Thursday, July 09, 2009

I'm shocked! Shocked!

Not only is it slow, paltry and ineffective, it's being doled out on the reward system. USAToday reports today: "Billions of dollars in federal aid delivered directly to the local level to help revive the economy have gone overwhelmingly to places that supported President Obama in last year's presidential election.

That aid — about $17 billion — is the first piece of the administration's massive stimulus package that can be tracked locally. Much of it has followed a well-worn path to places that regularly collect a bigger share of federal grants and contracts, guided by formulas that have been in place for decades and leave little room for manipulation."

So does this mean that Democratic districts are in worse shape because they've relied on government hand outs for so long?



Anonymous said...


Did you read the last sentence?

"From 2005 through 2007, the counties that later voted for Obama collected about 50% more government aid than those that supported McCain."

And this was when republicans ran everything!

Some reward system. Did you ever think that maybe urban areas that tend to vote democratic might have larger populations than the rural conservative areas?

Not only that but the bulk of the stimulus hasn't even gone out yet:

"The imbalance is so pronounced — and the aid so far from complete — that it would be almost inconceivable for it to be the result of political tinkering, says Adam Hughes, the director of federal fiscal policy for the non-profit OMB Watch. "Even if they wanted to, I don't think the administration has enough people in place yet to actually do that," he says."

You people have no shame.

Norma said...

Yeah, such a shame that you can't even read the history of the 1930s and see how long FDR dragged out the Depression with the same programs. Enjoy! He's your man. You voted for it.