Monday, March 31, 2008

Don't judge Obama by his pastor!

Conservative media are having a blast rerunning video of Jeremiah Wright's racist sermons and repeating the story that Barack Obama should have done something about his pastor. There may be 50 reasons to not vote for Obama, but his pastor isn't one of them. People who say this don't understand the structure of Protestant churches. First of all, if you criticise the pastor, the assistant pastor, the Sunday School staff, the organist, or even the janitor, you will be told nicely, and with love, that there are other churches (probably 5,000 denominations) which can meet your needs and perhaps it's time for you to go look at the alternatives. Second, for millions of Christians, their church is their home base, their family in a society where the nearest relative might be 500miles away, or friends live on the other side of the city, 45 minutes away. Third, many Christians are "Chreasters"--they attend only on the big holidays, and sermons at Christmas and Easter are usually standard fare. Where would they go where they would agree with everything? Especially Obama. He was not a Christian before meeting Rev. Wright. He was raised in the home of his white secular grandparents. How would he know what he might hear elsewhere in another black church after he'd given up a mentor and his church family?

If people have asked why Chelsea Clinton didn't stop her mother from lying about Bosnian snipers, I haven't seen it discussed. But the dynamics are similar. She loves her mother and respects her, warts and all. They've been through a lot together. Where is she going to find another family who will give her the visibility and power few women her age have? She knows her mother was lying about having war experience; she knows her father is a philandering liar. Where is she going to get another family if she turns her back on them because of their lies?


Anonymous said...

Come on, Norma. Obama described his pastor as his mentor. If he was truly offended by the racist drivel spewed forth by Wright, he would have found another church. The sad fact is, he didn't criticize the guy until Wright's quotes hit the Internet.
Regarding Chelsea and Bosnia, both Hilary and Bill seem to have problems telling the truth, so it is really nothing new. The Democrats are imploding.

Anvilcloud said...

You make sense.

WDL said...

Since when do kids tell their parents what to do Norma?

Of all the people in the world, I thought you'd stand behind that!

Proverbs 5:7 Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.

Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

I don't normally quote that sort of thing, but if anyone could or would appreciate it, it would be you!

Hope you are well!! And not getting flooded! :)

xo, WDL

Norma said...

To WDL and ANON: Exactly my point. Mentor or parent, you are reluctant to criticise because for fear of the withdrawal of affection.

WDL--had no idea you were such a Bible scholar, but that commandment is the only one with a promise. But honoring a parent may indeed be breaking the bad news to her that she is a pathological liar not fit to be the leader of the nation or senator of of NY.

WDL said...

that is a totally different spin on that commandment. but i have to admit, i actually agree with you on that point! though i'd cringe if i ever had to break news like that to my Mom!

poor old chelsea!