!['I'm on my way to Indianapolis to see my sister-in-law @[100008325398968:2048:Jeanne Poisal] on my exercycle. So far I've gone 13.2 miles beginning Thursday. I don't have a fit bit or chart, I'm just jotting down the mileage. See you in a few . . . it's 178.4 miles.'](https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t1.0-9/10868044_898889926808393_4639271786967505412_n.jpg?oh=fa26b0fdf1a1bb5d46a1e123ce78fdc5&oe=56FF2843)
I started out to "cycle" to Indianapolis a year ago to visit my sister-in-law Jeanne. That's a stationary bike, of course. It never left my office. Now I've gone over 1900 miles, so I guess I'll have to go see sisters-in-law Debbie and Kate in California (2,253 miles), and high school friend Tina, and cousin Barry and wife Rose. If Blogger Paula is home, I'll stop for one of her famous cupcakes. I lost 35 pounds by the end of June. Eat less, move more: that's the name of the plan.
~sending a virtual cupcake~
Thanks Paula, I'm on the way.
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