Friday, October 09, 2009

Leftist attacks on Glenn Beck, go after his advertisers

Isn’t it strange--every conservative and libertarian who disagrees with Obama's economic policies is being called a racist, but when Glenn Beck calls Obama out on much more evidence--his personal behavior--it’s a crime against humanity worthy of destroying the man. When SNL mildly poked fun at Obama, his supporters scaffolding in the media went crazy! Look. Bush withstood 8 years of pounding by the DNC, European heads of state, South American dictators, late night talk show hosts, the hyper-hysterical left wing press in the United States, Puffington Post, the Dixie Chicks and the View. He was called Hitler, Stalin, a Rove-puppet, a Cheney-puppet, and the Devil incarnate. But Obama has to be constantly propped up and coddled by these same people who are delighted that he was selected for the Nobel peace prize after 11 days in office for nothing except promoting the Euro-socialist view of the USA.

Here's an interesting take Is this news or a comedy tour :
    "When news organizations consistently slant their coverage and ignore major stories because they don’t fit their template or further their agenda it’s time to re-evaluate what they are. They portray themselves as objective yet everyone can see they’re partisan publicists for a particular party and a particular radical left-wing of that party. Study after study shows the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media are perceived by the public as advocates whose left-wing agenda is self-serving and deceptive. Instead of the fourth branch of government, honest brokers working to keep the public informed they’ve degenerated into craven corporate cheerleaders for Progressivism.

    Then there’s Glenn Beck. If you’re missing Glenn Beck’s daily television program you’re missing some of the most honest, hard-hitting television journalism ever produced. Despite a leftwing inspired boycott his daily ratings for the time-slot are through the roof. He’s so honest and forthright he’s become the bell-weather for journalistic freedom. Glenn is doing the heavy-lifting when it comes to exposing the corruption that’s destroying the tap-root of American democracy…..As long Glenn is still on the air we know freedom of speech still exists in America."
Note: that should be bell-wether, one who leads.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
I watch Glenn Beck every day. If it wasn't for his show I wouldn't have a clue to half of the deception and corruption that going on in our country and government. You notice that the only time the mainstream media or our own government ever used the word corruption is when they're referring to another government. Our government is as corrupt as it gets!Since Obama has been President the word has disappeared completely. It's kinda like the illegals falling into our politician's blind spot.

Tpaine2009 said...

Glenn Beck: Out of rocks to throw; questions to ask, and he doesn’t have any answers!

First of all, I am a huge, HUGE, fan of Glenn Beck. I admire his courage in exposing the anti-American radicals in the Obama administration. I admire his willingness to stand up to the liberal media, also known as the “newsertainment” industry, and present the corrupt issues affecting ACORN when the rest of the media was willing to ignore it.

This may be a bad analogy but I think of his attack on Van Jones and ACORN as someone throwing rocks at a chess opponent’s setup. He knocked off several pawns, but never touched the row of major pieces. And now, he has no more rocks to throw and even if he did, they would fly as nothing more than partisan political objects because the major pieces are immune from prosecutable criminal activity. Glenn made his outstanding pitch and unfortunately left his opponent, the corrupt Obama administration, standing. There will be a political, and perhaps even a personal counterattack coming. When you throw rocks never, never leave your opponent standing. Glenn needs the cover and support only a new National political party can give him; where is it?

“Reasonable questions for unreasonable times” is Glenn’s theme for his TV show. Sorry to say these reasonable questions aren’t there. Oh sure, his questions about Van Jones, ACORN and others did some good, temporary good, but what about hard-hitting, material questions about anything! The “stand up and follow me” opening to his show is fast becoming trite and boring. The questions on the “chalkboard” I’m sorry to say are a joke. They’re repetitious, almost childish, and seem to be phrased to call for answers that are way too general for the times or even so subjective as to be irrelevant.

OK, so I’ve just thrown some rocks at Glenn, but I did out of respect for his courage to fight the good fight when no one else in the “newsertainment” industry has the nerve. It’s easy to say Glenn has no questions about critical issues, but in his defense he is an entertainer first and foremost and he must follow the program guidelines his producer(s) dictates – it’s done for ratings.

So, I’m going to make a couple of suggestions for questions that are really non-partisan, work well on a “chalkboard” and will incite his audience to take political action, namely going after Congress. Forget President Obama, he still thinks he can walk on water and is above public opinion – we’ll see in 2012.

First, a reasonable question is: “Do Americans need three credit reporting agencies in order to account for their credit histories?” In today’s digital world, no way; Americans should be able to choose a credit reporting agency – just one – no need for inaccurate “tri-merged” credit reports. Glenn, there’s a question for your chalkboard that should open up a huge discussion. Second, This will require a little research for your production staff and I’m not even sure the truth is available. “What caused the credit crunch and collapse of the credit markets last September? Was it a “sub-prime” default problem or was it a problem in the “AAA” rated “Alt-A” CDO’s that created the collapse? If it was sub-prime; that could be blamed on average Americans. If it was in the “Alt-A” CDO market – that was 100% on Wall Street. Those are more than “reasonable questions etc” – got the nerve to ask them?

Finally, of course Glenn doesn’t have any answers – it’s not his job!

To find answers, you first have to raise questions, real questions about real issues, not some transient issue like Van Jones, or ACORN. Glenn’s job, probably a “24-hour” a day job doesn’t leave him any time to search out issues, evaluate them, pose questions and then, and only then, formulate an answer. It’s impossible for one man It’s up to us to point out corruption, greed and socialist, anti-American behavior. Then he can do his job.

God bless Glenn Beck for his work, and God bless the Unites States of America, especially the people.

Marfis said...

I am continually amazed at how differently each political "side" views the other. That's why I come here . . . to what seems to me the dark side of the moon. I keep hoping that something you say will strike a reasonable chord with me . . . that I will find some common ground. The behavior of which you accuse "the left" seems to me to be exactly what "the conservative right wing" does.
How can there be dialog when the eyewitnesses aren't even seeing the same events?

Norma said...

Marfis, You continue to watch the infotainment news. That's why you think the other side(s) are the dark side. But you and I agree here that eye witnesses see different events, themes and ideas. As a former democrat, humanist, and translator of 1960s Soviet material, I have a filter and admit it. Lots of people don't know their own filters.

Norma said...

Tpaine: you raise some interesting issues. I appreciate your insights. When Beck replaced Dr. Laura here in 2001 I couldn't stand him and wrote the station (a.m. radio). He was so silly. However, I remember listening one day when he got serious, and it was the best explanation I'd ever heard about the Israel/Palestine situation. Since I was only an occasional listener then, don't know if this was a turning point, or if you just had to wait for some diamond to appear occasionally.

Oh, and I love the chalk board. Power point leaves me cold and always has.

Marfis said...

I don't watch television news at all, so that can't be it.
On the other hand, I have seen videos of Glenn Beck and he just strikes me as an overemotional creepy man.
Don't forget for a moment that he's getting paid to rouse the rabble. If he were not, he'd just be some guy screaming on a street corner.

This piece is interesting for its explanation of his philosophy:

Anonymous said...

now there's a completely unbiased source, the LA times

Marfis said...

Whether or not the LA Times is unbiased, it is one of many many news outlets. It is a good idea to consider everything that's out there, all points of view.

If what the article says is true, it's true. Maybe it's shaded, biased, partially untrue. Seems like everything is, after all.

Unknown said...

Beck's the only one saving us from this ridiculous "New America." Here's the leading video in Glenn Beck's national video contest for his Arguing with Idiots book. It makes fun of the progressive view of "New America" and promotes the ideals of the 9.12 project: