Thursday, September 15, 2011

Breitbart is everywhere! Book, Old media TV and New Media

I'm really enjoying Andrew Breitbart's book Righteous Indignation, but it's slow going because of all the perfect one-liners I want to slap on my liberal friends' bumpers! He was the classic Gen-x slacker who slept, drank and gambled his way through Tulane for an "American Studies" degree (barely a 2 point). Even though he's the generation of my children, I see so many similarities of my thinking in the 80s and 90s when I was a Democrat waking up, and his.

The Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings were his first break out of the plantation experience--and he saw the media coalition with the Democrats for the first time. I saw the "lynching" but didn't connect the dots and get the media connection. I did see Democrats in a new light after that, however.

Big Peace, Big Government, Big Hollywood,, Big Journalism--all are web sites that are part of the “New Media” and created by Andrew Breitbart, author of RIGHTeous IndigNATION. The Old Media, he says, don't hate Rush Limbaugh because he’s a conservative, but because he launched an underground army with talk-radio that mobilized the conservatives.

And then the New Media came on the scene with bloggers (even little ones like me), aggregators (Drudge) and Fox News, then Twitter, YouTube and probably even viral e-mail--all using the internet destroying the monopoly. In his book he tells how “media is everything and how the left has been able to maintain and control the cultural narrative, and that includes the news, Hollywood, and academia.” To be interviewed on TV, Brietbart says, “It would be easier for me to say, "Hi I'm from Al-Qaeda, and I want to tell you why I'm at war with western civilization."

He's definitely attacking the media coalition with the Democrats in this book, and says that the fact that Obama (a candidate they created and groomed) is black was a huge plus because any criticism can be labeled racism.

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