Thursday, January 03, 2019

January resolutions

Image may contain: text that says 'I'm glad | learned about parallelograms instead of how to do taxes. It's really come in handy this parallelogram season' 

1)  While watching the evening news, I resolve to do one page of 6th grade math a day.  So far, I’ve done 2 pages and have an A+ average. I need to review what is a numerator and denominator—must have covered that in an earlier grade.*

2)  And on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Lifetime Fitness I’ll do 2 sets of 15 instead of 2 sets of 10. So far, since yesterday was Wednesday I up to date on this one.

3)  A third resolution was to clean out one drawer a day, but when I started, the first 2 things I removed was my mother’s address book which required great study and a blog, and the second was a letter from my brother in September 2016, and after I came out of my faint, I was too weak to continue.  I may have to change that one a month.

4) The fourth resolution for January has already been scratched—play my trombone daily.  What was I thinking?


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