Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Time out for a commercial

I love Bounty paper towels. If you're buying the 60 cent kind that melts in your hand as soon as it hits water, how are you saving money? I just cleaned my entire kitchen with 3 half sections of Bounty! First I folded it to fit my hand and then dampened that. I wiped down the glass stove top which is very picky. Then I rinsed it. Then I wiped down the marble counter tops and wood cabinets, rinsed and cleaned around the faucets. Then I sprinkled Bon Ami in my 18 year old ceramic sink which gets stained easily because of scratches and scrubbed hard with the folded piece of Bounty. When it was sparkling (rinsing the towel as I went), I scrubbed the two sink drainers (metal), rinsed, and then the inside of the garbage disposal. I rinsed again, then wiped down the marble floors, which are almost as cranky about what you can use as the glass stove top. No dirty sponge gather bacteria or rag to wash.

I also use Bounty to quick cook fresh veggies in the microwave, by placing a soaked piece on top of the raw veggies in a small glass bowl. It also works marvelously for warming up left overs, because they don't dry out in the reheating--just place a damp piece of Bounty over the bowl or dish. They are soft enough to grab a piece for a table napkin if you are out, or even in place of a Kleenex. I've also used them in place of table mats. When we eat on the deck, a section of Bounty and some Windex (glass table) does the trick in seconds.

I've tried the others, but they just don't hold up! Around here Bounty is about $1 a roll, and if you buy humongous quantities, they may be less, but I rarely buy more than a package of 8, and keep a roll in the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the laundry room.

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