Sunday, August 21, 2005

1388 Sailing with women

Tom Purcell has a funny story about sailing with women. Now, before my husband took a week's sailing lessons (I won them with my prize winning sugar free apple pie), I wouldn't have been able to appreciate this post. But now I know all about the jib and tack, and turtle. Yes, we know all about turtling. Our neighbor (a woman) invited him to go sailing yesterday, but the water was a bit rough, so he declined (with my help). He'd floundered at sea the day before in water like that and the teen-age rescue crew had to go out and get him.

"No matter where you sit on a sailboat piloted by women, you are in the way. Your head is perpetually getting struck by ropes, pulleys and sail rods. If you attempt to do nothing, the women yell at you to pull the damn jib. If you pull the damn jib, they demand you release it. If you release it, they demand you pull it tighter."

Enjoy the story here.

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