Tuesday, September 20, 2011

David Brooks is waking up, but he's still a sap

No one pays me big bucks to be in the "rich" class like Mr. David Brooks, NYT columnist, but somehow, with only a few courses in Soviet history in college plus 40 years as a Democrat, and I had Obama all figured out in 2008. When he said he intended to redistribute the wealth, I believed him. One of the few truthful things he has said in the last 5 years.
He [Obama] claimed we can afford future Medicare costs if we raise taxes on the rich. He repeated the old half-truth about millionaires not paying as much in taxes as their secretaries. (In reality, the top 10 percent of earners pay nearly 70 percent of all income taxes, according to the I.R.S. People in the richest 1 percent pay 31 percent of their income to the federal government while the average worker pays less than 14 percent, according to the Congressional Budget Office.)
Obama Rejects Obamaism - NYTimes.com

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