Saturday, August 30, 2008

We report; you decide

That's what I like about Fox. It drives liberals crazy because if they don't hear their own off-key choir in their own reverb echo chamber, it's bias. However, facial expressions, voice and adjectives go a long way. And today, Fox did show an enthusiastic news corp over McCain's choice. I watched reporters on ABC and Fox discuss Sarah Palin. The ABC news dude first interviewed a Democrat (that is standard--sometimes only Democrats are interviewed), then a Republican whom he literally attacked and interrupted each time he tried to say something positive. By contrast, on Fox a female reporter who had been following the Minnesota governor closely thinking he might be the choice, was interviewed about reactions to the Palin choice. She practically bubbled with enthusiasm while reporting her "absolutely amazing personal story." The ABC guy twice demanded to know how a special needs baby was going to affect her campaigning. Then there's that NYT stalker-feminist (a brunette Ann Coulter) who has already smeared Palin, but Cokie Roberts was interviewed to balance that (on ABC) noting that her appeal wasn't her "female plumbing" as the accuser suggested, but her conservative core beliefs.


ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I only watch Fox News anymore. I don't know exactly how fair and balanced they are, but it's the only news show I can stomach. The rest of them report the "news according to what we want you to know". It annoys me.

Anonymous said...

Real news is all about what filter you like to watch with. News is only news if it manages to irk you once in a while. Balanced is supposed to make both sides squirm. I miss REAL news.

These days journalists come up with some seriously silly ways to "balance"-- making issues where there really isn't another view-- or if there IS another view, its a whacko that nobody else listens to, not really a "view", just a single crazy person. That's how we get one nutso person saying something about how Palin should have aborted her disabled child and how we get some whacked-out greeny saying we should stop eating beans and contributing to greenhouse gases. These aren't mainstream views and have NO PART in newscasts. They just make sensationalism. Not news.

What station should Independents choose to watch? Seems like each channel carries its own brand of doo doo.