Tuesday, January 18, 2005

739 After dinner games and old TV shows

A few months ago we went out for dinner with Ned and Rosalee and then went to their house to play Boggle. It is a word game with a 3 minute timer. The words need to be at least 3 letters. Three minutes, three letters--sounds about like my attention span, so I went out an bought one for our house. My husband mentors a 4th grader in an urban school and has taken the game with him a few times.

So tonight we played Boggle after supper. We played 5 or 6 sets and I won. We had to get out the dictionary and even though we made up some words, when we checked, they really were words, like "thew." (He made that one up--I didn't think it was a word, but it was.) When I came up with "nosh" he thought I made it up. I told him it was like being at a party and hanging around the snacks eating all night, but having always been thin, he didn't believe me. So we had to look that one up too.

If the players pick out the same words, those are dropped from the score. But I won 68 to 18. I don't think you have to be particularly good with words since most of these are 3, 4 or 5 letter words, but you do have to think upside down, backwards and at an angle.

Also, for the exciting life of a retiree, this week I bought a Dick Van Dyke DVD from 1962--6 episodes for $2.00. I didn't remember any of these, and thoroughly enjoyed it. That was really a well written, beautifully acted show. Since I never watched TV much until I was married (my parents didn't own one), this series is one of the earliest I remember. My father-in-law worked for RCA, so my husband grew up with TV and remembers even the test patterns.


Anvilcloud said...

Phew! Hard time getting to comments today. I suspect because my dialup connection is so slow here. Also your comment interface has changed. I wonder if everybody's has?

Just wanted to say that my mother-in-law and I would play Boggle every now and again many, many moons ago. I would usually win until she ruled that three-letter words didn't count. Then she took over. I still can't forgive her for the time that she wouldn't give me credit fot "toke." It wasn't in her lexicon or our dictionary at that time.

The things we remember -- at least when jogged.

Norma said...

You're right. Blogger is very slow today, but I don't see much difference in the interface. I unloaded the dishwasher, put away the Christmas dishes, watered the flowers, and ate some sunflower seeds while waiting. Obviously, I'm not using a modem.

Anvilcloud said...

What are you using if not a modem: carrier pigeon? Do you mean you're on a network. But you're doing all of this from home, no? So, even your network would have a modem of some kind? Me dazed and confused, so don't get your back up. But do backup your files.

I only got that funny login interface once -- third try on your blog.

Norma said...

Mr. Cloud. You are so right. I should have said I don't use a dial-up modem, because even my cable connection uses a modem. Ah, I see why your name is Anvil Cloud. And today my comment window looks as strange as yours. Are you passing something around?