Wednesday, November 06, 2013

47 times the president promised and lied before October 1, 2010

Democrats and media complain that Republicans kept throwing up road blocks the last three years. One Republican, Mike Enzi, tried to amend that part of the law that covers Obama's lie "if you like your health plan you can keep it period," (so he wouldn't be lying). Unlike Pelosi and Reid, he had actually read the law and the regulations (about 34,000 pages) and realized how many people would lose their coverage in the federal take over. Even in 2010, the administration expected 51% of all employer plans to be terminated as a result of Obamacare. That is the mid-range estimate; the high-end estimate was 69%. So as of 2010, the Obama administration planned that most Americans with employer-sponsored health care plans would lose them, whether they liked those plans or not. Mike Enzi tried--he was called names and demonized. Even by Sept. 2010, President Obama had promised 47 times that Americans would be able to keep their health plans; perhaps the biggest lie ever perpetrated on gullible citizens.

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