Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Family Photo--the Italy Album of 2008

Last night on our tour through our photo albums we went back to Italy, June 2008.  However, because I was hospitalized when we returned to Columbus, Bob did all the arranging of the hundreds of photos.  Nothing was written in the album, and after nine years we were a little fuzzy on the details. Was it Sorrento, Positano, Isle of Capri, Pompeii, Perugia, Assisi or Orvieto?  We dug through some boxes and photo disks today to see if we could find where the digital photos were--I had probably 15 on my blog posts I wrote after we returned. Maybe 200 in the album. And we found a box with probably another 200-300 photos.   We were able to find only those photos, and think that's because I wrote the blogs while we were in Lakeside, and the digital copies are on the old, old computer. Finally, after going through a stack of disks in my office I found one labeled, Italy 2008. I spent some time and finally got them downloaded to this computer. However, these photos are from the blogs I wrote in June 2008.  It was fun to look through that album--it was a great trip.

A page in the album, silent.

Map of the Amalfi Coast

Positano on Amalfi Coast

Orvieto on the last day

Lunch with tour friends in Florence

Bob with painted cow on Isle of Capri

Tucker Carlson loves debating liberals

I rarely get to watch Tucker Carlson (9 p.m. Fox, Columbus)  eviscerate liberals because I'm tired by 9 p.m., but I watched last night. That "faculty" person from Drexel University, George Ciccariello-Maher. Wow. If that's your alma mater, withhold your alumni dues. I noticed something others probably missed. The so-called professor actually accused Carlson of not doing research because he hadn't checked Google--several times. That's apparently where he got his racist smears against Charles Murray. Is that what passes for research at the university these days?

I don't think Ciccariello-Maher had ever read anything Murray wrote, but Tucker had actually researched his guest's articles.  He read a paragraph aloud, pronouncing it "crap." 

Center for Medical Progress and the leftist value system

The same friends and acquaintances who are anti-Trump are also pro-abortion and doing the happy dance that the journalists at Center for Medical Progress have had more charges filed against them. These journalists are the people who recorded in a public place staffers of Planned Parenthood discussing how to do abortions so that the tissue is in good shape for sale to medical labs. This reminds me of the Hawaiian judge claiming the travel orders for seven countries designated by Obama as not being able to properly vet and from which they've never had an immigrant is hurting Hawaii. Politics. Follow the money. Have any of the animal rights journalists who filmed undercover about animal cruelty in labs or slaughter houses ever gone to jail? Are animals that much more protected in our culture than babies? Or what about the undercover writers who go to work in blue or pink collar jobs so they can smear an entire industry like mining or waitressing while raking in the money for their latest book? The left loves those guys. Different ox.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

At our age

Saw this on Paula Doncevic's Facebook--I think it's animated, but this is all I could get.