Sunday, July 21, 2019

Of garage door and paint brushes, bursitis and AC

We’re in Columbus with a long to-do list.  I dug around in my files and got out my physical therapy charts for bursitis exercises from 2014. Managing all the stairs in the house is tricky—but I did find my folding  cane.

The van needs an oil change and a good cleaning of the seal around the rims because the tires are leaking. So I’ll need to make an appointment during my exercise routine.  At 5:30 a.m. I went out to buy milk and orange juice and noticed the roads were being blocked, and then Giant Eagle didn’t open until 6 a.m. so I went to Get Go and got what I needed, and while returning home (in the dark) found still more blocked streets.

When we tried to leave for church we discovered the roads were blocked because of a bicycle race and it was almost impossible to go west, but finally found an area with police directing traffic, but for probably the second time in our lives, we were late to church. I sat in the last row thinking I wouldn’t have to walk (limp) to our usual pew, but was fooled again since it was communion Sunday and I had to walk all the way to the front anyway.  I skipped kneeling—figured I’d never get back up!
Leaving for our SALT group meeting at noon (lunch and Bible study) we discovered that the garage door wouldn’t go down.  This had happened a few weeks ago and our son-in-law fixed it, but he’s at the lake.  Bob called, and he told him what to do.

Our furnace was to be repaired this week, but there were 3 messages on the answering machine that the price for the part had gone up and did we still want to do it?  Of course, you can’t reach them on the week-end. Meanwhile, we can only run the AC either full blast or off, so it’s on until it gets cold and we shut it all down.

But huge tragedy—Bob seems to have left several of his favorite watercolor brushes at the Rhein Center where he was teaching on Thursday, and didn’t notice it until we got to Columbus.  He’s had those brushes over 50 years, they are top quality and would cost a fortune to replace.  We’re hoping they didn’t get mixed into the general supply of brushes purchased at Wal-Mart for the kids’ classes.
One thing worked out.  I had 3 empty honey jars, and on our way home from SALT, we stopped buy Steve’s home, turned in the jars and got 2 jars of honey.

And our daughter just called and said the 20” stove we had sitting on the porch at Lakeside has been sold.  I had a sign tacked to the telephone pole, a man saw the stove, knocked on the door and asked jokingly if this was the Thompson cottage (people we bought from in 1988).  Frank Thompson was a well known figure in Lakeside and taught generations of children how to swim—including the buyer. He’s going to move it in his golf cart.

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