Monday, September 08, 2008

Their love is here to stay

Richard at 3 Score and 10 tells about his wife's illness, cancelled cruise plans, and a bad insurance package that ripped them off. But here was the silver lining, I thought.
    "I mentioned a long time ago that when she was in the hospital in Finland, unconscious, I sat beside her every day and sang to her. (Lots of songs, but always including Our Love is Here to Stay by George and Ira Gershwin, it was "our song" when we were courting, and I sang it to her at our wedding reception) Now we sit together every night, after we have prayer, and sing "Its very clear, our love is here to stay, Not for a year but ever and a day". Now, we sing it together, usually adding some Finnish songs including Hosianna Davidin Poika (Hosanna to the Son of David). No matter how lousy the day has been, I feel better after that."

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