Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Closing out the closer with half price goods
TV writers are not so clever about their anti-Christian bias, if you watch a series for any length of time. All the boogey men and rumors and myths are brought out in the story, then the priest, minister, pastor, etc. are absolved in the end, but the seeds of suspicion and hate have been firmly planted. This also happens on Bones and Law and Order. But Muslims--they are not treated this way. They are usually the victims of prejudice in the story line by unnamed bigoted groups. All the Closer team was going along with the theme--a murdered priest had been a child molester, the church was doing a massive cover up--but he was completely innocent and had been killed by someone whose confession he had heard. Closer also has a strong anti-Mexican theme in many stories and with blatant stereotyping, but allow the one Hispanic character (whose Spanish sounds about as good as mine) on the show always has to interpret the church to the rest of the crew.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Monday Memories—wringer washer at our 2nd apartment
Or maybe it was our third apartment. It was on Third Street, in Champaign, Illinois. I think it was called Harvard Apartments. I was living in a rented room at Maude Peter’s home in Urbana so I could do my student teaching at Urbana High School (in Spanish), and Bob was finishing a class in Indianapolis living with the Moir family in the Spring of 1961. We’d been married less than a year and were already “separated” by circumstances. So we probably moved in shortly before I graduated—I have photos taken at the apartment of me in my cap and gown. Anyway, there was a wringer washer in the basement (we lived on the third floor) for the tenants. As I recall, it was 25 cents a load; for that you got wash and wring, and if you were really quick, you could get er done. Fortunately, I’d helped with the wringer washer my mom had before 1953, so I knew how to use one. After our son Stanley was born, it was really important, because trying to boil diapers on the kitchen stove and wring them out, and dry them on a rack, was a lot more work.
Mitt Romney in Jerusalem
"Let me turn from Iran to other nations in the Middle East, where we have seen rising tumult and chaos. To the north, Syria is on the brink of a civil war. The dictator in Damascus, no friend to Israel and no friend to America, slaughters his own people as he desperately clings to power.
... Your other neighbor to the north, Lebanon, is under the growing and dangerous influence of Hezbollah.
After a year of upheaval and unrest, Egypt now has an Islamist President, chosen in a democratic election. Hopefully, this new government understands that one true measure of democracy is how those elected by the majority respect the rights of those in the minority. The international community must use its considerable influence to ensure that the new government honors the peace agreement with Israel that was signed by the government of Anwar Sadat.
As you know only too well, since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007, thousands of rockets have rained on Israeli homes and cities. I have walked on the streets of Sderot, and honor the resolve of its people. And now, new attacks have been launched from the Sinai Peninsula.
With Hezbollah rockets aimed at Israel from the north, and Hamas rockets aimed from the south, with much of the Middle East in tumult, and with Iran bent on nuclear arms, America’s vocal and demonstrated commitment to the defense of Israel is even more critical. Whenever the security of Israel is most in doubt, America’s commitment to Israel must be most secure.
When the decision was before him in 1948, President Harry Truman decided without hesitation that the United States would be the first country to recognize the State of Israel. From that moment to this, we have been the most natural of allies, but our alliance runs deeper than the designs of strategy or the weighing of interests.
The story of how America – a nation still so new to the world by the standards of this ancient region – rose up to become the dear friend of the people of Israel is among the finest and most hopeful in our nation’s history.
Different as our paths have been, we see the same qualities in one another. Israel and America are in many respects reflections of one another." - Mitt Romney in Jerusalem
Making the legal seem illegal
I receive a weekly digest from the U.S. Treasury Dept. (although it seems not that often) and today it was about FATCA, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act --an act passed by the Obama Administration in 2010. A little late for Timmy Geithner, though.
"FATCA was enacted in 2010 by Congress as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act. FATCA requires foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to report to the IRS information about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest."
Reading through the complex, obscure language that only bureaucrats can compose, I did determine that it isn't illegal to have foreign investments or work for foreign companies, so why are Obama ads (in Ohio, a swing state) making a big deal about Romney's legal investments regulated by our ever vigilant IRS? Except of course, to make voters think he's doing something illegal.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
John Tesh opens Week 6 at Lakeside
John Tesh was fabulous last night! One of the best shows ever!! I thought I might have to leave because of the deafening sound level, but after about 3 numbers he began the interaction with the audience and talk part, so that reduced the pain level. The 11 member band was so loud, we couldn't hear Tesh at the piano. In the middle of the show he gave his Christian testimony. Lakeside loved it.
On our way back to the cottage about 10 pm, our 80 something neighbor whizzed by on his bicycle, and said, “That was the best program I’ve heard at Lakeside.”
Tesh was co-host of Entertainment Tonight for 10 years. This was his “big band” sound and a similar show is airing on PBS. He is married to Connie Sellecca (20 years) who he say was the inspiration of his current radio show. The night before Lakeside the band was in Dayton, and one of the trumpet players had appendicitis, so they came to Lakeside with a PhD trumpet player from U of Cincinnati who plays with the symphony there.
Pandering to His Base
He is moving sharply to the left on issue after issue: immigration, religious liberty, welfare, gay marriage, the environment, race, the role of government. Why? It's an election year!
And then there are the expanded wars . . . the crony capitalism . . . the deliberate moves to hurt the economy by denegrating small business . . . what is up with this guy and his supporters?
Pandering to His Baseyear! Have Democrats really gone over the cliff as a party?
Fancy Nancy and the President's trips to Israel
The Kitchen Cabinet says:
"Nancy Pelosi - the gift that just keeps on giving... with Mitt Romney currently visiting Israel, guess she was feeling nervous for Obama when in her interview with Al Hunt she remarked that, he "has been there [Israel] over and over again."
Hmmm, not once as President, and only twice before that while in the Senate, and NEVER as a private citizen.
Pelosi also said that Republican Jews are being "exploited", but did remark, "And they’re smart people." Yeah, smart enough not to vote for Obama this time Nancy... getting anxious yet?"
More here: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/pelosi-president-obamas-been-israel-over-and-over-again_649078.html and interview transcript here: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-27/pelosi-says-republicans-use-israel-to-distract-transcript-.html
Current fashions
Also, what's up with young (ish) women wearing baggy sweats rolled at the waist with skinny t-shirt tops. Not very flattering. Is that the yoga look?
Ladies: I know they make fun of "mom jeans," but trust me when I say perhaps you should leave that painted on style to your teen daughters.
I must say, though, I do approve of the many pretty dresses available now in the stores. Many lovely floor length, summery, swishy styles. Just a few more sleeves please. This one is from Kohl's, similar to the one I'm wearing to church.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Not so wild about technology
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Chick-fil-a hypocrisy of Democrats
Interesting that Democrats, the party with a history of organizing and membership in the KKK, serial criminal behavior, treasonous speeches when we're at war, looking the other way when Jews were being slaughtered in Europe, supporting of the return of Jim Crow by disenfranchising legal voters by protecting the illegal and dead ones, and the killing of the pre-born for the last 40 years have a problem with Christians exercising legal rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Now it’s a failure of connectivity
Computer fixed, can get e-mail, but barely can get blogger and no luck with FaceBook. Somedays I hate technology.
But Mother Nature isn’t being much kinder. Last night two bats got in the house, apparently when we opened the front door around twilight, but we really don’t know since we didn’t discover them until around 11 p.m. We thought there was just one, but the cat found the 2nd one, upside down on the dining room blinds.
There’s supposed to be a big storm this afternoon. After the seriousness of the last two on June 29 and July1 which interrupted services for quite awhile, I bought a new flashlight, bottled water, and cooked this evening’s dinner at noon.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
He didn’t say it, or didn’t mean it, but it doesn’t matter, we know his heart
James Taranto writes: “Still on the defensive over "you didn't build that," President Obama's campaign is out with yet another ad claiming he didn't say that, or at least he didn't mean that. This one features Stephanie Cutter, the deputy campaign manager. . . [we haven’t seen this in Ohio yet].
“If Obama has made any permanent, across-the-board cuts [he claims 18 times] in either individual or corporate tax rates, that's news to us. As far as we know, such tax cuts as have been enacted since 2009 have been temporary and targeted--designed to provide "help" to particular segments of the economy or "stimulus," not to improve the overall business climate.
“Then Obama takes credit for "investing" in (read spending on) "infrastructure"; in Pell Grants, which transfer money from taxpayers, including businessmen, to colleges and universities; and in "expanding broadband access," an area in which the private sector is doing fine.
“Now remember all the governmental goodies Obama credits with building small businesses: roads and bridges, teachers, the Internet. It's all right there on Cutter's list. She's confirming, not refuting, Mitt Romney's account of Obama's collectivist philosophy.”
Restoring Love
Last night we listened to Kalai sing Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" on Glenn Beck's 5 p.m. program. Beautiful, but not like you've ever heard it. Our God is marching on . . . Restoring Love. Glennbeck.com/music.
According to another blog, Revolutionary Artists: "Kalai was born “Kaniela Ka Lei Ali’i ‘O’ Kalani Kala’i” in December, 1979, in Kailua, Hawaii and raised in Alaska. Kalai, despite a permanent injury in his left hand, at the age of 16 learned guitar by watching his father, Danson, a Hawaiian music icon who has performed with Eric Clapton and Van Morrison."
Women for Obama
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The blame game is killing people
Monday, July 23, 2012
Time for a new computer
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Week 4 at Lakeside, 2012
On Thursday we enjoyed Helen Welch from Cleveland who did music from the Silver Screen. The day time topics were the Great Lakes and Ethics. I did attend two of the Great Lakes lectures--learned about the Salt Mines under Lake Erie. Also attended a 3 day class led by our summer pastor, Irwin Jennings, Making sense of God’s Will. The Kids Sail on Sunday had to be post-poned due to weather, but almost 90 showed up on Thursday for the make-up date, and my husband loved it. He always has interesting stories to tell about what children say--when they aren’t with their parents.
Thursday night our neighbors had a party--Isobel is 95. The electric golf cart was decorated and the neighbors came in for cake and ice cream and a lot of laughter. I think she told me once that her parents brought her to Lakeside when she was 6 months old.
Friday, July 20, 2012
I spoke too soon
Thursday, July 19, 2012
None dare call it treason
John A. Stormer wrote this book in 1964. I picked it up at a sale today--vaguely remembered the title. Here are some of the chapter titles.
- The growth of world Communism
- How has it happened?
- Education
- Subverting our religious heritage
- The press, radio and TV
- The Organized labor movement
- The tax-exempt foundations
- Internationalism
Revising textbooks to eliminate nationalism, taking history out of the early grades, belittling patriotism, and eliminating the Pledge of Allegiance were noted (quotes suggestions from UNESCO).
The topic is Ethics at Lakeside
- Abortion.
- Removing DDT from malaria prone areas killing more Africans than the European slave trade.
- Testing drugs on women in developing countries and claiming the researchers have "informed consent" to exploit their ignorance.
- Crippling families with welfare and making Uncle Sam a no-good, abusive step-daddy-O.
- Destroying the hearing of teen children with rock concerts and ear buds so performers can live in luxury.
- Eminent domain for profit and cronyism and the building trades.
- Non-profits that are hugely profitable by any thinker person's definition of profit.
- College programs and faculty taking tuition from students to study for non-existent jobs.
- Keeping adult children dependent because you need to be needed.
- Not taking care of an animal you've agreed to own.
- Making a living legally from the addictions and pain of others--gambling, alcohol, pornography, etc.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The anti-life president and stem cell research
"An analysis of scientific funding over several years suggests that morally acceptable types of stem cell research [using adult cells] offer the greatest promise for a wide variety of effective therapies and treatments.Some Americans fret over where Obama was born. I wonder where his heart came from. We may never know the real truth, but his mother was a 17 year old, unmarried American, impregnated by a foreigner. His policies seem to speak out against his own mother who later turned him over to her parents to raise.
Research on adult stem cells does not require the destruction of a human embryo and therefore does not pose the ethical difficulties associated with embryonic stem cell research. In addition, adult stem cell research has already contributed to advancing therapies for various diseases." EWTN News
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
A memo to the president
Seen at the coffee shop in Lakeside
In "Real Simple" I was reading an article on aging and beauty, and of course, the photos were of women 40-something. That's what consumer magazines call "aging." For aging, they should come to Lakeside where 80-somethings are still wearing shorts and riding bikes and sailing. For us, here are my tips, but I think most magazines will tell you the same thing.
- Good nutrition
- Stay out of the sun
- If you must, use baby sun screen
- Drink a lot of water
- Move as much as you can
- Don't smoke
- Avoid alcohol
- Go really light on the make-up because it collects in wrinkles and eyebrow hair, emphasizing them
- If you must wear make-up, get the right color
- Smile
- Take care of your teeth
- If you've been coloring your hair, go lighter--that's how God does it.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Bicycling at Lakeside
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Putting all non-government social service agencies out of business--the HHS Mandate
Friday, July 13, 2012
Friday Family Photo-Old Friends
Week 3 at Lakeside, 2012
The Osmond Brothers, Merrill, Jay and Jimmy, performed Saturday night. Wow. What amazing, accomplished musicians, but then they’ve been performing together over 50 years, having had their 50th anniversary as a family group in 2008. Seven of the nine Osmonds are musicians and/or actors--one brother who used to perform with these three in recent years in Bransom, MO and on tour has had a stroke and another has M.S. Donny and Marie still perform together occasionally. All the Osmonds use their many talents in other areas of show business. They did a lot of interacting with the audience, and one more row and I would have been able to shake Merrill’s hand. The audience at the end (about 2-3 encores) rushed up to take photos, and they obliged. Some performers are very stingy with their time, but not this group. They also called Shirley Starey (who is program director) to the stage because it was her birthday.
The Archives and Heritage Hall has a new director of operations, Gretchen Curtis, who did our educational programming for years. Keith Addy gave some “behind the scenes” stories about the days he was in charge of the Hoover entertainment, 1988-2004. My neighbor provided a few additional ones. He said his wife was the driver from the airport when the Osmonds (5 of them) appeared here in 1985. Also he said when the Lennon sisters appeared here (1960s?), they took a break after about 30 minutes. The audience waited and waited, but they never came back on state. They’d left during intermission!
On Monday and Tuesday Frank Deaner, retired Ohio Newspaper Association, talked about future of newspapers and the sunshine law. He was hopeful about the future of newspapers, although the dailies are down (1902, 2600; 2009, 1392), many people report using a newspaper daily (59%) or on Sunday (53%). News websites get 113 million adult visitors. E-content (tablet, etc.) readers are increasing readership. Many websites are going “hyper-local.” I learned that the Cincinnati Inquirer is getting out of the printing business, and will be printed by the Columbus Dispatch. Also new is a less than 7 day schedule, like publishing 4 days, and the current stories appear only on blogs or the website. Lots of multi-media cross digitization--Scripps Howard now owns Food Network (cable), for instance.
On Wednesday and Thursday Meghan Harper, Assoc. Prof., Kent State talked on the future of libraries. She was very upbeat and positive. Two of my library friends, Andrea and Marian, and I compared notes at the Wednesday picnic. Our view from the trenches was not quite so positive. Of course, none of us were as enamored of technology as Ms. Harper.
A great genealogy workshop this week, 5 days at 3:30, by Derek Davey, who is an instructor in genealogy, and a private, for-hire, genealogist. Many of the points I knew (although I don’t always follow). Met a woman who also has a Church of the Brethren background and I told her about the Brethren genealogy listserv that has been so helpful for me in finding Wengers, Danners, Geigers, and Fetters. Because maiden names were often not included in older records, it is nice to have such a helpful group.
Thursday night was The Glenn Miller Orchestra. Powerful performance. The leader said they tour 48 weeks a year, 4-5 performances a week! This also included a seminar in the afternoon, although I didn’t attend. After all, one has to preserve some nap time!
Friday night Judy Collins is scheduled. She is my age and still does about 100 performances a year. So I guess I can walk 3 blocks to hear her. She is multi-talented, and is also an author.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
It's only the largest tax increase in our history. . .
Imaginative Conservative
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Transfer of health
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Diet and exercise myths and studies
Losing weight is no problem. Maintenance is. Most medical reports only go to 18 months for “success” stories. I lost 20 lbs. In October 2006-March 2007. Travel is broadening, and in 2006 we went to Finland, Russia, California, an architectural tour, and to Michigan. We ate a lot of good food. I gained a few pounds back in Ireland that fall, a few pounds in Italy the next year, and a few in our Holy Land tour in 2009. Since 2010 it’s been a hopeless climb back to my 2006 weight. In fact, I’d be happy to weigh what I did in 2009.
The June 27 issue of JAMA has another comparison of plans, and STEP, or a stepped care weight loss program does better than the standard behavior mod plan. However, “The findings do not answer the question of how to achieve weight loss in a manner that will be appealing enough to the participants in long term sustained weight loss." (p. 2641). Really? Who knew?
Eat less, move more. It always works.
Diet and exercise myths and studies
Losing weight is no problem. Maintenance is. Most medical reports only go to 18 months for “success” stories. I lost 20 lbs. In October 2006-March 2007. Travel is broadening, and in 2006 we went to Finland, Russia, California, an architectural tour, and to Michigan. We ate a lot of good food. I gained a few pounds back in Ireland that fall, a few pounds in Italy the next year, and a few in our Holy Land tour in 2009. Since 2010 it’s been a hopeless climb back to my 2006 weight. In fact, I’d be happy to weigh what I did in 2009.
The June 27 issue of JAMA has another comparison of plans, and STEP, or a stepped care weight loss program does better than the standard behavior mod plan. However, “The findings do not answer the question of how to achieve weight loss in a manner that will be appealing enough to the participants in long term sustained weight loss." (p. 2641). Really? Who knew?
Eat less, move more. It always works.
Friday, July 06, 2012
Week 2 at Lakeside--hot in so many ways
We left early Sunday morning for Illinois, arriving in time for our family reunion, so I can't speak to the programing on Monday and Tuesday except it was on art and literature. I know on Monday night there was a lovely theater production at the hotel because Bev, who was attending our cat, said it was great. Thursday night's Hoover program was "The Magic of John Denver" performed by Rick Schuler. In the middle, he told us about archealogy digs in Israel he's participated in, and sang the Lord's Prayer in Hebrew.
Tuesday and Friday are farmer's market, so I'd better hurry. Saturday (week 3) is the Osmond Brothers--the real thing.
Update: Friday's program, Rhythmic Circus, a group of tap dancers and ensemble musical group, was outstanding. I've never seen anything like it--although they were here last year (I must have not attended, because you'd remember these folks). My feet, knees and calves were aching in sympathy after the first number, yet they continued until 10:30! Hoover was packed--unusual for a non-name group, so they must have a following. The new "cooling" system, huge ceiling fans, couldn't make a dent in the heat, and at intermission many left to go get ice cream. But, oh my, they were fabulous.
Small business waits . . .and so do we
Meanwhile in Ohio, a swing, critical state, we are inundated with 2 Obama ads; 1) Romney outsourced jobs, 2) Bain Capital (when he was no longer an owner) which created thousands of jobs and businesses (Staples, 92,000 alone) caused a woman to lose her job. How about the government EPA requiring us to buy energy efficient light bulbs made in China. How about those wind towers that dot the Illinois prairies which are made in China? What about Obama off-shoring our oil wells to the waters outside Brazil? These ads are so easy to refute, where are the Romney writers? They are certainly collecting enough money--it's time to call out Obama on his lies.
John Stossel's new book points out he made $11/hr, tax free, begging on the streets, and found 40 jobs in 2 hours in an area where the unemployed, collecting benefits, said there were no jobs.
Driving back to Ohio on July 4 we made record time getting around Chicago--it was a breeze. But. Oh. My. The radio talk shows. Really in the tank for Obama, plus we had to listen to an interview with Elizabeth Warren pleading for money (wampum?). Remember she's the one who has been sliding buy as a Native American, based on a family story that great great great granny or someone was an Indian. Well, who doesn't have that in their family genealogy/tree, especially if you are from an area where Indians were forceably remove. A nice gig, but isn't she smart enough and female enough to make it on some thing else.?
Allen West: "When you go back and you read the documents, the Declaration of Independence, the full declaration, the full Constitution, you’ll understand limited government, you’ll understand fiscal responsibility, you’ll understand individual sovereignty, free markets … strong national defense.
But there are people on the other side, and you can call them whatever you wish, you can call it Communism, Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism, or Statism …They believe in creating and expanding an entitlement or welfare state."
Monday, July 02, 2012
Monday Memories--Very fresh, Blogging from Illinois
The ladies of the class meet this evening and then the class reunion is at the Pines State Park tomorrow evening. However, classmate Phil Egan died Saturday, and the funeral will be tomorrow, so I expect to see some classmates at the services or visitation.
Very hot here. Instead of a cool walk along the lakefront, it was 77 degrees on a country road.