Sunday, September 18, 2011

Andrew Breitbart and the DMC

The Democrat Media Complex (DMC) is what Andrew Brietbart calls the unholy coalition of the Democratic Party, the Old Media (press, TV, Hollywood/pop culture) and increasingly the New Media (, Huffington Post, Daily Koz, blogs, social networking, etc.). He was an unthinking Democrat until the Clarence Thomas Anita Hill hearings, and although he didn't change his politics, that when first realized that the Democrats controlled the media and the message. So how did a country with guaranteed freedom of speech and respect for western civilization come to be one where any speech that doesn't toe the party line is suspect and people in power are anti-capitalist?

There are a variety of theories about how we got to the anti-western cultural wasteland of today which welcomes Marxist/progressive thought in almost all areas of our life, including churches. Glenn Beck goes back to Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Andrew Breitbart in "Righteous Indignation" traces it to the Frankfort School of Marxists which fled to the U.S. in the 1930s to escape Hitler. . . and to his own California, land of warmth, beauty and fun.

One of these kill-joys of the Frankfurt School was Herbert Marcuse, who was welcomed into FDR's administration even though he was an avowed Marxist. He worked in the OSS (pre-CIA) and State Department and later went on to teach at university, and wrote "Eros and Civilization," much beloved on college campuses. Or as Breitbart says, he promoted a society of perversity and having sex every possible way--and what college kid couldn't appreciate that? He is the father of both "sex sells," and "political correctness," says Breitbart, which was originally called "repressive tolerance," or suppressing the common values and promoting the formerly outlawed or repressed ideas.

"And so Marxism came stealthily to our shores, squatted here, planted its roots, and grew like a weed--all before we even noticed it. It happened at the university level and at the governmental level and at the media level." This was necessary in Marcuse's thinking because the various Marxist led anti-colonial and worker riots weren't going to work in America, and it needed to be torn apart from the inside by destroying capitalism and creating victim groups with "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and the constant refrain that Western civilization and particularly the U.S. was exploitive.

"Marx and Hegel had paved the way for the Progressives, who in turn had paved the way for the Frankfort School, who had then attacked the American way of life by pushing "cultural Marxism" through "critical theorgy."

All this says Breitbart includes the rationale for radical environmentalism, artistic communism, psychological deconstruction of their opponents, and multiculturalism and repressive tolerance, aka political correctness.

"If Marcuse was the Jesus of the New Left, then Saul Alinsky was his Saint Paul. . ."

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