Thursday, September 29, 2011

Newt 'n me

I was a big fan of Newt before I was ever a Republican--I liked his American history tapes. Not anymore.

The Tea Party over on Facebook asked in an opinion poll:Aside from who you favor for president, who do you think has the most knowledge, experience and history...
And then Newt was the runaway choice, because yes, he does have knowledge, experience and history. A history as a philandering womanizer, and sorry bubba, we've been that route in the 90s. Now I know that will eliminate a lot of candidates, but if your wife can't trust you, why should I? Why should the British or the Turks?

And when these politicians drag the Roman Catholic church through this annulment muck, I loose respect for everyone involved, including Callista, 23 years his junior, a former staffer with whom he had an affair while married, and Newt's current wife. They were both adults, they knew what they were doing, so let them be grown up about it and live with the results. Just don't ask me to participate.

1 comment:

Dan Nieman said...
