Sunday, June 12, 2005

1121 Some Sanity on enabling behaviors

Dr. Sanity in response to a claim that Feminists don't kill anyone so why not focus your energies on something more important.

" . . .it is not enough to focus on just the drinking of the alcoholic, a good therapist must also deal with the environment of the alcoholic and people in that environment(the psychosocial supports) that enable that alcoholic--i.e., who buy him the alcohol, who encourage him to drink it etc. If you fail to do that, then your intervention is in vain. Or, let's take the latest public obsession--the Michael Jackson trial as an example. Whatever Michael Jackson was or wasn't doing with those young boys was hardly a mystery to the boys' mothers and/or families, which had to be complicit and enable Jackson's behavior (the kids didn't get to the Ranch on foot, nor did they stay overnight without permission). No, it served the purposes of the parents to enable Jackson's behavior. It serves the purposes of the Feminists et al, to ignore the brutality of Islam towards women, in favor of demanding that the Harvard President whimper and wallow before them in abject apology for remarks that were scientifically justified."

Dr. Sanity's blog on enabling terrorists

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