Monday, October 24, 2005

1656 Beer and Gambling

Sometimes I get discouraged with Lutheran blogs. I just signed on to a Lutheran blog directory which had a bunch of gambling ads on it. I know sometimes you can't control that depending on what company your blog is registered with, but really, is gambling healthy for anybody? Why are Lutherans pining for the old days of proper liturgy and dress if they are advertising gambling businesses? And they'll have to get back to me--I suppose I could be rejected. Other Lutheran blogs have all that beer stuff and busty women ads. German roots and all that. Smells like something rotting in the barn to me.


Bonita said...

Oh, you could get me going on this, Norma! But suffice it to say that it conveys an example of the missuse of the religious impulse, getting mired in the diseases of the culture. Wouldn't it be great to see how the Amish would relate to such a thing...

Norma said...

I went back and looked at the site again and a different advertiser was showing, a credit card, I think, and it also asked me to sign up for a card, like the gambling site asked if I wanted to gamble, so it apparently is not related to the topic.