Why you shouldn't keep quiet even when people leave nasty comments
There is a movement to
repeal the 22nd amendment--the limit of a president to two terms. There are still those confused souls out there--we call them history-challenged--who think FDR led us OUT of the Great Depression instead of extending it a decade, so they are anticipating that we will need BHO for longer than 2 terms, since he'll probably do the same. This is the worst thinking ever. Ever. Ever. I'm sure he intends to be messiah for life. After he gets rid of that pesky 2nd amendment.
The 22nd Amendment isn't going to be repealed. This issue has come up many times during Republican and Democrat administrations and has had no traction whatsoever.
If you read the website you'll see it is still a small movement--only started with the inauguration. Invokes the name of the mighty FDR.
A Rep. Serrano did introduce a measure to repeal the 22nd amendment. Actually he has introduced this same bill a half-dozen times in the last 12 years, under both Rep. and Dem administrations. It appears he just happens to believe presidential term limits are a bad idea. Though this bill certainly won't go anywhere, These former presidents, Eisenhower, Reagan and Clinton have also expressed a desire to do away with it. If a person will take the time to look at the issue rationally, they will discover there are some valid arguments both for and against term limits.
And at least until California started to melt, some people wanted to change born a citizen requirement, too, so Arnold could run. I personally would prefer one 6 year term, so the president, who ever it is, wouldn't waste so much time running for the 2nd term.
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