Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Retiring minds

Twice this week I made a mistake with my maturing CD. On Monday I went in to the bank to retrieve it. Wrong day. One day too soon and I hadn't read the small (or even medium) print. So yesterday I parked between Huffman's (grocery) and the bank, intending to shop, then retrieve the CD. Forgot. Here's an item from my 2005 blog about Sally Kriska's teaching at Lakeside.
    One of the tips that Sally passed along was the 10-24-7 tip. She said that in order to incorporate something into the long term memory, review it 10 minutes after hearing/reading it, then review in 24 hours, and then a week later. Then it is much more likely to make it to the long term memory, because most things drop out of our memory very quickly."
Today I'm doing Fran's mail run and she'll do mine next week. I tell myself every day, "don't forget the Wednesday mail run." But retiring minds are forgetful. Now, what was I saying?


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Why is it you can't forget the things you want to forget no matter how old you get?

Norma said...

Do you have someone in mind?

Anonymous said...

our village post office closes at 10:30 A.M. for an hour as a way to cut has been this way for several years now. ..but can we remember that in this house...if I had a nickel, as they say for every time I have charged from the house for the post office only to climb the stairs and open the heavy old doors to find the window closed.How many more years will it take to imprint of this increasingly febble mind???

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Well, maybe.... I forgot!