Saturday, August 30, 2008

Like fraternity hazing

"Mrs. Palin now must clear a daunting hurdle -- first the media, then public opinion. Since the press is unfamiliar with her, she will be treated as a target for aggressive scrutiny. In the past, surprise picks like Mrs. Palin have faltered in the face of a media onslaught and never recovered. Mrs. Ferraro, though more familiar, became an albatross for Mr. Mondale. In 1988, Dan Quayle was quickly turned into a joke for late-night comics."

I've been appalled by the bizarre, crude, rude, ungratious, sexist, hateful remarks about her--not her politics--but her body, her hair (no hair plugs), her choice not to kill her baby, all by the left, that appeared within minutes of the announcement. Of course, I'm reading comments on the internet. They could be the mind of 13 year old boys stuck between the legs of a 60 year old guy. They are really scared. The Obama campaign sneered first, leading the way, then realized how stupid they looked (especially after dissing Hillary), and eventually and belatedly, Obama congratulated her.

The best blog was two photos juxtaposed--Obama wearing a helmet on a bicycle, and Palin on a Harley. Vroom, vroom. Can't wait for the debates.


Anonymous said...

Somebody criticized her for not killing her baby??? I find it hard to believe that even Rush Limbaugh would make a remark like that.

Anonymous said...

My, you are just as hysterical and scared as the rest of the left. A conservative on the ticket for a change. I'm sure you think this remark about killing a disabled baby is funny. As the parent of one, I find it disgusting. Did you think that up all by yourself, or did you have help? Actually, as a regular listener, you know that Rush is wildly enthusiastic about Palin; a bit over the top, IMO, given that we were less than 24 hours into this when I heard him.

Anonymous said...

We never even tested for Down's when my wife was pregnant. It didn't matter.

Your mischaracterizations of the left are appalling. I have yet to see anything anywhere that criticizes Palin for keeping her child.

Sherry said...

Well, my daughter heard her criticized with the words "those kind of babies should not be allowed to live" at a party two days ago by a former volunteer for Planned Parenthood. So it's definitely, sadly going around.

The same person said that she was worried that "stupid Christians" would now be motivated to vote for McCain.

Anonymous said...

All children bring joy, special children bring special unremitting joy.