Friday, May 09, 2008

Happy Birthday, Minnesota

It must have been a fairly low key celebration--150 years old on May 8, 2008. They're pretty liberal up there and a bit embarrassed. Lars Walker, a Lutheran and writer of Christian fantasy, a genre I've never read, and who writes at the blog for Brandywine Books, wrote this poem reflecting how things have changed in his life time (I'm guessing he's in his mid-50s).

I’m from Minnesota.
Where brave Paul Wellstone took a stand.
We stole it from the Native Americans,
Except for that little pointy chunk at the top,
which we stole from Canuckistan.

He thinks he might have stolen some ideas from James Lileks, and I think I'm not supposed to post the whole literary masterpiece here, but go and look at his stuff--looks like he's a great writer.

Lars says that the only reason they don't all crawl back to Europe (he's Norwegian American) ". . . is because nobody would know what to do with the Hmong and the Somalis." Ohio had its bicentennial in 2003; I don't remember if anyone tried to give it back to the Indians or not. Mainly, I remember the barn paintings.

"Ohio, my own state, "The Buckeye," you know
The only State starting and ending in O.
It's hi in the middle and round on each end;
The State of Ohio I do recommend."
Nellie Dennis Root

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