When Jesus comes back and asks how we followed Matthew 25, I fear he'll find the churches there with the goats, and not the sheep who know him. We're not to be siphoning off tax money and becoming dependent on the government.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Churches using government money to fulfill their promise to Christ
When Jesus comes back and asks how we followed Matthew 25, I fear he'll find the churches there with the goats, and not the sheep who know him. We're not to be siphoning off tax money and becoming dependent on the government.
A year late, and trillions of dollars short
Even in the Biden administration and the diehard leftists in the main stream media, there is skepticism about the latest WHO report.
Here's Gordon Chang on Fox last April, "And, by the way...there is a lot of evidence that suggests this comes from the lab. A January 24th article from The Lancet -- which is the authoritative British medical journal -- said that many of the initial coronavirus cases did not come from the wet market, which is China's theory," he stated. "Well, if they didn't come from the wet market, they had to have come from the lab."
The Trump hatred, which includes Google and Facebook blocking my posts, has made this disease much worse in the U.S. by insulting and cancelling voices that wouldn't believe the China-WHO information.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Downton Abbey the third time
We received a gift boxed set of the British TV series Downton Abbey for Christmas and are watching it for the second time. We watched all the bonus shows after we finished the series and then the movie, and so went back to see what clues, music, fashion, etc. we had missed. I had first seen it 10 years ago, but had forgotten most of it. Now we just finished watching the 3rd season (2nd time) and Matthew Crawley dies in the last scene. It was a shock the first time, and still is. If Daniel Stevens hadn't wanted out of his contract, you do wonder what direction the series would have taken. His departure caused a huge uproar among the fans, but his career has gone well.
There are a few things we’ve noticed and commented on. We think if the series were made today—2020 instead of 2010—they wouldn’t have begun the story with a homosexual as the bad guy. Thomas Barrow is a gossip, a coward during the war, and gets into the post war black market, even though he fails. He’s nasty and sneaky and no one likes him. He is redeemed somewhat for being so mean as the series progresses. But also, we noticed that except for the rape story involving Anna, most of the overt sexual aggression was from the women. Edith, Sybil and Mary, all go beyond proprieties to get their man—especially Edith is aggressive. Mary’s shame influences the family’s fortune for years. Then Rose is also quite the sex kitten. Old lady Grantham had almost run off with the Russian prince in the 19th century when she was young, and was prepared to give up her two children. Then there are 3 house maids who go after men socially above them, and the one gets pregnant and then becomes a prostitute after her baby is born. I don’t think I noticed that thread so much the first time I watched it in 2011. We’ll probably watch it again when we’re at the Lake house this summer.
Karen vs. Meghan
Monday, March 29, 2021
Christian singing groups in India
“Mizoram is a state in northeastern India, with Aizawl as its capital city. The name is derived from “Mizo“, the name of the native inhabitants, and “Ram”, which means land, and thus Mizoram means “land of the Mizos”. Mizoram was previously part of Assam until 1972, when it was carved out as a Union Territory. It became the 23rd state of India, a step above Union Territory, on 20 February 1987. Mizoram’s population was 1,091,014, according to a 2011 census. It is the 2nd least populous state in the country.
About 95% of the current population is of diverse tribal origins who settled in the state, mostly from Southeast Asia, other waves of migration started about the 16th century but mainly in the 18th century. This is the highest concentration of tribal people among all states of India, and they are currently protected under Indian constitution as a Scheduled Tribe. Mizoram is one of three states of India with a Christian majority (87%). Its people belong to various denominations, mostly Presbyterian in the north and Baptists in the south.”
Some of the Mizo tribes claim to be Jews, of the lost tribes of Israel. They had first converted from animism under European missionaries to Christianity, then in the 1950s became Jews. Some have immigrated to Israel.
The myth of food desserts
"But two new studies have found something unexpected. Such neighborhoods not only have more fast food restaurants and convenience stores than more affluent ones, but more grocery stores, supermarkets and full-service restaurants, too. And there is no relationship between the type of food being sold in a neighborhood and obesity among its children and adolescents.
Within a couple of miles of almost any urban neighborhood, “you can get basically any type of food,” said Roland Sturm of the RAND Corporation, lead author of one of the studies. “Maybe we should call it a food swamp rather than a desert,” he said."
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Dollar Stores, good or bad for your community?
It seems the SJW crowd are all for "mom and pop" stores, but only if run by an actual local family, who is probably white or Asian and middle class hoping to expand to something better. I've been hearing about "mom and pop" and the "small farmer" for decades. Look, they are in business to make a living. If we drive by on our way to Walmart, or the produce is too limp and old to make a salad, let's not blame a lack of diversity and equity in the "system." If "mom and pop" owners can sell the family business because the real estate is now worth $2 million and they only clear $30,000 a year working 12 hours a day, why would the SJW deny a small business owner that opportunity to move up and out by selling to a corporation?
I love the little dollar store a few miles from my home, and the one near Lakeside. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find small packages in large supermarkets? I prefer to pay more per ounce if I can lift the container! I love paying 2/$1.00 for greeting cards, or 5 shower caps for $1, or 6 packages of peanuts for $1. The store is clean, the staff pleasant, and they seem to meet the needs of the people now taking up residence in those awful apartment complexes that look like prison compounds.
The final point in the program was that they attract crime (I suppose because of the minority neighborhoods?). Recently in Columbus, we've had a spate of shootings and robberies at suburban shopping centers and gas stations. Criminals aren't stupid, and they don't become bad people because of where investors put their businesses whether it's a kosher grocery in Boulder or a massage parlor in Atlanta.
But as I noted, Cheddar's focus, fast paced and trendy, is on the young--they have a specific market just as dollar stores do. But for them, I guess it's OK. Cheddar was founded by Jon Steinberg, President and Chief Operating Officer of BuzzFeed from 2010 to 2014. Its investors include Lightspeed Venture Partners, Raine Ventures, Goldman Sachs, Liberty Global, Comcast Ventures, AT&T, Amazon, Antenna Group, Ribbit Capital, The New York Stock Exchange, Altice USA, 7 Global Capital, and Denstu Ventures.
Palm Sunday 2021, All Glory, Laud and Honor
Many churches are still on a limited schedule, buildings locked during the week, ministries of service that involve person to person contact closed, and even if meeting with social distancing, hymn singing is discouraged. I've heard from friends who have changed worship locations that Shiloh Mennonite (London, OH) and Grace Fellowship (Upper Arlington, OH) and Resurrection Lutheran (Hilliard, OH) continue to have congregational singing. Today is Palm Sunday when Christians celebrate the entrance of Christ the Lord into Jerusalem. Normally, and nothing is normal these days, at Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, we would pick up a palm branch on the way into the sanctuary, wave the palms from the pew and sing with gusto . . .
All glory, laud and honor,
To you, Redeemer, King,
To whom the lips of children
Made sweet hosannas ring.
You are the King of Israel,
And David's royal Son,
Now in the Lor's Name coming,
Our King and blessed One.
One of the commenters at the Indian site, Prashant L. Nemani, left this information;
Words "Gloria, Laus, Et Honor" (Latin).Author: Bishop Theodulph Of Orleans [760- 821], Circa 820. Theodulph was born into the Italian nobility in 0761, but decided on a life of religious service. His first position was as abbot of a monastery in Firenze (Florence), Italy. In 781, Charlemagne appointed him Bishop of Orleans, France. However, this flourishing career came to an abrupt end with Charlemagne’s death. Louis the Pious suspected Theodulph of secret loyalty to political leaders in Italy, the country of his birth. These suspicions led to Theodulph’s imprisonment in Angiers in 818. His predicament is reminiscent of Paul’s incarceration in Rome. Like Paul, Theodulph’s faith sustained him inside cold stone walls. It was there he wrote ALL GLORY, LAUD AND HONOR, and there that he died in 821. Translated from Latin to English by: Rev. (Dr.) John Mason Neale [1818-1866], in 1851.Saturday, March 27, 2021
Joe Biden lied at press conference
Now that he and Pelosi have us speaking trillions instead of billions, and they just foisted on us $1.2 trillion, little of which was for Covid19, but had that check dangling out there as a carrot, now it will be trillions more for "infrastructure," the green grab and more government control over public and personal health.
Do we even know what a trillion is? Let's look at seconds. 60 seconds is a minute. One million seconds is 12 years. One trillion seconds would be about 32,000 years. And $10 trillion still won't change the climate.
Friday, March 26, 2021
The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020--7 Critical Lessons
In JAMA Forum article Nov. 10, 2020 (v. 324, no. 18) Dr. Gostin published "The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020--7 Critical Lessons." He's a lawyer who advises organizations like UN, WHO, and now Biden, and holds multiple international academic professorial appointments. If I were to criticize his lessons, I would be waved away like a gnat.
With distain he refers to "populist political leadership" right after acknowledging the remarkable development of clinical trials for a vaccine within 6 months of the virus being sequenced. He credits personal hygiene, physical distancing and masks to control virus particles so tiny that so far, no mask has been able to stop. Still, lesson 2 is a nation needs great leadership and public trust to beat such a challenge. Imagine public trust when 95% of the media report negatively or lie about dear "leader." Gostin seems to mean, any leader other than Trump could raise the public trust. Like someone who says, "Hey man, I'm here for ya."
And no article could be complete these days without a mea culpa for health inequities. When this article was in a first draft in the fall he knew, we all knew, old age and comorbidities were factors in death rates. Now I think the figure is about 50% elderly and 80% overweight or obese. Blacks and Hispanics have a higher rate of overweight and obesity than whites, who are obese, but less so. Life style strongly influences health--smoking, drinking, drugs, poor nutrition/too many calories, lack of exercise and sexual promiscuity. Dr. Michael Rosen of the Cleveland Clinic says 75% of chronic illnesses can be improved or cured by changing our lifestyles. The medical profession has not yet found a way to control our lifestyles, despite all the articles, TV ads, billboards, organizations and lectures. It's easier to just blame societal inequities.
In lesson 6 he mentions the horrifying disaster of the uneven lockdowns through the sweeping powers of local and state governments. He warns of usurpation of power under the pretext of a health crisis which threatens to erode democratic freedoms. Yet his only solution seems to be "the rule of law," by which I think he means federal, or even global. If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and his area of expertise is global law and institutions. So he really was unhappy when President Trump thought WHO mishandled or mislead other countries.
So his recommendations are choose "science," the rule of law, and equity. That would be transformational, he says.
Income inequality—shrinking
As government transfer payments to low-income households exploded in the last 50 years, their labor-force participation collapsed and the percentage of income in the bottom quintile coming from government payments rose above 90%. WSJ Incredible Shrinking Income Inequality – WSJ
"Nobody making under 400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised. Period. Bingo." – Joe Biden, May 22, 2020Of course, that doesn't tell the whole story. An increase in the federal corporate tax rate to 28 percent as proposed would raise the U.S. federal-state combined tax rate to 32.34 percent, highest in the OECD and among Group of Seven (G7) countries, harming U.S. economic competitiveness and increasing the cost of investment in America. When businesses are taxed more they either move to another country or raise our prices. So who is Biden kidding?
Few people could get elected promising to raise your taxes, but Biden isn't few people. He's just Barack Obama 2.0.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Government transfers provide 90% of income for bottom percentile
"As government transfer payments to low-income households exploded, their labor-force participation collapsed and the percentage of income in the bottom quintile coming from government payments rose above 90%."
People experiencing income in the bottom fifth of the US population get 90% of their income from the government. Think about that. And while you're complaining about greedy rich people, remember who supplies the transfers.
But enough is never enough.
What happened to Flatten the Curve?
Since they've been ineffective (notice the number of people who have died) and have had consequences more deadly than the virus the lockdown was suppose to control, why do we continue in this mindless behavior of accepting total government control (joined at the hip with the power of Big Tech)? Huxley noted in Brave New World that mass starvation and firing squads were inefficient--better to use totalitarian government combined with mind control from mass media propaganda.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Democrats in government also acted predictably and irresponsibly, same as the Twitter mob. Biden wants to pass "common sense gun laws," aka get rid of the 2nd amendment. More Americans are killed with fists than rifles, so we know he has bigger plans. It's been known for as long as the DoJ has been tracking gun violence, that the rate of victimhood and aggression is highest among black Americans who rarely use automatic rifles. The criminal is almost always a young black man. In mass shootings like Boulder and Sandy Hook, the criminal is almost always a young white man. Maleness and youth seem to be the common denominator--not politics, race or socioeconomic status.
Oh yes, the Twitter jury is usually wrong about the right, including our president, but never apologizes.
Gender equity push by Biden Administration
This briefing document chants just about every shibboleth we've come to expect from the left about gender. Income, Health. Promotion. Laws. Customs. Careers. Violence. Yes, if you compare men who are ambassadors with the women who clean their offices you will find a difference in pay grade, but that would apply if women ambassadors, lawyers, college professors and doctors were compared with women pre-school teachers, waitresses, pastors, and retail clerks. Men have shorter life spans, are more likely to be killed or injured on the job, are less likely to graduate from high school and college, and are expected to do more of the heavy, gritty, smelly work than women. But in government, you never have to compare like with like. Only gender, color and ethnicity matter.
And even though men's health has been more vulnerable in the current pandemic, this document from the Biden Administration reports, "the impact of COVID-19 on women and on our economy has put us [women] at a very serious breaking point, one that is a – basically, a national emergency." Never waste a crisis. And who helped that along? Our Democrat governors, Congress, and a task force that claimed some jobs were essential and others were not! Gender? All the plumbers, electricians, farmers, truckers, and emergency workers, continued to serve.
This briefing was a heads up for an appeal for more money, "The American Rescue Plan," for more well paid bureaucrats to sit in their offices and dole out grants to more universities. More money (paid by us) doled out by well-paid bureaucrats to well-paid academics to write more task force reports, so they can get promotion and tenure. And when the leisure industry recovers from the bad decisions of the bureaucrats and academics who instilled fear in the nation for over a year there will be more grants to attend more conferences and meetings--like this one.
This briefing was also one more slam at President Trump, who lead more people out of poverty and low income slots than any president in history.
"Understanding America; advancing gender equity" March 4, 2021, Dept. of State. Understanding America: Advancing Gender Equity - United States Department of State
Critical Race Theory has bad effect on employee morale
Cigna offers employees lessons in the “systemic racism” of the US taken right out of the debunked “1619 Project” and recommends that employees read such divisive racist books as “White Fragility” and “How to Be an Anti-Racist.” Worst of all, workers claim the company is engaging in openly discriminatory hiring practices in which minorities are hired despite a lack of qualifications while highly qualified applicants are rejected solely because they’re white. One employee complained of positions being left open for an inordinate amount of time just because the only applicants were white."
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Barbara Lee maligns millions for the act of one man
How about looking into the sex trafficking that allows these "massage" parlors to exist, Rep. Lee? There are probably some in California. Even the old gray lady NYT reports 9,000 of them are fronts for prostitution. Do their lives mean anything? We don't know about that particular Atlanta enterprise, but Lee should at least do her homework and protect all women brought into the country and California illegally and investigate who owns these establishments. The sex workers also take the fall for the illegal acts of their employer/owner.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Reasons for the latest hate crime fake memes
1. The media and co-conspirators in academe need to continue the white supremacy/white racism charges to demean all whites, even though in rate and number, most "hate crimes" against Asian Americans the aggressors are black.
2. President Trump called the SARS Cov 2 virus by the country, China and city of origin Wuhan. Although the media did also last Spring, it has become verboten now. The National media and Big Tech have to continue hateful attacks against him to please their base and earn back the money they lost when he left office. They truly need to call him xenophobic and racist, although the variants of Covid19 are being called the UK variant, the Brazilian variant, the Australian variant, and the media aren't calling themselves xenophobic. In fact, if you look up UK Variant, CNN is really whipping that fear pony.
3. Women from S.E. Asia are victims of human trafficking and frequently work in massage parlors and hair and manicure establishments. The media are not focusing on THAT real hate crime. They'll need to do more investigation or be called soft on slavery. Someone in government would appreciate less attention on illegal prostitution and trafficking. Much of it comes in through the porous border. An investigation could get a reporter in big trouble. The world wide slave trade is bigger than the 18th century trans-Atlantic slave trade. The source is still Africa, and to a lesser degree Asia. If Leftists were to concentrate on that tragedy, how would they have enough time to reinvent microaggressions in the U.S. by whites?
4. Lumped together in the artificial category of the U.S. census, Asian Americans are the most successful, most educated, and wealthiest demographic. They really reflect American values of family, education and hard work. Asian Americans (40 different ethnicities) do better than any other group, all the way from Indians ($101,591) to Chinese ($69,586) to Pakistani ($62,848) to Bangladeshi ($44,512). (Nielsen report on Asian Americans, 2017)
5. Asian Americans vote heavily Democrat, support liberal causes, but are small in number and generally not activists. Separated out, there are many new arrivals, particularly from southeast Asia who do not come close to the top earners--Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Filipino. So this group is ripe for pickin' by the Democrats. How better to achieve this than making them victims?
6. Indian-Americans and Chinese-Americans are increasingly being discriminated against by major, elite (Democrat run) universities. One of the top high schools in Fairfax, VA has a 73% enrollment by Asians (particularly Chinese-Americans). This is causing unhappiness, and law suits. So it's time for the Democrats to use yet another crisis and misfortune to shore up their soft side.
7. Until very recently, the U.S. Census considered people of South Asia and the Middle East--Indians, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Egyptians, Persians, etc.--white. With the waving of the Civil Rights flag and the government money by becoming a pan-Asia group they are now POC, People of Color. They became a "socially disadvantaged minority group," eligible for all sorts of government goodies, despite the facts and data like marriage rates, college enrollment, longevity, achievement in business, health statistics made that a lie.
8. Because Asian Americans are the wealthiest group, they pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than whites, blacks, and Hispanics, and thus are more disadvantaged by our wealth transfer system. Asian Americans are more likely to be paying for non-tax payers to receive money from the government. Maybe the Democrats need to take the focus off their tax increases by creating a crisis?
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) look up data
You can check data for PPP by state, ZIP, type of organization.
Under open government transparency guidelines, information on recipients of the $595B in forgivable government loans issued through the 2020 Paycheck Protection Program by the US Small Business Administration (SBA) are a matter of public record. FederalPay.org has created a powerful search tool that allows public access to the PPP loan database. Therefore, you'll see ads on this site.
This is the link for information about churches and non-profits, national: SBA Paycheck Protection Program - Religious Organizations - FederalPay
Saturday, March 20, 2021
The gatekeepers of wisdom and morality
Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey, Jeff Zucker, Bill Gates (none of whom are black, brown, female or trans) and other not-so-famous heads at Vox, Daily Beast, NYT, LATimes and WaPo were not elected. Consumer dollars had voted them to rise to the top in their corporations which our capitalist economy had afforded them. They'd been allowed many tax breaks to become fabulously wealthy at our expense with the support of the swamp's tax laws.
Their gratitude for being allowed to set up shop in a free country was to go from publishing nasty opinion pieces to shadow banning to outright blocking and deplatforming the President when their efforts to collude with Democrats to remove him from office didn't succeed. Gone are the days when they lauded "free speech." Now they are lusting for more power.
They released an army of "fact checkers" so we can't question the 2020 election after they screwed the country over about the 2016 for four years. We can't publish or distribute books about the climate change hoax, transgenderism, the threat of the CCP and conservative principles, but they can go on forever about hate crimes. They control the narrative about Covid and January 6, stifling all the rights Americans have come to expect and respect. They tell you which words you can use to describe a disease. They cover for the Biden Crime Family deals with Ukraine and China,
We are their prisoners, they our gatekeepers.
The C word V word
People in China are usually called Chinese. And pandemics are usually called by a geographic area. You may recall that most of the MSM were calling SARS Cov 2 by the C word and the W word last spring. When we were visiting our son in the hospital in February there were no restrictions, not even in critical care, but there were boxes of masks if you chose to use them, clearly labeled for people who had recently visited China. Our President was already on top of that problem and was called xenophobic by Biden and Pelosi.
Now there's been a shooting at Atlanta massage parlors, and it's become all about race, instead of the real problem--the number of women, particularly from Southeast Asia who are trafficked in the U.S. for labor and sex. Atlanta has nearly 170 such establishments and most are owned and operated by members of the Southeast Asian community. Presidents Harris and Biden rushed there for photo ops so they could heap blame on Trump who acted quickly while they criticized his actions. The hate crime is one more against Trump.
The government and anti-slavery non-profits (usually Christian) have been investigating and trying to dismantle this crime mob for years, but I suppose now it will be considered racist and a hate crime to free women from slavery if they are Asian.
I wonder who and what are behind that? Politicians and Profit. Leftists and CRT.
Exercising in the morning
Saturday morning TV/radio is rather. . . boring and bland. Rehashes of the week's news and garden shows. So while riding my indoor cycle this morning (6 miles) I brought up Cheddar, a channel that seems to specialize, at least on Saturday early a.m., short documentaries and films. Week-days it's a regular news and technology channel and the target is millennials (obviously, not me). It was founded in 2016 by Jon Steinberg. Today I watched one on suspension bridges vs. cable bridges, their design, span and replacement; two on music how brain-sound researchers are manipulating the background music for exercise, shopping, workings, etc. and the changes in hip-hop and rap (and I assume pop and country-western) by young producers using the internet to sell "beats"; and two more on the military, the use of drones primarily during the Obama administration in military targets, and how the military, particularly the Department of Defense has had a cozy relationship with Hollywood ever since Wilson needed to convince the American public to go into WWI. All very interesting, and I can see how the millennial crowd becomes very jaded and cynical. Especially with the stories about drone strikes. Until someone investigated (in 2017) not much was known about the U.S. military branches helping Hollywood.
How the U.S. Military Influences Hollywood on Cheddar
How Focus Music Hacks Your Brain - Cheddar Explains - VoiceTube
Hip Hop's Underground Beat Economy on Cheddar
Friday, March 19, 2021
Columbus today--according to Wikipedia
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Liberal protestants and Catholic bishops--where are you?
When will schools be opened to serve all children?
Women in Georgia killed
"The exact number of sex trafficking victims forced to work in illicit massage parlors is unknown. But reporting methods and analysis have improved in recent years, and advocates and researchers largely agree that the problem is growing, to as many as 9,000 illicit spas in the U.S. alone."
The deceased women are lumped into the Asian U.S. census category by the media, which in itself is disconcerting. We don't know if they were Americans or trafficked women from southeast Asia. I'm guessing because of investigative reports published by our government, southeast Asia. Poor women are often lured into the sex/massage trade and moved from city to city with threats of immigration status and debt to keep them bound in slavery. Look it up, "sex trafficking in Southeast Asia." NGOs have been working for decades on this issue. It's part of the modern slave trade that is much larger than the 18th century trade.
There was little outrage about Asians when Ivy League universities began systematically discriminating against Americans of Asian ethnicities--China, Japan, Philippines, and Indian. Those groups are superior to whites and minorities in test scores and it was messing up their quota system. Based on merit, Asian freshmen could overwhelm college classes so they are judged by higher standards.
I've seen little concern on the Left for the Uyghurs in China who are also Asian (and Moslem), but confined to a different type of slavery and death than these women in Georgia. Or where is the outrage over China's one child policy which primarily killed females--all "Asian."
When women are killed in a violent act, it is usually domestic--they are killed by someone they know--usually a boyfriend, husband or family member, usually of the same race and class and household. They might get a line in the evening news, but unless it's a high profile celebrity like O.J. Simpson's wife, it's the last we hear of that. Rarely is it called a hate crime.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
The tale of two elections
In 2020 the issue was illegal behavior by states because of Covid and changing voting rules without state legislation, and questions about the voting machines changing results in the middle of the night when Trump was ahead. It became very clear about why Biden didn't appear during the campaign. He didn't need to. It was fixed from the beginning.
Democrats beginning in 2017 continued to march, riot, whine and spill a lot of ink the next 4 years. They even managed to impeach the President over unrelated issues, but which began by trying to undo a valid election.
Meanwhile, there were real, actual violations of federal and state voting laws which Republicans and Trump supporters questioned. They were not allowed a few weeks, let alone 4 years to investigate, discuss and bring law suits. The Democrats had massive amounts of help from Big Tech, which not only closed down the President, the man Democrats had been vilifying as Hitler redux and a dictator, but they've shut down other prominent Republicans on Twitter, deplatformed millions of conservatives and even prevented selling their books (aka book burning). Gradually, the truth about the election is dribbling out in PA, KY and other states about deadlines missed, voter registration laws ignored, and fraud in mail in voting. Confidence in our election process is at an all time low; it's at 3rd world trust level.
Democrats are rushing to increase the number of states, register illegals, give the franchise to prisoners and underage minors, pack the Supreme Court, and to federalize state elections so they can permanently control the country--a one party system, like the CCP in China. Now how's that for election fraud?
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Those "pro-life" evangelicals--an embarrassment to Christianity
Joe Biden was Obama's vice president for 8 years and could not have possibly surprised them. They disliked Trump more than they cared about the lives of the unborn. Lets give them a bag of white feathers for cowardice. One cannot support the Democrat party and be pro-life.
Report from the 1776 Commission
The failed lockdown policy
Where is the American spirit of 1776? Haters of America claim our country was built on slavery in 1619. Don't prove them right by being slaves to power hungry politicians.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Melanie Philips, British writer, on today’s culture of intersectionality and bigotry through the Sussex lens
"Universities and high schools have morphed from crucibles of knowledge and reason into propaganda platoons indoctrinating and intimidating students into endorsing androgyny, apocalyptic climate change and hatred of capitalism, white people and the West. And, of course, bigotry against Jews and Israel is rampant." . . .
"Although Christianity embedded those [Jewish] values in Western culture, it is the Mosaic codes themselves that are in the cross-hairs of those who are intent upon destroying justice, truth and sexual continence and unraveling biological identity."
The Sussexes take morality through the looking glass - Melanie Phillips (substack.com)
Would you get a job?
"Full summary of what the unemployed and low income workers get.
Family of four: $5600+$3,400 from CARES Act+$2400 from December bill. Total cash $11,400.Then they get $300 a week x 4=$1200 per month for each parent through September which will get extended to December =$21,600 (9 months) for both together.Plus average state unemployment another $300 a week each = another $21,600 by December.Child care credit $7,200 each child under 6- $6,000 over 6. Let’s say $13,200.Dependent care child care tax credit $4000 per kid if the parents are working, so 2 kids $8000 tax CREDIT, not deduction.
So $11,400 + $21,600 + $21,600 + $13,200 = $67,800. Plus 2 kids $8000 kid tax credit, plus rent subsidy paid, plus utilities bills paid, plus free medical insurance plus food stamps.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Ohio Right to Life and Title X
"On Monday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost filed a joint motion with the U.S. Supreme Court in an effort to keep Title X funds from being used to pay for abortions. Title X funds are designed to support family planning and are currently prohibited from being used to pay for abortions. An executive memorandum by President Biden indicates however, that he will throw out the pro-life protection in Title X and allow abortion to be funded through the program.
This is what those silly Evangelicals for Biden were upset about.
"More than 5,000 evangelical pro-lifers signed the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden statement, insisting, “Joe Biden’s policies are more consistent with the biblically shaped ethic of life than those of Donald Trump.” They focused on economic issues (the welfare state) that might lead more women to choose life over killing their preborn child." (Catholic Daily)
How could Christians even imagine that after 8 years as Obama's V.P. the only politician (at that time) who was against born alive abortion legislation to save a child's life. A job is always better than welfare, and Trump offered low income women the best possibility for a good life for their children. Some anti-Trumpers will use any excuse to hide their hate. No president reduces welfare ever. What were they thinking?
Catholic Daily continues: "If the leadership of this group feels used and betrayed, they should: they were used and betrayed. It appears that Biden wanted their endorsement to provide cover to pro-life evangelicals and Catholics who had their misgivings about Trump but were also uncomfortable with the Democrats’ full-throated endorsement of abortion. It also appears that Biden had no interest in finding common ground on abortion funding or any other issue."
Thursday, March 11, 2021
How is your state doing?
Happy Anniversary
Yes, the pandemic really did turn out to be Joe Biden's best friend.
Never waste a crisis to grab more power. Happy Anniversary.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
It's not the cat, it's the culture
Monday, March 08, 2021
Holy Family prayer and painting
The Heavenly and Earthly Trinities - The Family Project
I received a prayer card with a prayer by St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, but with no identification of the artist of the painting. So I typed in a description and clicked on images and it came up about third on the list.
"What we see in this painting is a vertical and horizontal presentation, the vertical of course being the Heavenly Trinity with the Holy Spirit descending as the dove from the Father upon the Christ child. The horizontal presentation is the trinity of the holy family revealing the humanity of Christ as well as the mystery of all families: one flesh of mother and father coming together in their love which typically brings forth new life, a creation of their own flesh who is one flesh with them. A human trinity. A small but important detail about this piece is where the Christ child is standing. It is the stone the builders rejected which will become the cornerstone who is Christ. (Matt. 21:42)"
The exact prayer wasn't easy to find. The first two sentences seems to be settled, Prayer for the Family by Mother Teresa, Spirituality for Today December 2010 - Spirituality.org, But then it may be spliced in from another prayer.
March is women's history month, and four years ago they marched
"Some women will be marching today against President Trump.
- We know it isn't for the right to vote, because many have that and don't vote;
- we know it isn't for higher education because they outnumber men in college;
- we know it isn't for protection of Title IX because they believe biological sex doesn't matter and anyone can be a woman even a 6' 300 lb. male wrestler;
- we know it isn't for higher salaries because most work for the government in some capacity either as teachers (average hourly wage about $60 according to BLS) or mid-level bureaucrats in local or state or federal government and they are paid more than in the private sector;
- we know it isn't for freedom of religion or the right to own a gun because they want people to keep religion private and inside churches and want the 2nd amendment to go away;
- we know it isn't for life from womb to tomb because they are pro-abortion;
- we know it isn't to stop hunger because only 25% of Americans are "normal" BMI;
- we know it isn't to crash the glass ceiling because women are free to make choices for career track;
- we know it isn't to stop international slave trade in women for sex because they want to do battle against 18th century slave trade.
Sunday, March 07, 2021
Why is Amazon censoring black opinion, lives, and opinions?
"Early last month [Black history month, just in case you've forgotten] Amazon deleted a documentary film about Justice Clarence Thomas from its popular streaming service. Titled “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” and culled from more than 30 hours of interviews with its subject, the film recounts Justice Thomas’s rise from poverty in segregated Georgia to Yale Law School and, eventually, to the Supreme Court." . . .
Last fall, Eli Steele’s “What Killed Michael Brown?”—a critique of liberal social policies that was written and narrated by his father, the race scholar Shelby Steele—was slated to stream on Amazon in October, then held up for reasons the company never fully explained. Amazon eventually relented and made the film available, but only after these pages weighed in and made a fuss." Wall Street Journal, March 2, Jason Riley
Saturday, March 06, 2021
Rereading old blogs on health, Lakeside, family memories
China benefitted from the Pandemic
Whether you call it the Wuhan Virus, the China Virus, Covid19, or SARS-Cov-2, China is the big winner economically. Our current president has a very chummy relationship with China.
H.R. 1, another way to steal our rights
Friday, March 05, 2021
Churches, the relief bill, and PPP
I do hope that churches will turn down the 2nd application for PPP. Churches are member supported organizations which do not pay federal income tax. If they have the trust of their membership who continue to pay their pledges, there's money to pay staff. It's legal, but not ethical, to apply for PPP. Especially since so many churches sat in their closed buildings and were willing to be "non-essential" in the eyes of their state governments.
Critical race theory and the churches
"Critical theory is a Marxist idea developed in postmodernity in which absolutes, objectivity and absolute truth are no longer accepted. Critical theory purports to explain the world in terms of power, and its proponents believe those with the least power have the most moral authority to speak. Power is, therefore, mapped through intersectionality -- race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. The white male heterosexual Christian has the most power and therefore has the least moral authority to speak in society." (Erick Erickson column in Town Hall, March 5)
You can confess or humble yourself, cower, scrape and bow, or pay big bucks to offer CRT reeducation camps, it won't make any difference, because reconciliation isn't the goal. The intention is never forgive, never offer forgiveness and never have peace. Some liberal churches played with this when it was James Cone and Black liberation theology back in the 70s. It has simply been resurrected.
Thursday, March 04, 2021
Now Biden calls us Neanderthals
Wednesday, March 03, 2021
A run on Dr. Seuss books
Your mom was right—eat all the colors, and a lot of them
Research shows Mom was right. Eat all the colors. This is a meta-analysis. Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Mortality: Results From 2 Prospective Cohort Studies of US Men and Women and a Meta-Analysis of 26 Cohort Studies (ahajournals.org) Free, original research article. Print it and read between the food commercials on TV.
- A higher intake of fruit and vegetables was associated with lower total and cause-specific mortality in a nonlinear manner in both an original data analysis in 2 prospective cohorts of US men and women and a meta-analysis of 26 prospective cohort studies.
- The lowest risk of mortality was observed for ≈5 servings per day of fruit and vegetable intake, but above that level the risk did not decrease further.
- The thresholds of risk reduction in mortality were 2 servings daily for fruit intake and 3 servings daily for vegetable intake
My favorite vegetables, peas, corn and potatoes, are not associated with lower mortality. Too starchy. Darn. It's just hard to eat this much of anything.
Despite recommendations in dietary guidelines for decades to increase fruit and vegetable intake, the current average intake among US adults is 1 serving of fruit and 1.5 servings of vegetables per day. Not good. There have been many campaigns (cited in the article) to change this because poor nutrition contributes to the burden of disease and premature death.
BTW, this is a premiere, peer reviewed journal. When I was a librarian, Circulation and its many numbered series, was the bane of my existence.
Andrew Cuomo and the fake outrage of the Democrats
Tuesday, March 02, 2021
Monday, March 01, 2021
Modern day slavery--labor, sex and children
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- Norma
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- Churches using government money to fulfill their p...
- A year late, and trillions of dollars short
- Downton Abbey the third time
- Karen vs. Meghan
- Christian singing groups in India
- The myth of food desserts
- Dollar Stores, good or bad for your community?
- Palm Sunday 2021, All Glory, Laud and Honor
- Joe Biden lied at press conference
- The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020--7 Critical...
- Income inequality—shrinking
- The Biden Border Crisis
- Government transfers provide 90% of income for bot...
- What happened to Flatten the Curve?
- Gender equity push by Biden Administration
- Critical Race Theory has bad effect on employee mo...
- Barbara Lee maligns millions for the act of one man
- Reasons for the latest hate crime fake memes
- Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) look up data
- Ronald Spire
- The gatekeepers of wisdom and morality
- The C word V word
- Exercising in the morning
- Columbus today--according to Wikipedia
- Liberal protestants and Catholic bishops--where ar...
- When will schools be opened to serve all children?
- Women in Georgia killed
- The tale of two elections
- Drug cartels now free to cross the border
- Those "pro-life" evangelicals--an embarrassment to...
- Report from the 1776 Commission
- The failed lockdown policy
- Melanie Philips, British writer, on today’s cultur...
- Would you get a job?
- Ohio Right to Life and Title X
- How is your state doing?
- Happy Anniversary
- It's not the cat, it's the culture
- Holy Family prayer and painting
- March is women's history month, and four years ago...
- Why is Amazon censoring black opinion, lives, and ...
- A new network to keep an eye on
- Rereading old blogs on health, Lakeside, family me...
- China benefitted from the Pandemic
- H.R. 1, another way to steal our rights
- Churches, the relief bill, and PPP
- Critical race theory and the churches
- Now Biden calls us Neanderthals
- A run on Dr. Seuss books
- Over 90% of the bill is not related to Covid
- Your mom was right—eat all the colors, and a lot o...
- Andrew Cuomo and the fake outrage of the Democrats
- Democrats with Big Tech destroy the First Amendment
- Modern day slavery--labor, sex and children
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