Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Olympics, 2024 in Paris

I've watched one Olympic event. Men's volleyball. I didn't intend to since France has promoted yet another drag queen outrage against Christians (let them try that on Muslims). I knew nothing about volleyball, and truth be told, still don't, but I was captive.
I was at the dentist and the TV was on, muted.
Now I've researched it and I know the short guy (6'), the libero, didn't forget his uniform. They always have a different color. Most have played in the Olympics several times, but there are 3 new ones. And I didn't even know we had national teams. https://www.kshb.com/news/team-usa-avoids-disaster-five-set-win-over-germany?
But my teeth are clean and I still have all of them. 32.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Vacation Bible School beautiful art at UALC Mill Run

After Sunday School on July 28 (Lytham Rd. congregation at Windermere school while our regular space is being remodeled) we drove to our church's other location, Mill Run, which is in Hilliard, to look at the art of the VBS Kindergarten-fifth grade. The theme was Jesus' parables and the children made 2 things in their art time--puppets and theater curtains.
When VBS was over the curtains were saved and hung in the upper level. The best view was standing at the end of the corridor and taking in the explosion of color. Like the parables, "the curtains REVEAL (open) and show the drama and they also CONCEAL (close) and hide it. They create anticipation. They help our hearts lean toward the truth. The stage curtain is open or closed and the meaning of the parable is open or closed depending on the readiness of the hearts in the audience. It's by grace that our hearts become ready to hear God's word with faith."


I think (I don't teach and have no one in those classes) they emphasized treasure, thus all the glam and glitter and jewels woven into the curtains. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” It's difficult for adults to understand Jesus' parables, so perhaps this will start them on a study and discussion that could go on and on.

We were both impressed, not only with the message, but by the effort (by the adult volunteers and teachers). To make these people donated necklaces, earrings, bracelets and weaving fabric for the children to create the 12 curtains. 

I enjoyed art as a child, but hated "group" or "team" projects. I would have been the one complaining waiting for recess. I was artistic and always had to pull the others along. We think of that as relatively new--but we were doing it in the 1940s too. That said, I still have one VBS project I made when I was about 8 and we attended Faith Lutheran in Forreston, IL. Bookends made of wood with a cross on them. When I look at them now, I can remember all the adults who were working behind the scenes, because it was quite complex (involved wood burning, painting, and varnishing to preserve it). So even though I could say, "I did that," and take it home, there was a whole lot of labor in it that wasn't mine. God bless those VBS teachers (who learn more than the kids).

If you'd like to see it, the display will be up the rest of the summer. http://ualc.org

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Cyber Slaves in Asia

When I formed a question I thought AI (Copilot) would give me, I got this:

 "Response stopped
Sent by Copilot:
I apologize, but I won’t be able to continue discussing this topic. If you have any other questions or need assistance, feel free to ask. Thank you! "

It was about slave computer scammers. The computers weren't "slaves," but the educated, unfortunate men working the scam were. Governments across a vast swathe of Asia - including Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan - have sounded the alarm reports BBC. I'd seen the story in the WSJ but with a pay wall so I wasn't able to read the whole story--thus I was looking at other sources.
We in the U.S. are so blinded by the slavery of the 17-19th centuries which corroded our own history, that we ignore modern day slavery that surpasses by many millions the transatlantic era. This kind of "investment" doesn't get used up--it's renewable. There's labor slavery and sex slavery, and there's child slavery in mines to pull from the earth the minerals we need to run the smart phones and equipment that enslaves minds. The WSJ story is almost too bizarre to comprehend--cyber slavery.

This is from BBC: 
""I was forced to make 15 friends every day and entice them to join online gambling and lottery websites… of these, I had to convince five people to deposit money into their gaming accounts," he said.

"The manager told me to work obediently, not to try to escape or resist or I will be taken to the torture room… Many others told me if they did not meet the target, they would be starved and beaten."
The abuse often results in lasting trauma. Two Vietnamese victims, who declined to be named, told the BBC they were beaten, electrocuted, and repeatedly sold to scam centres."

When I kept looking, there were numerous articles, some documentaries, and perhaps sourced from the same report. In this case the cybercriminals are themselves victims of the crime.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

My pedicure at a Cambodian nail salon

For someone my age, a pedicure is pure luxury, and also a necessity. The salon I've been using the last year and a half has an all Asian staff, but I didn't know the country. They could all speak to each other, and some spoke a little English, but I didn't feel comfortable asking. This past Monday, the young lady only spoke English and said they were all Cambodians. She was born in the U.S. and told me her step-mother worked there (so I had the impression she was only there occasionally). She told me there were many Cambodians living in the Columbus area. Later when I was under the dryer another customer told me that the owner of this salon had started it after working in another salon in our community. Wow.  What entrepreneurs. And all female! And I was to discover, a lot more to the story.

I looked up Cambodians in the U.S. There was a civil war in the 1970s in Cambodia and the Communists won.  An estimated 1.7 million people out of an estimated total population of 7.9 million died from executions, hunger, disease, injuries, coerced labor, and exposure to the elements. Think of that. They killed about a fourth of the population. After the Communists took over, life became so awful I'll just quote my source. (Chan, Sucheng. "Cambodians in the United States: Refugees, Immigrants, American Ethnic Minority." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History.)

"The very afternoon of the day they captured Phnom Penh, they ordered its population (that had swelled from half a million to more than two million during the civil war) to evacuate the city and go to their ancestral villages. Even patients in hospitals were forced to move, some being pushed along while lying on gurneys. Along the way, Khmer Rouge cadres cajoled people, at gunpoint, to tell their life stories so that former government officials and military commanders, educated people, professionals of every kind, merchants, and landlords could be identified. Branded as enemies of the people, these unfortunate individuals were shot or bludgeoned to death. The Khmer Rouge defrocked Buddhist monks, the most revered persons in traditional Cambodian society, forced them to work in the fields, and killed many of them. They used Buddhist temples to store their weapons and ammunition. Barely a year after coming to power, Pol Pot ordered his most trusted henchmen to arrest, imprison, torture, and execute thousands of individuals among the Khmer Rouge’s own officials, political cadres, and military commanders, including a large number of high-ranking ones, whom he suspected of being disloyal to him. The Khmer Rouge closed schools and colleges, and abolished private property, money, banks, markets, hospitals, Western medicine, and all other modern institutions. They let vehicles and machinery rust in the humid tropical climate because they opposed the use of such symbols of Western modernity. They separated husbands from their wives and children who were older than seven from their parents. They also trained children to spy on their parents and interrogated the youngsters about what their parents had talked about.7 The entire country was turned into a giant slave labor camp: people had to plant and harvest crops, as well as build dams and levees, with their bare hands while subsisting on meager bowls of thin rice gruel. Starving individuals who dared to catch fish, mice, lizards, and other creatures or to look for wild plants to eat were severely punished or even killed."

Read that carefully.  You'll notice some oddly familiar themes. Destroying the educated, destroying religion, destroying families, destroying symbols of Western civilization, and finally killing off the very people who helped build the power structure.

This encyclopedia article is very informative but is laced with the usual blame and coulda shoulda woulda complaints about American society. (This is not uncommon in the Oxford encyclopedias.) Still, it's worth reading for an overview. Cambodians in the United States: Refugees, Immigrants, American Ethnic Minority | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History

The Hamas Pro-Palestine protests in DC

 Now if they were J-6 protestors, it would be months in jail. Harris left town and didn't meet with Netanyahu. She was in Indianapolis with her Sorority Sisters.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Faster than an assassin's bullet

You've got to give Democrats credit/blame for their head twirling, gaslighting blather. They/he/she/all of them. Now Trump is too old to run. He was traumatized, they gossip, by the assassin's bullet. After years of their/her/his lying to us about Biden! If Trump says anything about Kamala it's a racist, sexist attack, but it's still OK for them/her/him to call Trump a Nazi, white supremist, and threat to Democracy. As soon as they kicked Biden to the curb (when he was sick) for being old and forgetful, all the money came back. It was faster than a speeding bullet! That's their version of Democracy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris' rise in politics

Since it will come up during the campaign, let's compare Harris' lucrative climb in politics via her boyfriend (twice her age) Willy Brown with Trump's relationship with Stormy Daniels. The devious (and Biden supported) Alvin Bragg managed to find 34 felonies within one misdemeanor; it was clearly election interference on Biden's part. Now if we had an investigative media (dream on), how many felonies could a clever prosecutor of the other party find in the payoff Harris took from Brown? And if the statute of limitations has run out--no problem. That was also the case for the Democrats v. Trump.

"Brown’s decision to appoint Harris raised eyebrows in political circles. “Both boards are reserved for political payback or occasionally for personal rewards for personal service,” said Brett Granlund, a former California Republican state assemblyman who worked closely with the commission while Harris was on the board. “The boards are considered plum appointments as they require no work, no policy credentials, and are paid the equivalent of a full-time [state] senator for arriving at a one- to two-hour meeting each month.”

Cheatle resigns, but Heritage is on the job

The Heritage Oversight Project has been tracking phones connected to Crooks' workplace and home, coming up with some interesting facts. Let's see if the tardy investigative actions of the FBI and Secret Service ever get this far. This is an IMPORTANT read.

"A cell phone associated with the home and work addresses of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks visited the Gallery Place building in Washington, D.C., that houses a mall and offices of the FBI, the Heritage Oversight Project reported July 22." https://www.theblaze.com/news/phone-associated-with-would-be-assassin-pinged-near-fbi-dc-offices-in-2023-report-says?

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned now, but Biden (if he's out there) should have fired her.

The informed Democrat voter

In case any conservatives thought going up against Kamala would be a breeze, let me tell you about today's treadmill gossip. I had to move down the row a bit because a lot of the TVs weren't working, and I ended up next to 3 men (old guys, but younger than me). These guys were talking football--they knew the name of every coach, player and water boy. Then all of a sudden, one guy says, "What do you think of Kamala?" One other says, "Oh she's fine; I'll vote for her, but don't know anything about her," and the others chimed end with approval. Dumb jocks.

Monday, July 22, 2024

It's been a very long week

A long extended week from Saturday, July 13, to Sunday, July 21. From an assassination attempt to a coup; there's a lot of evil, corruption, denial, grifting, lying, disloyalty, DEI failure, hate, and gaslighting oozing and revealing to the world just how deep the swamp is. The Democrats are everything they accuse Trump of being.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Emily Jashinsky, voice of a conservative?

I've never been able to put my finger on it, but I just don't care for Emily Jashinsky, culture editor for The Federalist and occasional guest on Fox (I'm told). I think it's her whiney giggly voice. (I just looked her up and she's quite young--30, unmarried, no kids.) 

For podcasts, voice quality is important to me. I heard her on the "UnHerd with Freddie Sayers" podcast evaluation of Trump's speech of Thursday. Yikes. She might as well have been on the View, a show I don't watch, but because they are such racists and haters one does see clips occasionally on other shows. She even doubted he needed the bandage. I wonder if she's ever had a part of her ear blown off, or even had skin cancer on her head or face and realized the danger of infection? The skin is the largest organ of our body, a protective shield against injury, and infection. The flesh on his ear prevents entry of bacteria and when it's gone--a bandage would cover the scab or prevent it from being bumped by an enthusiastic grandchild or fan. At least she didn't demand to see the medical records as one screechy leftist feminist on Demedia did. She didn't like the tribute to Corey Comperatore who was killed by one of the bullets some on the Left wished for Trump. Perhaps she would have preferred the full-scale riots and defund police parades that honored George Floyd? She said Trump was just being Trump and she didn't see any real change. 

An air-head trying to get inside Trump's head and heart. She's called a "rising conservative voice," and she's just full of herself--something she accuses Trump of.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The lies about Trump--NATO

One of the biggest lies the Democrats tell about Trump is that he wants to destroy NATO. So, paying your fair share (2% of GDP) is now being a Nazi? Hmm. Who is it that talks about "fair share" all the time? But what's crazy is Biden is now given credit for what Trump asked for!

 "Just five years ago, there was still less than 10 allies that spent 2% of GDP on defense,” Stoltenberg said during remarks at The Wilson Center in Washington. “I can only now reveal that this year, more than 20 allies will spend at least 2% of GDP on defense.” (CNN, June 17, 2024)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The tale of 3 cities--Korazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum

Today's Gospel reading in Magnificat is the disturbing warning Jesus gives three cities, Korazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (Matt. 11: 20-24). They not only had a long history of being God's special people, but they'd witnessed the Kingdom of God, Jesus performing his miracles, yet refused Him. We could read that Chicago, New York and LA, or the United States, Canada and Mexico, or Germany, England and France. All have been blessed over the years not just with material wealth, magnificent universities and stunning technological achievement, but the riches of knowing God's word, from parchment to podcast. And still, we don't repent and follow His ways. The events of the last several months, or even since 9-11 come to mind. God seems to be doing something remarkable right now, summer 2024. Trump may never be president again, but God has revealed through his efforts the soft underbelly of a very corrupt system that refuses to honor God and appreciate all His gifts.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump's message to America after the shooting

President Trump's statement on Truth Social

"I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

There's more, and I'm looking at various sites. I'm not on Truth Social so have to find it elsewhere.

“Based on yesterday’s terrible events, I was going to delay my trip to Wisconsin, and The Republican National Convention, by two days, but have just decided that I cannot allow a ‘shooter,’ or potential assassin, to force change to scheduling, or anything else. Therefore, I will be leaving for Milwaukee, as scheduled, at 3:30 P.M,” Trump said in a Truth Social post."
“Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening,” he wrote.

“We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed.

“In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin.” (New York Post)

The iconic photo of a bleeding, fist pumping, defiant Trump being swept off the stage by the Secret Service with the American flag against a bright blue sky waving above him will become famous, but a lot of the sources I've seen clip out the flag. Whether it was space, dislike for Trump or distain for the flag, we can only guess.

A message from Pastor Turnbull--God holds the future

 Our senior pastor, Steve Turnbull, sent this e-mail this afternoon addressing the assassination attempt on President Trump.

"First, as we prayed in our services this morning, let us be faithfully in prayer for President Trump, his staff and his family, and for the families of those killed, injured and traumatized in the attack. Let us also be praying for President Biden and all other candidates for office at our city, state and national level. What we witnessed brings home the danger these public servants put themselves in, and it is right for us to pray for their safety, and for comfort for them and loved ones who now face greater fear. And let’s be praying for our nation – for peace, kindness, and neighborliness even through this election cycle where differences of opinion are strong. This is a moment where we as a country can seek both repentance and healing. I'm certainly praying for this, and I invite you to join me.   

That leads into the challenge I have for you: as a congregation, let us practice the love of our neighbors as a witness to a hurting world. Comfort and care for your friends, relatives and neighbors – maybe especially those with whom you disagree. Jesus has called us to love our neighbors, and our enemies, and we as believers ought to lead the way as the nation reckons with the dire consequences of hatred, division and violence. I challenge myself, first, and then you to be intentionally Christlike in your thoughts, actions, and online engagement in this election season ahead of us. Our neighbors need this from us.  

Finally, I want to share with you a word of hope. Last night, we went to sleep in a world that felt very uncertain. This morning we woke up in the same world, but we gathered across the country and around the world to worship God who Scripture says, “holds all things together” (Col. 1:17). In Psalm 95, it says, “For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also.” While we may not know the future, or be able to control the outcome of historical events, our God can and does. He holds together this fragile, broken world, and he holds the future. " 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Socialists become Communists or Fascists, F.A. Hayek, 1944

"No less significant is the intellectual history of many of the Nazi and Fascist leaders. Everyone who has watched the growth of these movements in Italy or in Germany has been struck by the number of leading men, from Mussolini downward (and not excluding Laval and Quisling), who began as socialists and ended as Fascists or Nazis. And what is true of the leaders is even more true of the rank and file of the movement. The relative ease with which a young communist could be converted into a Nazi or vice versa was generally known in Germany, best of all to the propagandists of the two parties. Many a university teacher during the 1930s has seen English and American students return from the Continent uncertain whether they were communists or Nazis and certain only that they hated Western liberal civilization."

 "The Road to Serfdom; text and documents, The definitive edition," ed. by Bruce Caldwell, (The collected works of F.A. Hayek, vol 2) University of Chicago Press, c1944, c2007. pp. 80-81

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Pew Report January 2020 on incomes and prosperity

It must have hurt to have to say good things about the Trump economy or the nation in general in this Pew (left of center) Report, which came out in Jan 2020 before Trump halted some travel from China in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. (In hindsight lab leaked viruses laughed at those regulations, just like Pelosi did.) The report does take the long view going back decades to find slow growth and little change. But I did notice that the report noted the shrinking middle class--because people were moving up, not down.

"The unemployment rate in November 2019 was 3.5%, a level not seen since the 1960s."
". . . household incomes, which have rebounded in recent years."

"In 2018, the median income of U.S. households stood at $74,600. This was 49% higher than its level in 1970, when the median income was $50,200." (Incomes are expressed in 2018 dollars.)

"On balance, there was more movement up the income ladder than down the income ladder. [since 1970]"

"Since 1980, incomes have increased faster for the most affluent families – those in the top 5% – than for families in the income strata below them." (If you look at the inflation adjusted charts, this doesn't seem to be so, but if wealth creates wealth and there's been a huge increase in dual income families in the last 40 years, I would agree. In the long run, wealth transfers from the government from the middle class to the lower class may help consumption, but it doesn't build wealth to be passed along by generations.)

Several paragraphs in the report note the rising incomes of the upper income, without noting the disparity in marriage rates. Obviously a three person household of a single mother and two children, is going to be less than a three person household of a married mother, father and child. Income gaps between white and Asian households can usually be adjusted for marriage and number of family members. Childhood poverty can almost all be explained by the difference in marriage rates.

Parkinson's Disease

I do a slow burn at the wealthy and powerful like Ari Emanuel who are now fuming about not knowing how weak and confused Joe Biden is (and was in 2020). These gazillionaires and their buddies control our lives through the people we "elect." The money and power they control we can't even imagine. I suspected Parkinson's 4 years ago, not because I'm a doctor, but because I know or knew so many people (at least 10) who have/had it. 80% men. There are many kinds and it can be misdiagnosed. The only time I saw emotion on Joe's face was when he'd get angry and start screaming incoherently at a friendly audience, name calling, dredging up old stories, forgetting decades and shouting like a demented person, or when he was eating ice cream shmoozing the kids. But Conservatives were demonized if it was mentioned. We'd been so beaten down with Covid cancellations, many just chose to keep quiet about what we saw.

Quick cookie recipe

 Took a nap; woke up with the munchies. 1 pkg cake mix; 2 eggs, 1/2 cup oil. 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Mary Roberts Rinehart on War

Joe Biden gave us a humiliating, disastrous withdrawal from one war, and has involved us in two others (by financing them). Let's not forget it was not just the debate that brought us to this point.
“War is not two great armies meeting in the clash and frenzy of battle. War is a boy being carried on a stretcher, looking up at God’s blue sky with bewildered eyes that are soon to close; war is a woman carrying a child that has been injured by a shell; war is spirited horses tied in burning buildings and waiting for death; war is the flower of a race, battered, hungry, bleeding, up to its knees in filthy water; war is an old woman burning a candle before the Mater Dolorsa for the son she has given.”
― Mary Rinehart, American writer

Project 2025

What is Project 2025 which has the Leftists pulling their hair in search of new catastrophic words to describe "white Christian nationalism?"

"With the Biden administration half over [January 2023] and with the immediate dangers inherent to one-party rule in Washington behind us for now, it’s past time to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right. For decades, as the left has continued its march through America’s institutions, conservatives have been outgunned and outmatched when it comes to the art of government.

One reason is because the Republican establishment never moved on from the 1980s. Beltway conservatives still prioritize supply-side economics and a bellicose foreign policy above all else. Belief in small government, strangely enough, has manifested itself in a belief among some conservatives that we should lead by example and not fill all political appointments. Belief in the primacy of the national security state has caused conservative administrations to defer political decisions to the generals and the intelligence community."

Monday, July 08, 2024

Joe Rogan on Joe Biden

Joe Rogan, a comedian and now famous podcaster, says in the 80s comedians used to do "Joe Biden nights" as comics, where each performer used someone else's acts. That's how famous he was THEN as a plagiarist. https://open.spotify.com/episode/67haCs3jEOu2mThrqzC3Gc So when Politico or NYT says Trump lies--think of Joe telling lies for over 45 years to the American people.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Joe on gender, race and color

I think we can figure out what Biden was saying in Philadelphia a week after the debate: "By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman... to serve with a black president. Proud to be involved of the first black woman on the Supreme Court. There's so much that we can do because, look...we're the United States of America." (Try to diagram that sentence!)

Even though he claims in the interview at WURD to be a black woman and to be involved with a black woman (who couldn't define what a woman is), we know he is not a black lesbian. It's just good old Uncle Joe, the guy half of the electorate said they wanted back in 2020 to bring the country together.

But really folks, is it smart to be proud about another person's ethnicity and political decisions and skills? That's what he seems to be saying--Harris and Obama are nothing without me--I'm the big cheese. They only matter because of their skin color. I'm surprised he didn't tell the black radio hosts he only agreed to the interview because they are black. Back in 2020 when Harris was running for president in the primaries she called Democrats racists, and he seems to prove it.

The Democrat Party "democracy" they say we'll lose

Glenn Greenwald reminds us that the 2016 Democrat election (primaries) were rigged to favor Clinton over Sanders. In 2024 they had NO primaries--no voters had a choice. This is the "Democracy" the Democrats say we'll lose if Trump is elected. Power and money run the party, not the voters.

Friday, July 05, 2024

1967 and 1968 were scary in presidential politics

Today I was reminded of just how scary 1967 and 1968 were for our country--which put today's problems with Biden and 2 wars in perspective. Our children were born in 1967 and 1968 and this podcast reminded me of how helpless we felt.  You want your kids to have a better life, but it all seemed to be crashing.  Especially awful were the assassinations.  If you were around then and have forgotten what a mess the Democrats (and the country) were in, take a listen to the podcast "Honestly." Bari Weiss is the founder of Free Press and main speaker on the Honestly podcast, but she has a guest host, Eli Lake, for this one. I'd forgotten how much LBJ and RFK hated each other, and the level of disruption the Chicago riots caused. Mr. Lake brings it all back with some of the interviews. Honestly with Bari Weiss: When a President Drops Out: What Biden Can Learn from 1968 on Apple Podcasts

From the transcript: "Today, Free Press writer Eli Lake hosts a special episode about what happened in 1968 when President Johnson decided he was not fit for reapplying for his job. He listened to his critics and backed away from the White House, allowing the Democrats an opportunity to stage an open convention to choose their next candidate for the presidency. But why did the party want him gone so badly? And how did this seismic decision work out? It’s a tale of murder, war, and riots that culminated in the most explosive convention in the history of America."


Thursday, July 04, 2024

America the Beautiful

"America the beautiful" by Katherine Bates composed on a trip to Colorado is so beautiful I thought I'd write something about it. It's been recorded by so many famous entertainers and bands--Elvis Presley to Aretha Franklin, military bands to small town band concerts. Everything I've read would indicate it is public domain--but alas, even that is being argued and worked out in the courts. But I was certainly shocked to read in my morning devotions (Magnificat, July 2024) that the copyright is held by the Benedictine Nuns of the Abbey of St. Cecilia, Ryde, Isle of Wright, UK. That's either a big typo or perhaps applies to a particular recorded rendition. I'll check with the publisher.

"Amber Waves" is the title of a USDA magazine. The title is probably taken from that familiar tune. I used to collect first/premiere issues of magazines and have the first issue (in print). It still exists on line. https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves.aspx

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Latest, updated list of lies about President Trump


The list is now at 160, but because they are so often repeated even after debunked, some people are hearing them for the first time.  Like the bleach thing, and the "nice people" lie.

Dr. Zhivago and "The Secrets we Kept"

This is a terrible way to waste 15 minutes, but I've been researching the use of polystyrene foam as disposable coffee cups. I'm reading a spy novel ("The secrets we kept" by Lara Prescott). It's 1956 and the typing pool is gathered at the coffee shop (in Washington DC, and I don't yet know who the spies are but the latest fad in novels is to have bright young women save the West as spies). Here's the line that stopped me. "The Agency's own brew, though brown and hot, tasted more like the Styrofoam cups we drank it from."

Doesn't that sound like an anachronism to you? So of course, I looked it up. Not a lot of history (with dates) for polystyrofoam cups, but AI tried. Seems this environmental disaster was developed in 1954 and the foam cups created in 1957. Sometime in the 1960s they began to be used for disposable coffee cups, and 7-11 popularized them around 1964. The big use expansion of these cups was the 1970s and 80s. That's the bare bones, and right now if you're drinking disposably, it's probably a paper cup with a thin plastic coating (which may be leaching into your coffee), and the BIG advancement was in the development of the lids.

Back to the spies. This novel is built about Boris Pasternak's "Dr. Zhivago," and although I'm not sure I read it, I did see the movie several times. Also I took Russian in college and I can pronounce the names. The author's name is Lara, as was the love interest in Pasternak's novel.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Presidential immunity

I think Democrats should be thrilled with the clarification of presidential immunity by SCOTUS. Both Obama and Biden have serious crimes that could come back to haunt them. But Democrats are so damaged by their hate for Trump they think anything in the Constitution they don't support is about Trump.
The decision, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, established a broad new immunity from prosecution, not just for Trump, but for past and future presidents, too. Presidents may not be prosecuted for exercising their “core” constitutional powers, and even in situations where former presidents might be prosecuted after leaving office, they are entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for official actions they took as president.

Such immunity is needed, said the chief justice, in order to protect an “energetic,” and “independent executive,” willing to take “bold” actions and make unpopular decisions when needed. And while Roberts said that private actions by a former president are not protected from prosecution, his opinion seemed to inexorably intertwine private and public actions. Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for core acts only : NPR

Monday, July 01, 2024

Angry Democrats upset about Presidential immunity

"The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution. And the system of separated powers designed by the Framers has always demanded an energetic, independent Executive," the SCOTUS opinion said.

Democrats are angry and insane. President Trump has all the same rights that all presidents and all citizens had before the SCOTUS decision, yet they believe "Democracy" has failed under a "MAGA court." They don't see that SCOTUS has protected them! Think of all the angry, biased, crazy, befuddled things Biden has said and done in the last 4 years--they better hope he has immunity.