Monday, May 01, 2006

2427 DaVinci Code Hoax

Dan Brown has made a fortune out of fantasy and fiction (and his not-so-great writing), but there is a cottage industry also doing well debunking his book--lawyers making several years' income on lawsuits, reporters earning their keep juggling the perps, experts on this and that appearing on talk shows, and catering businesses, costume designers and make-up artists who also served in the movie, not just Tom Hanks. Think about it. All these people trying to deny Christ. Amazing. I thought I'd make a list of the debunkers, but of course, that's been done. Here's a website sponsored by Hollywood Jesus. You can sign up for a prayer ministry, so even if you can't make money off the book or film or supporting industries, you can improve your spiritual life, because that's what prayer does:

"Praying about The Da Vinci Code is less about the book’s brouhaha and the film’s frenzy, and more about those doing the praying. It’s about us. Through prayer, we gain wisdom, grace, strength and insight. We can understand the history of our religious tradition and the mystery of our faith. We can learn the right things to say to others, and the joy of hearing what others have to say to us. By signing up, you will receive a daily prayer via email. If you commit to pray, then you are inviting God to do miracles in your own heart and life." Prayer coordinator

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