Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why do American Progressives side with dictators?

Glenn Beck asked a simple question on his show this evening. "Why are the progressives in academe always on the side of the dictators--Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Che, Castro, and now the jihadists?" Then he gave chilling examples with text and photos of Harvard and Columbia in the 1930s with Hitler's staff who were invited to their campuses, speaking before the students, welcomed by the deans and presidents; Howard University and the anti-Jewish black Muslims in the 90s inviting the students to scream JEW in answer to questions posed by the speaker; and the radical, fundamentalist Muslims of today, like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, invited to many of our more prestigious campuses.

Just a few Iranian ex-pats turned up today, very brave, to protest at Columbia the visit of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Columbia students were disinvited to a dinner in his honor at the last minute). Glenn pointed out something I hadn't thought of: the American media aren't just weak, liberal, water carriers for Obama--they're afraid for their lives.

Since we can't keep him and his tour of terror out of the U.S. when he rattles cages at the United Nations, we need to get the U.N. out of the U.S.

1 comment:

Norma said...

If you check Google, the lefty bloggers and journalists go crazy ridiculing Glenn Beck for what he says about Nazis--their posts are so similar it sounds like someone gave them a script. They can't really call him wrong, because all you have to do is check a news magazine from the 1930s and you see that America's campuses and snooty literati were loaded with 1) Nazi sympathizers, and 2) Communist apologists.

Harvard's president really was a bigot and an anti-semite, at least before WWII, and even after WWII a black student was rejected for medical school because being the only one, he'd have no one to room with!