Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The one year anniversary assessment

A year in review. A total success, I'd say. Obama's plan to take over every aspect of our personal lives and to destroy our economy has been wildly successful, beyond what anyone in 2008 could have imagined with just the platitudes of "hope and change." Sure, he's had a few minor set backs, but those were from within his own party--Republicans have offered no road blocks at all. The falling poll numbers can all be blamed on Bush. All backward steps in the forward, goose stepping march to utopia can be blamed on someone else.
  1. The only job growth has been in the government sector
  2. his signature program, health care, is about to be realized even though 83% of Americans had health insurance and only 94% will under his plan to raise taxes, destroy small business, and ration care.
  3. he redefined terrorism, which allowed him to be very concerned about the death of an abortion doctor, but keep a lengthy silence on the deaths at Ft. Hood
  4. under his plan, he will try Gitmo terrorists in NYC, giving them all rights as well as the best in pro-bono, anti-American lawyers
  5. and he will move the rest to Illinois where he has no plan at all, except to create another Gitmo in the midwest
  6. he has further divided the country along racial lines after decades of improving race relations
  7. he has staffed his administration with Communists, AKA progressives, socialists, New Party, marxists, Alinskyites, etc.
  8. his closest advisers and wannabee appointments have violated numerous federal laws
  9. Jennifer Granholm, Michigan's governor, the state with the highest unemployment and "let's tax the rich" to get them to leave the state, is one of his economic advisers
  10. he brought the worst of Chicago mob politics to Washington
  11. he dawdled for 90 days on a plan for the war he said was the good one during his campaign
  12. he has selectively targeted news sources and industries to personally attack
  13. he continues to lie to the nation about transparency and ethics in his government
  14. he accepts a prize that made the country the butt of jokes
  15. despite the clear warning signs from both the weather and numerous scientists he will pursue the Cap and Trade scheme to further increase taxes and destroy businesses
  16. he began his plan to remove religion from the public square and influence at Georgetown
  17. he has two mouths when it comes to money talk--one speaks only in trillions for the government, the other cautions us about fat cat CEOs

and other accomplishments almost too many and too small to record


Daniel Jack Williamson said...

And those fat cat CEO's that are so objectionable are ones that wouldn't be such fat cats now, if our government hadn't bailed anybody out. Hypocritically, Obama's an enabler of the fat cat CEO's. They still occupy their positions of power because of artificial market intervention by the government to prevent the most politically-well connected companies from failures that they fully deserved.

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT list!! Thanks for sharing this with me!

Have a great Thursday!
