Sunday, September 07, 2008

I agree with Mr. Obama!

Catching the ABC interview this morning, I found one thing on which we agree. It is offensive, very offensive, for some Christians to question his faith. He's offended, and so am I. I don't like it at all when "holier than thou" Christians question why I'm not a dispensationalist, or why I'm a 6 day creationist, or why I don't support the death penalty based on my faith. Who are you to judge? Jesus' work on the Cross on our behalf is about salvation, not about agreeing on the theological details. Jesus was apolitical, and the only stake he has in this election is how Christians behave themselves. It's ugly all around.

Have you ever read his testimony? I'd match it against most members in any one of the mainline Protestant churches and many evangelical. (I saw it at a UCC site.) Whenever I meet a new person at my church, the chances are 99.9% that they aren't a convert, they are a transfer. We Christians are making little impact because we just keep trading off our members. We are to be presenting our testimony not to amuse ourselves or increase memberships, but to make converts. If you don't like that, take it up with Jesus Christ.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Jindal are both the face of America, one whose father and extended family was/is Muslim and the other whose family is/was Hindu. Both are converts to Christianity and have achieved political power in our times that almost couldn't have been believed 10 years ago. I side with Jindal on his conservative politics, but I'm thrilled both are going to be in heaven with me. I'm in this for the long haul, not for November 2008. There will be no political rancor there; only worship.


Anonymous said...

Obama never converted to Christianity from Islam. His father was muslim (and from what I've read, not practicing), and his mother sounds like she was probably an agnostic. However, the point is, he did not convert. The only religion that he has practiced is Christianity.

Norma said...

Yes, I think you're right. I've been watching his bio today on Fox, and it was reported that his school in Indonesia reported his religion as the same as his step-father, as was the custom. However, technically, it was a conversion from nothing to something.