Thursday, July 25, 2024

My pedicure at a Cambodian nail salon

For someone my age, a pedicure is pure luxury, and also a necessity. The salon I've been using the last year and a half has an all Asian staff, but I didn't know the country. They could all speak to each other, and some spoke a little English, but I didn't feel comfortable asking. This past Monday, the young lady only spoke English and said they were all Cambodians. She was born in the U.S. and told me her step-mother worked there (so I had the impression she was only there occasionally). She told me there were many Cambodians living in the Columbus area. Later when I was under the dryer another customer told me that the owner of this salon had started it after working in another salon in our community. Wow.  What entrepreneurs. And all female! And I was to discover, a lot more to the story.

I looked up Cambodians in the U.S. There was a civil war in the 1970s in Cambodia and the Communists won.  An estimated 1.7 million people out of an estimated total population of 7.9 million died from executions, hunger, disease, injuries, coerced labor, and exposure to the elements. Think of that. They killed about a fourth of the population. After the Communists took over, life became so awful I'll just quote my source. (Chan, Sucheng. "Cambodians in the United States: Refugees, Immigrants, American Ethnic Minority." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History.)

"The very afternoon of the day they captured Phnom Penh, they ordered its population (that had swelled from half a million to more than two million during the civil war) to evacuate the city and go to their ancestral villages. Even patients in hospitals were forced to move, some being pushed along while lying on gurneys. Along the way, Khmer Rouge cadres cajoled people, at gunpoint, to tell their life stories so that former government officials and military commanders, educated people, professionals of every kind, merchants, and landlords could be identified. Branded as enemies of the people, these unfortunate individuals were shot or bludgeoned to death. The Khmer Rouge defrocked Buddhist monks, the most revered persons in traditional Cambodian society, forced them to work in the fields, and killed many of them. They used Buddhist temples to store their weapons and ammunition. Barely a year after coming to power, Pol Pot ordered his most trusted henchmen to arrest, imprison, torture, and execute thousands of individuals among the Khmer Rouge’s own officials, political cadres, and military commanders, including a large number of high-ranking ones, whom he suspected of being disloyal to him. The Khmer Rouge closed schools and colleges, and abolished private property, money, banks, markets, hospitals, Western medicine, and all other modern institutions. They let vehicles and machinery rust in the humid tropical climate because they opposed the use of such symbols of Western modernity. They separated husbands from their wives and children who were older than seven from their parents. They also trained children to spy on their parents and interrogated the youngsters about what their parents had talked about.7 The entire country was turned into a giant slave labor camp: people had to plant and harvest crops, as well as build dams and levees, with their bare hands while subsisting on meager bowls of thin rice gruel. Starving individuals who dared to catch fish, mice, lizards, and other creatures or to look for wild plants to eat were severely punished or even killed."

Read that carefully.  You'll notice some oddly familiar themes. Destroying the educated, destroying religion, destroying families, destroying symbols of Western civilization, and finally killing off the very people who helped build the power structure.

This encyclopedia article is very informative but is laced with the usual blame and coulda shoulda woulda complaints about American society. (This is not uncommon in the Oxford encyclopedias.) Still, it's worth reading for an overview. Cambodians in the United States: Refugees, Immigrants, American Ethnic Minority | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History

The Hamas Pro-Palestine protests in DC

 Now if they were J-6 protestors, it would be months in jail. Harris left town and didn't meet with Netanyahu. She was in Indianapolis with her Sorority Sisters.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Faster than an assassin's bullet

You've got to give Democrats credit/blame for their head twirling, gaslighting blather. They/he/she/all of them. Now Trump is too old to run. He was traumatized, they gossip, by the assassin's bullet. After years of their/her/his lying to us about Biden! If Trump says anything about Kamala it's a racist, sexist attack, but it's still OK for them/her/him to call Trump a Nazi, white supremist, and threat to Democracy. As soon as they kicked Biden to the curb (when he was sick) for being old and forgetful, all the money came back. It was faster than a speeding bullet! That's their version of Democracy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris' rise in politics

Since it will come up during the campaign, let's compare Harris' lucrative climb in politics via her boyfriend (twice her age) Willy Brown with Trump's relationship with Stormy Daniels. The devious (and Biden supported) Alvin Bragg managed to find 34 felonies within one misdemeanor; it was clearly election interference on Biden's part. Now if we had an investigative media (dream on), how many felonies could a clever prosecutor of the other party find in the payoff Harris took from Brown? And if the statute of limitations has run out--no problem. That was also the case for the Democrats v. Trump.

"Brown’s decision to appoint Harris raised eyebrows in political circles. “Both boards are reserved for political payback or occasionally for personal rewards for personal service,” said Brett Granlund, a former California Republican state assemblyman who worked closely with the commission while Harris was on the board. “The boards are considered plum appointments as they require no work, no policy credentials, and are paid the equivalent of a full-time [state] senator for arriving at a one- to two-hour meeting each month.”

Cheatle resigns, but Heritage is on the job

The Heritage Oversight Project has been tracking phones connected to Crooks' workplace and home, coming up with some interesting facts. Let's see if the tardy investigative actions of the FBI and Secret Service ever get this far. This is an IMPORTANT read.

"A cell phone associated with the home and work addresses of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks visited the Gallery Place building in Washington, D.C., that houses a mall and offices of the FBI, the Heritage Oversight Project reported July 22."

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned now, but Biden (if he's out there) should have fired her.

The informed Democrat voter

In case any conservatives thought going up against Kamala would be a breeze, let me tell you about today's treadmill gossip. I had to move down the row a bit because a lot of the TVs weren't working, and I ended up next to 3 men (old guys, but younger than me). These guys were talking football--they knew the name of every coach, player and water boy. Then all of a sudden, one guy says, "What do you think of Kamala?" One other says, "Oh she's fine; I'll vote for her, but don't know anything about her," and the others chimed end with approval. Dumb jocks.

Monday, July 22, 2024

It's been a very long week

A long extended week from Saturday, July 13, to Sunday, July 21. From an assassination attempt to a coup; there's a lot of evil, corruption, denial, grifting, lying, disloyalty, DEI failure, hate, and gaslighting oozing and revealing to the world just how deep the swamp is. The Democrats are everything they accuse Trump of being.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Emily Jashinsky, voice of a conservative?

I've never been able to put my finger on it, but I just don't care for Emily Jashinsky, culture editor for The Federalist and occasional guest on Fox (I'm told). I think it's her whiney giggly voice. (I just looked her up and she's quite young--30, unmarried, no kids.) 

For podcasts, voice quality is important to me. I heard her on the "UnHerd with Freddie Sayers" podcast evaluation of Trump's speech of Thursday. Yikes. She might as well have been on the View, a show I don't watch, but because they are such racists and haters one does see clips occasionally on other shows. She even doubted he needed the bandage. I wonder if she's ever had a part of her ear blown off, or even had skin cancer on her head or face and realized the danger of infection? The skin is the largest organ of our body, a protective shield against injury, and infection. The flesh on his ear prevents entry of bacteria and when it's gone--a bandage would cover the scab or prevent it from being bumped by an enthusiastic grandchild or fan. At least she didn't demand to see the medical records as one screechy leftist feminist on Demedia did. She didn't like the tribute to Corey Comperatore who was killed by one of the bullets some on the Left wished for Trump. Perhaps she would have preferred the full-scale riots and defund police parades that honored George Floyd? She said Trump was just being Trump and she didn't see any real change. 

An air-head trying to get inside Trump's head and heart. She's called a "rising conservative voice," and she's just full of herself--something she accuses Trump of.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The lies about Trump--NATO

One of the biggest lies the Democrats tell about Trump is that he wants to destroy NATO. So, paying your fair share (2% of GDP) is now being a Nazi? Hmm. Who is it that talks about "fair share" all the time? But what's crazy is Biden is now given credit for what Trump asked for!

 "Just five years ago, there was still less than 10 allies that spent 2% of GDP on defense,” Stoltenberg said during remarks at The Wilson Center in Washington. “I can only now reveal that this year, more than 20 allies will spend at least 2% of GDP on defense.” (CNN, June 17, 2024)