Sunday, September 21, 2008

Same old Ellen

I thought for once I might agree with Ellen Goodman when the headline read, "Women need to get over Palinitis." Nope. It really sticks in her craw. She used the entire column to quote all the haters and fear mongers, and then adds her own snarky, snippity, cynical, trash-talking cant to insult and demean not only Palin, but those Republicans and Hillary supporters who plan to vote for her. How does this help her candidate? If you were even considering Obama, but liked the idea of a woman that close to power who didn't get there on daddy's money or hubby's coattails, are you really going to appreciate being insulted by some snooty, back biting, feminasti columnist? Is that how Democrats expand their base? By being base?


Anonymous said...

LOL.. I'm sorry, I truly am, but I wasn't aware that being "snarky, snippity, cynical, etc..." was honestly a problem for you. Maybe only when it comes from the Left?

There's something out there about glass houses....

Anonymous said...

Oh, and along with, "who didn't get there on daddy's money or hubby's coattails.." can we add, "or divorcing your disfigured, partially disabled, wife so that you can marry an heiress..."?

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the other two comments here by "anonymous" posters. I stumbled onto this blog by accident and am really disappointed to find such a narrow minded bunch of garbage written by a woman that I might otherwise have viewed as quite well-spoken and intelligent.

Norma said...

Sounds like all 3 comments were written by the same hit and run reader.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I wrote the top two... the third one was not mine. But that shouldn't be a surprise since they were only 3 minutes apart.

But hey, it's your blog, you don't have to allow anonymous postings, so if you don't like "hit and run" comments, don't allow them.

Anonymous said...

I read that piece too.and agree with "glass house" writer.