Saturday, September 18, 2010

People understand the Tea Party candidates

Dan Green writes in response to Peggy Noonan: "When you see tea Party folks on the tube, or see them interviewed, I see a next door neighbor. I see someone who pays their share of taxes, struggles but pays their mortgage, I see folks who helped their kids through college. When I see or listen to numerous economists, and elected legislators, I sense babble."

Now maybe that's not a political philosphy to satisfy 8 term congressmen of both parties or rich union leaders, or Karl Rove, or mainline Protestant misleaders and passive pastors, but it works for a lot of us.

Peggy whined her way through most of George W. Bush's 2nd term, and she's not quite on board with most conservatives. . . yet. But she's moving. She's moving.


Anonymous said...

Both Republicans and Democrats are afraid of anyone challenging their power. TEA is definiately a grass roots movement, and government lives in a buble that could be burst.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
I belong to a local Tea Party and attend their gatherings. I also was part of the 2009 9/12 March. You are right Anon when you say they are definitely a "grass roots" movement.