendment is not for hunting rabbits, it is to protect the people from this very thing, but even a closet of assault rifles won’t protect a citizen against a drone. The fifth amendment protects people like Dorner, who are SUSPECTS. Obama is shredding the Bill of Rights—first, second and fifth, so far. What’s next? Will he reinstate slavery?
And please pray for the safety of our niece and her husband who are with the LAPD and engaged in this manhunt.
Remember Ruby Ridge and Waco. Government didn't even need drones to kill women and children.
Murray sez:
You and I know what's next or at least what's going on. I'm doing my best to convey this to others as I know you are.
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