Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rotten sausage is being made in Congress

This is a really excellent summary of the mess in Congress prepared by the Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA). Includes

2010 Energy and Water appropriations bill, H.R. 3183

2010 Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill, H.R. 2847

McConnell and Boehner joint press conference on the biggest tax increase ever (health care)

Henry Reid's closed door meetings

Republicans prepare for floor debate

"Making a new law that takes away individual freedom, choice and even property through mandatory taxes is anathema. The intended final sausage - the health care bill - is already rotting. It stinks not only in the halls of Congress and Washington, D.C., but the stench has reached the heartland of America."


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
I woke up this morning to that foul odor again this morning. I guess the special interest groups have increased our legislator's tolerance for stink. The is a rumor that clothespin sales are setting records in DC. The only way to fumigate is to break up the two party system.

Anonymous said...

Being a pizza fan, it may never taste the same after this.