Wednesday, May 14, 2008

KISS: The rules of supply and demand

Yesterday gasoline jumped twenty five cents between the time my husband filled up in Bucyrus, and when he came back through 3 hours later. Thomas Segal says no blog he's ever written generated more comment than the one he did on the ethanol hoax. His is not a blog I regularly read; someone sent it to me. His follow up to those who say he's clueless is about what we all know
    "We all know there is abundant oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge. We know more oil is in the Dakotas and even Wyoming. We know there are huge deposits of oil off the California and Florida coasts. We know there are tons upon tons of oil shale in the West. We know that thousands of oil wells were capped and are no longer in production. Deep deposits of oil at up to 16,000 feet and natural gas, more than 3 miles underground and off shore await us… and we know the technology exists to bring them to the surface.

    We know that in the past three and one half decades no new oil refineries have been built, nor have the existing ones been modernized due to the restrictive rules and regulations placed upon the industry by governmental agencies.

    While people are forced into making choices between buying gasoline to drive to work, or placing food on the table for their families, a few of our capped wells in California and other locales are being reopened. In California alone, there are currently more than 3,000-capped wells and many have seen only between 20% and 25% of their oil extracted. Some were capped just waiting for new technology and higher prices. Many were capped due to environmental objections. To be completely objective, we must also admit a large number were capped because they had turned into dry hole."
Our bold and brave Democratic Congress stand between us and the gasoline pumps. Tell them to move over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did some basic calculations on the ethanol fuel charade. I will not buy fuel that contains ethanol (as at least 1/4 of the pumps I see now have a sticker that says "Contains up to 10% ethanol").

For the fun math look to: