Friday, October 28, 2005

1682 Naked Republican Lawyer

Although I was pretty sure I'd written about this when it happened, I can't find it in my blog search. Anyway, Stephen P. Linnen is trying to save his private law practice from the shambles he created when he was sent to prison for 18 months for jumping out from behind buildings and bushes and photographing his surprised victims' stunned expression. He did this naked. He has served some time in the Franklin County Jail, and will do the rest at home. He says, although he may have pinched a few, he didn't assault anyone. The judge didn't want him labeled a sex offender, but I sure don't want him in my neighborhood, Republican or not.

He says it was an addiction--he did it for the jolt. Next time, fella, just go to Starbucks.

November 2003 story


Bonita said...

Where I live, this kind of prank is viewed as a form of sexual assault, and it creates considerable psychic stress for the victim. This guy needs to stop trivializing his fetish for sexual power by victimizing women. He is a predator, pure and simple, and should be monitored with an ankle bracelet.

Norma said...

I think women should point and laugh.

Oyarsa said...


I think you need an e-indictment

(Sorry, I think that link is hilarious...)

Seriously, I say I won't feel sorry for him when he surprises a woman who pulls a gun/knife/mace on him.