And Americans think members of Congress don't understand the bills, therefore, they want to see them 2 weeks before the vote!
- "Eighty-three percent (83%) say that all legislation should be posted online and available for everyone to read before Congress votes on it. Of those who want the information available, 64% say legislation should be posted in final form at least two weeks before a vote.
When it comes to health care, just 22% believe most Members of Congress will understand what’s in the legislation before they vote on it."
So why is the Obama administration pushing for a world government to control our economy through energy policy, when we don't want it? If you voted for him, did you know this in 2008?
All figures and graphics from Rasmussen, October 1, 2009.
It's clear that my approval ratings have dropped because I've kept a low profile lately.
As a result I've told Ax to get me on Conan's show, Melrose Place, WWE's Smackdown, and Amazing Race.
Once the people see me they'll love me again.
Good take! I do think he's over exposed. Now that Letterman has been forced to reveal his own smarmy character, perhaps the pols will avoid that show. . . but then. . .maybe not. . . as Whoopi said, it wasn't rape rape.
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