Monday, June 06, 2005

1101 Self Control

Occasionally something during the sermon strikes home--and it may not at all be what the pastor intended. Our pastors were finishing up a sermon series on Fruits of the Spirit, and Self-Control was the final topic (10 services, various pastors). Sylvia and I attended the 8:30 at Lytham (Pastor Jeff) and the 10:00 at Mill Run (Pastor Dave), and although technically we are one church, the sermons and locations of the buildings were miles apart. Jeff commented almost in passing that when he asks parishoners what areas of their lives are out of control they usually respond either eating or finances.

The Christian church is not growing in Europe or the United States (which makes one wonder about the hysteria on the left about evangelicalism). Christians are suffering from the same secular and cultural problems like gambling, habit and substance addictions and divorce as any other group. However, the church is growing by leaps and bounds in South America, Africa and China. The faith grows amongst the poorest of the poor in part because Christianity often elevates the level of living where ever it sprouts, especially if it is persecuted (which may be why we should thank the hot-headed lefties in this country). But I can't imagine anyone in a thriving third world church saying that eating too much or spending too much was the primary concern of their Christian witness. In fact, I can't imagine that young American Christians like my parents in the 1930s would have even thought that.

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