Saturday, September 20, 2008

Remembering the Depression

I don't and most likely neither do you, and it looks like our Administration and the two presidential candidates haven't even read a magazine article about it, let alone a history textbook or taken an economics class. Couldn't they have at least listened to their parents tell stories of the "bad old days?"

I think the older McCains were out of the country, and Obama's father and his parents were in Africa in those years, so unless his Hawaiian grandparents mentioned it to him, he probably knows nothing either. Obama's confused about money anyway and where it comes from (Biden's son was a lobbiest, Fannie, Freddie, and Hollywood have funded his campaign with bazillions and still he poor mouths about a bad economy, etc., and he never had two nickles until the Bush years, but he's had a brain freeze), so we'll give him a pass.

But I do remember this, from what my parents told me. Dad and Mom were never unemployed and they owned their own home (maybe two different ones, but I don't remember when they bought the house from my early childhood). Their college closed after a bad fire and there was no money to rebuild. There must have been scholarship money, because that's how Dad went to college. However, a college education meant nothing then; they worked in a printing plant, took in roomers, and Mom worked as a housekeeper for awhile. My maternal grandparents lost most of their wealth in the 1920s equivalent of the tech bust of the 1990s--they had over speculated in farm land during WWI. After the war ended, no one needed all those commodities and the bottom dropped out for the American farmer long before it did for Wall Street investors. Also, my grandfather was just a careless manager. Even in bad times, personal skill matters. But they still hung on to three farms through hard work.

But things didn't really go south until Franklin Roosevelt took over. The U.S. could have been spared a lot of pain and loss if the government--all of them--had acted more responsibly and infused less socialism. If you think things are a mess now, just wait until Obama tries to equalize everything.

I've been listening to the media and the Democrats hammering "this economy" since the run up to the 2004 election, so to paraphrase what I heard on a CNN special today from a reporter who belatedly has realized that just maybe her job is on the line too if the media continues to dig this hole deeper--let's all just breathe.


Anonymous said...

Yeah.. except the experience of a large number of people was different from your grandparent's and parent's experiences. Think "anecdotal evidence" and the weaknesses of that kind of evidence, and you'll get the point.

How did things go south under FDR? I'm not even sure what you mean, so perhaps some sort of factual information would be nice.

Norma said...

Try Thomas Sowell--he will be good for your soul and he'll free you from all this liberal nonsense you learned in school.

"Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says that what he admired about Franklin Roosevelt was his willingness to experiment in order to help the economy. That experimentation helped prolong the Great Depression, since people tend to hang onto their money when the government creates uncertainty by constantly changing the rules." Thomas Sowell commenting that after liberal Democrats, country club Republicans were the next most dangerous to have in charge.

Norma said...

When my parents married in 1934, the unemployment rate was hovering at 22% (FDR), up from 8.9 in 1930 when they were in college (Hoover). Obviously, if you are unemployed, it is 100% for you, but more people were working than not working. That's not anecdotal. It was a terrible time, people struggled, but they survived.

Anonymous said...

LOL.. absolutely unbelievable. 1930, then we jump to 1934. Kinda missing a few years in between aren't ya?

The employment rate in 1932 (Hoover) and 1933 (Hover - you can't blame that first year on FDR)were 23.6% and 24.9% respectively.

Talk about cherry-picking your facts.

The fact is, the economy finally started booming when the feds engaged in deficit spending to pay for the war.

Which brings up an interesting point. Keynes advocated deficit spending to bring the country out of the depression. FDR refused, and continued to balance the budget or run very small deficits. In fact, he cut spending in 1937... when another recession hits.

The first country reported to shake the depression was Sweden. Who did so by engaging in deficit spending.

Anonymous said...

you give FDR a lot of crap. You haven't read your history and yes,maybe you do cherry pick your facts.We owe FDR a lot. I had two uncles whos family would have gone hungry if it hadn't been for of his work programs, I LISTENED when my parents talked about the bread lines,etc. and FDR was much respected by my grandparents and my parents.. My Dad simply stated the'Hoover made me a Democrat for life!He had some good reasons.

Norma said...

Anon 12:33; 1929 to 1941--that's a long time by 2 presidents to try to work out of a Depression. Obviously, FDR's plans and meddling didn't work. You're already complaining and unemployment is 6%. What will you be doing at 8% or 22%?

Anonymous said...

Ummm.... no one in this thread is complaining about the current economy. We're talking about your blinkered view of FDR. So that last statement really comes in out of.. well, right field.

Maybe you've gone into mind reading.

And since things were improving, slowly, yes the meddling did work. FDRs problem was he didn't meddle enough or pump enough money into the economy. A criticism that Keynes voiced. When the government really got invovled in the economy large scale, guess what - the economy took off.

Norma said...

Sorry. Pull up some stats from the 30s. His meddling just sunk the US economy deeper and deeper. You're right about the war. When all the men went off to war, including my 30 year old father, unemployment plummeted. He woke up late, but did the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Good thing Palin didn't make the mistake of saying FDR went on TV in 1929 to address the nation. Someone would be sure to say it was because of her inexperience and because she graduated from a no-name college. Or because she didn't have an abortion. But good ol Joe, ya gotta love him.