Thursday, May 31, 2018

The right to try

Democrats don't want to put dying people whose treatments have failed "in danger" so they didn't support the "right to try" bill. Big Whoop. Here are the big reasons.
  • They didn't support it because it is a "right to life" issue (which includes fighting euthanasia),
  • they didn't support it because it's a win for Trump,
  • they didn't support it because some of their biggest donors in the medical and pharmaceutical field don't like it, and
  • they didn't support it because it puts more control of health in the hands of the consumer. 
Rich Democrat celebrities can always fly to Asia or Mexico for experimental drugs; no use letting the hoi polloi do that and cheapen the glamor.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sent by Carol who is 2 years younger

I found this timely, because today I was in a store that sells sunglasses, and only sunglasses. A young lady walks over to me and asks, "What brings you in today?"

I looked at her, and said, "I'm interested in buying a refrigerator.”  She didn't quite know how to respond.

Am I getting to be that age?

I was thinking about how a status symbol of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped onto their belt or purse. I can't afford one. So I'm wearing my garage door opener.

I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is when you still have something on the ball, but you are just too tired to bounce it.

I thought about making a fitness movie for folks my age and calling it 'Pumping Rust.'

When people see a cat's litter box they always say, “Oh, have you got a cat?” Just once I want to say, “No, it's for company!”

Employment application blanks always ask who is to be called in case of an emergency.   I think you should write, ‘An ambulance.'

The older you get the tougher it is to lose weight because by then your body and your fat have   gotten to be really good friends.

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.

Did you ever notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL.

Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words ' The'   and ' IRS ' together it spells   'Theirs...'

Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.

Some people try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.

You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.

Ah! Being young is beautiful but being old is comfortable.

Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.

May you always have Love to Share, Cash to Spare, And Friends who Care

Smash and grab

There were 4 cars broken into at the fitness center on Henderson Rd. this morning sometime between 6 and 7. Ladies and gentlemen, why do you leave purses, cameras, computers, etc. in your locked car? Just leave the car unlocked--save the insurance problems. There are wonderful lockers inside. It was daylight, lighted parking lot with security cameras, occupied building with staff in the front, morning traffic on the street, members and staff coming and going. This guy was very bold and very desperate to get something to fence or credit cards to sell.

I think one victim was a liberal. I stopped to express my concern (and find out what happened) after I moved my car away from the broken glass. "I'm OK," she said. "I had a great workout, and still have my glasses and my phone. He was probably hungry." At that I simply replied, "Drugs,"

If he were hungry, there are 2 grocery stores on either side to break into rather than up-scale automobiles with purses "locked" inside, 123 federal and state wealth transfer programs to help the poor, hungry and low income, innumerable food pantries run by churches and non-profits and a Volunteers of America store a few doors down where I often shop.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Starbucks reeducation camp


Bundling for Obama

Pay to play--bundling for Obama. But no scandal in that administration. Right?

"The Obamas have close ties with Netflix executives. Ted Sarandos, Netflix's chief content officer, is married to Nicole A. Avant, who served as Obama's ambassador to the Bahamas from 2009 to 2011. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings was close to Obama during his presidency and sometimes attended state dinners, the report said."

"Ted Sarandos and Nicole Avant just made the top tier of Obama "bundlers," raising more than half a million dollars in one night. A second term for the president is just one of their goals."

Some of the Netflix offerings for children are just propaganda.

Ambassadorships are often for sale by both parties, but the way this worked out for Obama's future influence, wealth and career is stunning. The ultimate in “you scratch my back and I'll get yours later.”

Latest hypocrisy. Trump is to blame for Starbucks rules

Howard Schultz of Starbucks is blaming Trump for his trained employees who were following bathroom rules in one location in one city. Really. You can't make this stuff up--Trump is so powerful and the American people so gullible, a few Facebook posts in 2016 purchased legally by Russians persuaded millions to throw the election to him, and he who has done more for blacks than Obama ever did, has changed the Starbucks liberal snowflake baristas into racists. Wow. Leftists just can't take responsibility, can they? These reeducation camps have been available for 25 years--they are a cottage industry in academe. Where has he been?

Locally, Starbucks staff are not as pleasant as Panera’s. I’ve never seen any racism at either place. 

First world problems.

Rude. Today I put my groceries on the conveyer belt at the grocery store. The clerk moved them forward. The woman in front of me was still getting things ready to pay and set her heavy purse (size of a small suitcase) on top of my groceries (to her left) rather than on the small shelf next to the credit card machine (to her right) or in her cart or on the bagging area. Maybe it was just too big and heavy to lift.

Then over the microphone: "Ray come to the office, please."  So Ray who was bagging my groceries for me, said, "That's me," and started to leave! Wise to how things were moving along, I gave him that look--and he put the last two things into the cart.

Notre Dame Graduation 2017 and 2009

A few dozen students walked out on Vice President Pence at the Notre Dame Graduation in 2017. It's their right to leave history in the making. Obama also created an historic moment in May 2009 and used a Notre Dame graduation to slam the Catholic Church by announcing embryonic stem cell research would continue on our tax dollar, undoing Bush's executive order (and no one sued him). He was too late; the research had moved so quickly during the Bush years we no longer needed that death trap. Despite its availability (was never illegal or banned) embryonic stem cell research had never produced that first cure or break through. Obama was so rude and narcissistic he thought his pretty words on abortion and holding hands could undo Catholic dogma 2000 years old on the sanctity of life. All he did was make himself look foolish in his first year as president. And thereafter, in my view.

Who's the president? Who's to blame?

Some say, "Why do you still talk about Obama's faults when Trump has been in office for over a year?" Here's why. 

1) Democrats don't treat him like he's the president so we can still blame Obama who has his people embedded in Trump's administration, and 

2) Democrats have been such obstructionists over everything and brought law suits, he's only had a few weeks to accomplish tax reform, improve the economy, secure the borders, revitalize the military, bring hope and pride back to America, stop the ridiculous mandate to jail those who don't buy health insurance, appoint excellent people to the courts, get the U.S. out of a non-binding Climate agreement, defund the organization that kills more females than all diseases, accidents and abuse--Planned Parenthood, defeat ISIS and end the Korean War. 

If he were a politician, he'd not have accomplished anything.


Manfeels/Mansfield Park

This is a webcomic. It inserts the way women think men think into Jane Austen scenes. Manfeels-Park/Mansfield Park. Get it? Openly passive aggressive hostile. The intent is to ridicule the stereotypical way men talk and think, sort of the blonde joke in reverse. But this particular one on feminism is spot on. I've been watching the feminist movement since the early 70s. I've seen the damage. Men know truth, too. Feminism IS Marxism--invented by men for men to destroy family, church, societal norms and sexuality so all will need the state. Will beg for the state. But most women don't even get it. Mo and Erin don't either (the hosts).

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Irish

Have we ever seen a nation

so overjoyed at the prospect

of killing their own children?

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Memorial Day Week-end

This time of year on my walks along the lakefront I am treated to gorgeous vistas of flowers we miss in the summer when we’re here for weeks, but which I remember from childhood when no one planted annuals. The iris are in their glory. The tulips and daffodils are gone, but azalea and rhododendron are bursting and loving yesterday’s rain. Our own landscaping renovation has been delayed due to the bad storms of the past few weeks.  Loretta can’t work her magic until Jason brings in some top soil and removes some old growth.  Lots of yard sales—they bloom with the flowers.  I bought 2 nice wooden TV tables in a stand from a neighbor for $2.00 to keep handy for extra stands when needed for various electronic, comfort and medical equipment.

Iris 6


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

So is it just about “love”

"Concordia Publishing House (CPH) is the publishing arm of the 2 million-member Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a conservative denomination that rejects ordaining women, abortion, and homosexual marriage. Founded in 1869, CPH is the oldest publishing company west of the Mississippi River and the world’s largest distinctly Lutheran publishing house. According to its website, it publishes “the world’s most widely circulated daily devotional resource,” printing and distributing over 850,000 copies quarterly, and its children’s books have been published in the millions of copies. But none of this matters to the world’s most visited website, Google dot com who has refused to do business with CPH."

Remember when we were told that gay marriage was just about love and certain government benefits (about 3,000)? No, it's about something else. Power. Google didn't mind when some Christian groups didn't support abortion, or divorce, or sleeping around; it didn't care what Christians believed about the body and blood of Jesus, or healing, or tongues, or baptism. No flak for being a pacifist, or not paying taxes, or birth control methods. But if a church doesn't support homosexual marriage (most accept them as members), and increasingly transsexual surgeries and modifications, (and it will move on the polygamy and pedophilia), then somehow, Google is offended.

And no, this isn’t the civil rights movement. Ask any African American.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Children and violence in schools

One thing that's different today than when I was a kid (a time when teens weren't shooting up their schools), we had compulsory recess and P.E. classes--only terrible rain storms, or below zero cold kept us indoors. We ran, screamed, climbed, and terrorized each other on the playground. I did have a bloody nose once from being hit in the face with a trapeze bar on the swing set, but it was my own fault. Maybe some kids were medicated, but the idea that little boys, and a few little girls, have pathological doses of energy that only Big Pharma can solve came much later. We had kids who were hungry, some smelled bad, some had no father, some were not smart enough to even complete elementary school, and I'm sure they felt rejection, but I don't remember being afraid of them, or that they feared for their own safety.

The first DSM (1952) didn't recognize ADHD or any of the earlier names, and that's when I was in elementary school. But it was recognized in 1987 DSM-III, and now there are many, many medications to "fix" a non-disease, non-virus, non-disability and to keep primarily boys more manageable for teachers and parents. Once it had a name, lots of parents began reporting it to their pediatricians who could write prescriptions. Articles about hyperactivity (the earlier term) was a cottage industry for women’s magazines.

Also, in the 50s and 60s we weren't exposed to violence constantly as children. In homes, on TV, and in video games. Desensitization starts very young.  In fact, in my home growing up, we didn’t even have a TV—the worst I’d see was a Tom and Jerry cartoon at the movie theater on Saturday.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Hamas and MS-13

Conestoga tour to Mansfield May 17—Reformatory

Conestoga is  “friends” group that supports the Ohio History Connection (formerly Ohio Historical Society) and we take tours and raise funds to support research and preservation on our history.  On  a beautiful sunny May 17 after a very cold Spring we met at the center at I-71 & 17th Avenue, boarded a bus, worked our way through a traffic back up  and arrived at the Mansfield Ohio State Reformatory about 10:30. Our guide/docent who has a degree in history and anthropology carefully explained the history of the building, the wardens, the architect, and some escapes and threw in a little information on the four movies filmed there after it closed in 1990, especially Shawshank Redemption (1994).  Another guide, who was not on our tour but who talked to some of the members who could not take the physical demands of the entire tour (lots of stairs) was a former “resident” of this reformatory when it was still in service. He now works there and lives in Mansfield.  Most of us cared about the history, but other tourists come there for the movie history and paranormal gatherings—it is very spooky.  Some administrative areas have been restored, but it’s very expensive. The building was slated to be torn down, but a preservation group saved it.



Morgan Freeman 



Saturday, May 19, 2018

Dyson vs. Peterson in a debate

The comments on the debate between Michael Dyson and Jordan Peterson are better than the debate. Dyson lost clearly because he said nothing and the audience noticed.

“The left dominates academia, the media, the tech industry, politics and Hollywood and yet they think they are the have nots while at the same time everything they cry about regardless of how delusional it might be gets transcribed into law.  At the same time the ones they cry about are getting jailed for voicing their opinions on Facebook.”

“Dyson, spewing word salads.”

“Michael Eric Dyson, that was an embarrassing sermon. It's good people like you speak, because you expose more and more how racist you are, and how bereft and empty the Left has become. You have nothing to offer except political correctness and identity politics.”

Tom Wolfe

I've had this issue of Biblio (v. 4, n.2 1999) for 20 years.  I suppose I should read it.  Tom Wolfe died this week.

Wikipedia’s liberal bias

You can read the whole article, but here are 2 good examples of the liberal bias of Wikipedia, a source virtually everyone uses even if they deny it: Coulter vs. Moore and Beck vs. Olbermann and how their personal lives and career are treated in the Wikipedia entries. This article is from a conservative source, Frontpage, because you probably couldn’t find one from liberals making a similar charge of bias in favor of conservatives (although I think the Communist Party of the USA makes this charge about American media). Wikipedia always provides sources, but when the sources are biased, plus the verbs and adjectives are loaded, the content shows the bias. There have been a number of unflattering biographies of President Obama, yet they wouldn’t be used as the primary source of a Wikipedia account of say, his legacy.

“Consider Ann Coulter versus Michael Moore. Coulter’s entry (on August 9, 2011) was 9028 words long.* Of this longer-than-usual entry, 3220 words were devoted to “Controversies and criticism” in which a series of incidents involving Coulter and quotes from her are cited with accompanying condemnations, primarily from her opponents on the Left. That’s 35.6 percent of Coulter’s entry devoted to making her look bad. By contrast, Moore’s entry is 2876 words (the more standard length for entries on political commentators), with 130 devoted to “Controversy.” That’s 4.5% of the word count, a fraction of Coulter’s. Does this mean that an “unbiased” commentator would find Coulter eight times as “controversial” as Moore?

The same disproportion can be seen in the former flagship stars of Fox News and MSNBC, Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann. Beck’s entry is 7810 words; instead of featuring a dedicated “controversy” section, as in the case of Coulter, the 1789 words of criticism from leftist opponents are scattered throughout -- 23 percent of the profile.

Beck’s page shows other metrics for measuring Wikipedia bias. First, the sources: Of the 206 references, 25-35 could be characterized as leftists critical of Beck, with frequent citations from Salon’s resident Beck antagonist Alexander Zaitchik and his attack book Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance. Another telling sign of bias is the fact that 9% of the entry, or 729 words, are comprised of potentially embarrassing details from Beck’s “personal life.” Such information is often more detailed in conservatives’ entries.

In Olbermann’s 3750 word entry 199 words (5 percent) could be characterized as criticism. However it is much more muted than that directed at Beck. Of the 199 critical words 113 are devoted to an incident in which Olbermann went off on a rant against Republican Senator Scott Brown that was so vulgar that Jon Stewart stepped in, eventually causing the MSNBC host to apologize. This is a frequent element in the treatment of leftist figures by Wikipedia. Criticism from those further to the Left (or, like Stewart, higher within progressives’ hierarchy of household gods) may be included which itself “centers” the subject of the profile. Incidents where the figure apologized for his or her transgressions may be featured as a form of exculpation, transforming a failing into a chance to show the subject’s humanity.”

Friday, May 18, 2018

What’s happening with Philadelphia’s foster care?

The City of Philadelphia is attacking the Catholics--THIS time—because it doesn’t recognize marriage between/among homosexuals. Therefore it must lose its grant funding for children’s foster care.  But in fact, federal, state and local government social services sub-contract to many different religious groups, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, and Muslim. The problem is, you have to dance with the one who brought you. And many do.  Churches often have to compromise their beliefs, morals and values in order to get the money—to collaborate--or to even get insurance for their staff members. Remember when Obama went after the nuns who cared for the elderly and poor because they didn't provide birth control for staff? And Chick-fil-a because it didn't cover abortifacients?  I believe it was Massachusetts that planned to penalize churches that didn’t “integrate” the bathrooms because the building might be used for secular or public purposes.

All Christians are commanded to do good works--some see it as part of salvation, others see it as an outcome of salvation, but Jesus made it clear--if you have no good works, you don't recognize him as savior (Matt. 25) and he won't see you as his flock. There are no goats in heaven. At one time in the U.S., virtually all community services were handled by the churches and community organizations, but gradually the government became more socialist and began copying and co-opting them (like the Peace Corps which was built on the Anabaptist volunteer model) and then doling out funding for the churches to do what Christ commanded. Gradually, churches lost their mission, and began competing for the government dollar instead of hearts.

Not accepting the grant money isn't always the solution. The government also controls the licensing and regulations for social services and all the HR regulations for staff, internships, codes, building, etc. Also, some of these agencies that the government attacks for not recognizing homosexuals as adoption candidates or fostering (it is after all supposed to be about the children) also run food panties, clothing and material outlets for the poor, settle refugees and immigrants, run job training programs, prison ministries, summer camps, disaster relief, etc., and the government can consider those "contaminated" and pull those grants, too.

So the holier than thou accusations about gay couples are really just an all out attack on Christians. Even those Christian organizations who have no problem with gay couples, just might draw the line at polygamy, incest or someone who choses another of the 32 genders.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Avenatti hogs the attention of CNN

Michael "Stormy" Avenatti, has appeared on CNN 65 times and MSNBC 43 times between March 7 and May 10 thus tragically and irresponsibly blocking their viewers from stories about Korea, the border, taxes, important judicial appointments, reduced regulations to release the economy from Obama's chains, Clinton's campaign mischief, trade deals, CIA appointments, lowest unemployment rate ever for black Americans, Hamas attacking Israel, while focusing on a man who's prostituting himself for naked attention. CNN also helped elect Donald Trump in 2016 by concentrating so often on his campaign, and it's helping his rising poll numbers in 2018, however, Avenatti's appearances are about double the time (worth billions) they gave Trump. What's in it for him--other than love of the attention?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Trump’s enemies in the media

Yesterday it was reported that Kim was unhappy about the U.S.-South Korea military drills, which as I understand, happen every year. Chuckles and jeers from the Left.  Does it seem to you that the MSM are cheering for North Korea just so they can poke fun at the President who's come further in ending the Korean War than all the presidents since the mid-50s? Really? They want more nukes from North Korea and more from Iran it seems. Whose side are they on? Has their hate for Trump overflowed to hate for Americans? The fall out will be on their supporters, too, because when bombs fall, they don’t ask about your party.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Why walking is good for you

Weight loss, toned muscles, better than running, helps the brain, stronger bones, relief from back pain, a calmer mind.


Seattle punishes success

Seattle is driving out its lucrative, job creating businesses by creating a "head" tax on each employee so they can create more homeless camps and hopelessness. Hope they come to the mid-west. I'm thinking whoever our governor or mayor will be, Democrat or Republican, they will be smarter than that!
The Left always eats it own.

Even for leftists, this is insane, but Jeff Bezos owns Washington Post which runs 8-10 anti-Trump articles everyday, so I guess he deserves it.

For my children

My new pledges

I will back up my computer once a week.

I will unplug my lap top once a week and let the battery run down.

I will floss once a day.

I will replace the head in my electric toothbrush every 3 months.

I will faithfully use my eye drops.

Monday, May 14, 2018


Computer in for repair.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Diversity propaganda and reeducation workshops

If you watched much TV, you'd assume that 30% of the population is LGBTQ (it’s about 2%)  and that white men were all abusers and losers. "Entertainment" has become diversity reeducation.  Of course, if you watch old movies on TV, you'd see that Indians talked funny and scalped people, blacks were servants who loved to dance, and that women wanted to be punched and slapped.  So maybe entertainment isn't the best place to learn values--it was wrong then, and wrong now.

The Gates Annual letter

Interesting letter to donors from Bill and Melinda Gates. Especially the Trump policies question. "The administration’s policies affect our foundation’s work in a number of areas." But when you read the whole response, it's nothing at all--just a lot of IFs and we don't agree with him type things. His policies have not affected their foundation and what it does at all. What does affect their foundation is the success of capitalism world wide, particularly in India and China, and that's what is reducing poverty. Extreme poverty has dropped dramatically--2014 figures showed 721 million fewer people worldwide lived in extreme poverty in 2010 than in 1981 — despite the fact that the global population went from 4.5 billion to about seven billion during that time.

Yes, NGOs (charities, foundations, churches) can help, and for the child with a vaccine, or the opportunity to have an education, donors matter. But what really matters are the policies of the government where the children or workers live, not the policies of our government. Only the president of Nigeria can stop Boko Haram who kill Christians educated by missionaries. There's growing research to show that charities in 3rd world countries have held them back.

Kim in North Korea and his father and grandfather have contributed to the deaths of millions and the poverty and slave labor in the countryside. No Gates money could change that. Trump possibly can. He's made more progress than all the "progressives" bundled together of the last 50 years.

Another question was why don’t the Gates contribute more to U.S. causes.  Well, even defined very broadly, including military aid, the percent of U.S. federal budget for foreign aid is very small--about 1.3%. But that's higher than the 1990s after collapse of USSR. There are almost always strings attached to foreign aid--as there is with NGOs donations. IMO, there's no point in propping up a dictator or communist government with foreign aid. However, our government spends about 73% of the budget on social/human services here at home, and about 15% for defense.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Trump Trauma among Rich Democrats

02138 is the ZIP for Cambridge, MA, home to Harvard and MIT. The town voted 89% for Hillary Clinton in 2016, but 4.5% thought she wasn't liberal enough and voted green or socialist according to Dominic Green in the April 2018, First Things. The townspeople were in end-times mode after the election insisting that Trump won because black voters were suppressed. The sky was falling and they might lose the right to abort babies.

"Here in west Cambridge, the only thing falling from the sky is money. It showers down upon my property-holding, stock-optioning, tech-investing, organic-eating, trash-recycling, Democrat-donating neighbors."

Green then goes on to talk about the small pocket of poverty in Cambridge--street crime, drug-dealing, high rise office buildings for Novartis, Google, and Twitter--where minorities work only with a mop and bucket. And none of the tech people are black, they aren't even servers in the artisanal pizzerias favored by the rich Democrats and university professors. Property values are soaring in Cambridge and the poor and minorities are pushed out. New low rise apartments are being built for the singles who work in the biotech industry. Green grieves for the loss of diversity, and reports that ordinary middle class like police, firefighter, nurses and teachers can't afford to live there. Also, they don't want conservatives in Cambridge (or teaching at the elite colleges). Republicans are such losers--besides they are too poor to live there. They might hang the Stars and Stripes from their porches and buy American-made cars. And it's just so darn embarrassing that Donald Trump is making Cambridge residents who survived nicely the recession even more rich and that middle class wages are rising. Yet they lie awake at night worrying about the future of the republic and their children.

Read the whole article.

Book Club Selections for 2018-2019

This week our book club met to discuss Cod by Mark Kurlansky, and we selected our choices for September through May next season. The addition of a poetry reading is new, and I’m looking forward to that.  Russia seems to be on our mind—2 selections, one a novel and one a memoir.  I was pleased to see the great Ronald White on the list—he’s been a speaker at Lakeside twice, once on Lincoln and once on Grant. Thurberville, of course, has a Columbus setting.  We’ve read Dava Sobel before—a great writer. Not sure I have all the leaders correct—but that will be sorted out. 

Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles led by Carolyn, September

The year I was Peter the Great, by Marvin Kalb, led by ?? October

Lincoln’s Greatest Speech by Ronald C. White, Jr., led by Peggy, November

Selection of favorite poems—each member decides.  December

The Other Alcott by Elise Hooper, led by Mary Lou, January

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, led by Letha, February

Thurberville, by Bob Hunter, led by Jean, March

A Country Between by Stephanie Soldena, April

Longitude by Dava Sobel, May

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Spike in STDs in LA—Is it racism or sex?

It's nothing new to blame STDs on racism or society in general--just google it and you'll find articles in peer reviewed journals 10-15 years old. STDs among men who have sex with men is 107x higher than men who don't, (over 300x higher in Hawaii) and it's rising, according to the CDC. For years that was blamed on stigma and homophobia, but that's not the cause--it's a higher rate of promiscuity, a desire for risk, and the old stigma excuse has gone by the boards. And the higher rate for black men, higher than Hispanic, Asian or White? Again, it's caused by sexual behavior, not racism. And they call climate deniers unscientific? Will we never learn? More contraception will prevent pregnancies? Didn't happen. More sex, more babies. The pill will reduce abortions? Didn't happen. Abortions can reduce women's poverty? Making pregnancy a woman's problem simply took men out of the equation creating more poor households. Academics and progressives never learn.

Take back the culture

Now that Eric Schneiderman, leader of the Trump Resistance and Superhero of the MeToo Movement has been found to be a serial abuser of women, you would think it might cause a set back in the twin movements of demonize Trump and create more victims for the left. However, I've been watching this stuff for about 40 years and it's only a bump in the road. CNN today offered an interview with Stormy's attorney instead of news of the hostage release or an analysis of Schneiderman's duplicity.

Take back your HR department, your party, your profession, your college or university, your church social justice committee, God's rainbow covenant for Noah, and maybe your extended family. Stop waiting for the left to implode--they just pick up the pieces and move on to a new cause.

Small town seeks economic recovery and growth

I grew up in a small northern Illinois community, Mt. Morris (and Forreston 15 miles away) which had a healthy economy in the 1940s through the 1960s based on the printing/publishing/magazine fulfillment business. The town had been built first on education, and when the college failed during the 1930s Depression, private investors took over the buildings and developed a nice economy to complete the printing business already established by the Kable twins at the turn of the century.  The printing plant, originally known as Kables,  was sold several times, and finally closed a few years ago. The publishing company, Watts, known for its numerous agricultural journals, moved out of town, as did the fulfillment company.   Murray Trout (now deceased) wrote a history for me a few years ago.  Now another friend, a member of the Mt. Morris Economic Development Corporation,  has updated me on the current negotiations on using the printing plant.

“The initial behavior of the 'new' owners, "Phoenix" seems to be more favorable and more 'engaged' than the previous owners, IRG.

Omni-trax, owner of the RR spur has been busy clearing brush and repairing track.

The plant has an overabundance of electric power, natural gas service, two deep water wells and a water tower, a $14 mm waste water treatment plant within a mile, one block from buried, ultra-high speed (giga-bit) fiber optic cable, the RR spur, of course with 'cross-docking' capabilities, 600K square feet, fully sprinklered  under roof and a 30+ acre property base.  

The problem is NOT the facility, but its location in the state of Illinois.  One of the highest property tax structures in North America; workers comp and unemployment tax rates off the charts, and a legislature that is run - and has been run for 30 plus years - by a 70+ year old Democrat from Chicago, not to mention a $100+ billion unfunded liability, public employees' pension fund, with unsustainably generous (3%) annual cost of living increases, and a structurally unbalance-able budget.  Have I forgotten or overlooked any other disadvantages—oh yes--each of our contiguous neighbors - WI, IA, MO, KY, IN - are 'right to work' states.

A Janesville, WI, outdoor and children's furniture manufacturer has 'waltzed' with us several times:  His company is reported to be headquartered in Battle Creek, MI; and he expressed an interest in moving it to the Mt. Morris Printing Plant.  He claimed possibly 400 semi-skilled labor jobs.  He claimed that Kellogg's was his financial backer, and wished to establish a 'maintenance facility' for their long-haul trucks.  After the Kellogg's decision makers studied the location, they reportedly determined that, "We aren't interested in doing business in Illinois."

It's not a 'pretty' picture … although we have had several small successes, e.g., Sullivan's Foods replaced MM SuperMart with a new, 50% larger store, DOLLAR GENERAL and CASEY'S have opened stores.  But downtown is virtually half deserted! 

The ENCORE! arts group has become instrumental in attracting music groups to summer concerts, and visual artists to The Gallery, i.e., 1st floor of Old Sandstone, as well as several summer festivals, i.e., PorchFest  - music on private porches, functioning much like a 'progressive dinner' - and StrawFest, a straw-statue constructing competition.   The Performing Arts Guild continues to showcase several productions each year.

And periodically, we are contacted by IL Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to 'bid' for re-locating businesses, but to no avail as yet.

Mt. Morris has two Tax Increment Financing ("TIF") districts, which accumulate tax funds for rehabilitating 'downtown' structures, and nearly 200 acres of Enterprise Zone property, which offers tax abatement and sales tax avoidance incentives.  We have engaged a Rockford-based architect, who specializes in restoring buildings to their once, long ago glory; and hope thereby to 'spruce up the downtown' with some of the TIF funds.

Many of the 'experts' which we hear and see suggest towns and villages build their own 'creative economies'; but when one studies the demographics of Mt. Morris, and realizes that Pinecrest Communities [retirement/nursing facility affiliated with Church of the Brethren] is the growth industry, one doesn't find many early, middle aged entrepreneurs!

Attacks on Laura Ingalls Wilder

One of the first attacks I remember on Laura Ingalls Wilder was written by Michael Dorris, who committed suicide about 20 years ago after being accused of sexual abuse by his daughters and the break up of his marriage. She is practically sacred to my memories of childhood and sitting with Mom while she read the whole series to my brother and me (even though I knew how to read). Many years later I read all her columns for farm magazines when I prepared my own research about women who wrote for agricultural publications.

Caroline Fraser has written 2 books and wants to dispute Ingalls-Wilder's memories and facts. That's what current academic criticism is--call it all myth, and especially browbeat American pioneers for daring to settle on Indian land. So that means we should discredit memories of Jews who were children in the 1940s watching their parents and siblings go to the gas chambers, or terrorism memories of survivors of Tutsi-Hutu wars, or the tales of living through the dust storms of the plains during the Great Depression, or the Gospels because they were written so many years after Jesus' resurrection, or the slave narratives recorded by the Federal Writers Project, or even my blogs about what I saw, heard and remember.

Liberals have long discredited Mrs. Wilder--especially because her libertarian daughter, a novelist, edited her works and was very patriotic (died in 1968). Some don't even give Wilder credit. But also the message of hard work, self-reliance, faith in family and community, and self-sacrifice is an anathema to them. I guess Laura and her little family struggling on the prairies were precursors of white privilege and must be destroyed before she gives other children hope and enjoyment.

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Who’s the hater now?

It's now fashionable to declare that if a person believes marriage is between a man and woman,  he is a homophobic hater.  Yet both Obama and Clinton ran on that assumption right up to 2012 or until someone threatened to spill the beans.  It's possible to believe differently and not hate. This company, Chick-fil-a, doesn't discriminate or have hiring and promotion quotas for its homosexual employees, but the thought police have declared them not suitable to be among the 7,300 fast food restaurants for New Yorkers. 

Recently, a Houston gay man shot and killed his partner/husband then himself --now that's hate, but apparently he had correct political views on same sex marriage.  Or maybe he expected fidelity?

Abortion peaked in 1981

Everything the Democrats told you about abortion is a lie. Roe v. Wade has created more poverty among women; it has created more child abuse; there are more scandals at abortion clinics than there ever were for "back alley" abortions; staff at abortion clinics suffer trauma and quit; they are "aging out" of the abortion business; many women suffer terrible post abortion trauma; studies from Europe reveal a 6-7x higher suicide rate among post-abortion women; some of the strongest opponents of abortion are women who have experienced one or two.

It's good that there has been a dramatic decline in the number of abortions. The pro-lifers are winning this issue of violence against the unborn. “There is diminished enthusiasm for abortion, misgivings about its brutality, medical professionals withdrawing their support, and the general public moving with the larger trend toward the pro-life stance, all of which allow for legislative action.  . . Every life lost to the abortion industry if a crime.”

Rachel MacNair, "Our Pro-Life Future,” First Things, June/July 2018, p. 41-44

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Wearing a hat to church

I bought a hat to wear to a Derby party last night. So I decided to wear it to church today (Lutheran). Things have changed since my early 20s when I stopped wearing hats and gloves (and going to church).

1) You can knock them off getting into a car.

2) Cars in the 50s and 60s did not have bulging headrests to mess with your hat.

3) The sign of the cross requires a slight change in movement--aim for your eyebrows.

But I got a lot of compliments--particularly from men over 70. Children just stopped and stared.

Announcing our new pastor

Today in church it was announced that Steve Turnbull of Community of Grace Lutheran Church, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, will be the new pastor at Upper Arlington Lutheran Church.  I think this photo is about 6 years old—found it on Facebook.

Steve Turnbull

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Fillies in the Derby

Maybe Bruce Jenner is confused (did you read he's getting married for the fourth time--a woman younger than his daughters), but horsemen seem to know there's a difference between the boys and girls.  It took me awhile, but I finally found a list of fillies in the Kentucky Derby.  Fillies mature a little later than colts, so the Derby really isn't good for them.

Fillies in the Derby 1875  Ascension    10th; Gold Mine    15th
1876  Lizzie Stone     6th; Marie Michon    7th
1877  Early Light     8th
1879  Ada Glenn     7th
  Wissahickon     9th
1883  Pike’s Pride     6th
1906  Lady Navarre   2nd
1911  Round the World    6th
1912  Flamma    3rd
1913  Gowell    3rd
1914  Bronzewing    3rd; Watermelon     7th
1915  REGRET    1st
1918  Viva America    3rd
1919  Regalo     9th
1920  Cleopatra    15th
1921  Prudery    3rd&; Careful     5th
1922  Startle      8th
1929  Ben Machree    18th
1930  Alcibiades    10th
1932  Oscillation    13th
1934  Mata Hari     4th; Bazaar; 9th
1935  Nellie Flag     4th
1936  Gold Seeker     9th
1945  Misweet    12th
1959  Silver Spoon     5th
1980  GENUINE RISK   1st
1982  Cupecoy’s Joy   10th
1984  Life’s Magic     8th, Althea     19th
1988  WINNING COLORS   1st
1995  Serena’s Song   16th
1999  Excellent Meeting    5th; Three Ring    19th
2008  Eight Belles    2nd
2010  Devil May Care   10th

The 2018 Derby list—Forbes

1) Firenze Fire
Owner: Mr. Amore Stable
Trainer: Jason Servis
Jockey: Paco Lopez
Opening odds: 50-1
Saturday morning odds: 66-1
Post position winners (where they opening and listed in the program): 8
Last winner: Ferdinand (1986)
2) Free Drop Billy
Owner: Albaugh Family Stables LLC
Trainer: Dale Romans
Jockey: Robby Albarado
Opening odds: 30-1
Saturday morning odds: 35-1
Post position winners: 7
Last winner: Affirmed (1978)
3) Promises Fulfilled
Owner: Robert J. Baron
Trainer: Dale Romans
Jockey: Corey Lanerie
Opening odds: 30-1
Saturday morning odds: 50-1
Post position winners: 5
Last winner: Real Quiet (1998)
4) Flameaway
Owner: John C. Oxley
Trainer: Mark Casse
Jockey: José Lezcano
Opening odds: 30-1
Saturday morning odds: 45-1
Post position winners: 5
Last winner: Super Saver (2010)
5) Audible
Owner: China Horse Club International, Head of Plains Partners LLC, Starlight Racing, WinStar Farm
Trainer: Todd Pletcher
Jockey: Javier Castellano
Opening odds: 8-1
Saturday morning odds: 13/2
Post position winners: 10
Last winner: Always Dreaming (2017)
6) Good Magic
Owner: E Five Racing Thoroughbreds and Stonestreet Stables LLC
Trainer: Chad Brown
Jockey: José Ortiz
Opening odds: 12-1
Saturday morning odds: 8-1
Post position winners: 2
Last winner: Sea Hero (1993)
7) Justify
Owner: China Horse Club International, Head of Plains Partners LLC, Starlight Racing, WinStar Farm
Trainer: Bob Baffert
Jockey: Mike Smith
Opening odds: 3-1
Saturday morning odds: 7/2
Post position winners: 6
Last winner: Street Sense (2007)
8) Lone Sailor
Owner: G M B Racing
Trainer: Tom Amoss
Jockey: James Graham
Opening odds: 50-1
Saturday morning odds: 50-1
Post position winners: 8
Last winner: Mine That Bird (2009)
9) Hofburg
Owner: Juddmonte Farms Inc.
Trainer: Bill Mott
Jockey: Irad Ortiz Jr.
Opening odds: 20-1
Saturday morning odds: 15-1
Post position winners: 4
Last winner: Riva Ridge (1972)
10) My Boy Jack
Owner: Don’t Tell My Wife Stables, Monomoy Stables LLC
Trainer: Keith Desormeaux
Jockey: Kent Desormeaux
Opening odds: 30-1
Saturday morning odds: 18-1
Post position winners: 9
Last winner: Giacomo (2005)
11) Bolt d’Oro
Owner: Ruis Racing LLC
Owner: Ruis Racing LLC
Trainer: Mick Ruis
Jockey: Victor Espinoza
Opening odds: 8-1
Saturday morning odds: 17/2
Post position winners: 2
Last winner: Winning Colors (1988)
12) Enticed
Owner: Godolphin LLC
Trainer: Kiaran McLaughlin
Jockey: Junior Alvarado
Opening odds: 30-1
Saturday morning odds: 25-1
Post position winners: 3
Last winner: Canonero II (1971)
13) Bravazo
Owner: Calumet Farm
Trainer: D. Wayne Lukas
Jockey: Luis Contreras
Opening odds: 50-1
Saturday morning odds: 60-1
Post position winners: 5
Last winner: Nyquist (2016)
14) Mendelssohn
Owner: Michael Tabor, Mrs. John Magnier, Derrick Smith
Trainer: Aidan O’Brien
Jockey: Ryan Moore
Opening odds: 5-1
Saturday morning odds: 7/2
Post position winners: 2
Last winner: Carry Back (1961)
15) Instilled Regard
Owner: Oxo Equine LLC
Trainer: Jerry Hollendorfer
Jockey: Drayden Van Dyke
Opening odds: 50-1
Saturday morning odds: 60-1
Post position winners: 3
Last winner: Fusaichi Pegasus (2000)
16) Magnum Moon
Owner: Lawana L. and Robert E. Low
Trainer: Todd Pletcher
Jockey: Luis Saez
Opening odds: 6-1
Saturday morning odds: 15/2
Post position winners: 5
Last winner: Orb (2013)
17) Solomini
Owner: Zayat Stables LLC
Trainer: Bob Baffert
Jockey: Flavien Prat
Opening odds: 30-1
Saturday morning odds: 22-1
Post position winners: None
18) Vino Rosso
Owner: Repole Stable and St. Elias Stable
Trainer: Todd Pletcher
Jockey: John Velazquez
Opening odds: 12-1
Saturday morning odds: 12-1
Post position winners: 2
Last winner: American Pharoah (2015)
19) Noble Indy
Owner: WinStar Farm LLC and Repole Stable
Trainer: Todd Pletcher
Jockey: Florent Geroux
Opening odds: 30-1
Saturday morning odds: 30-1
Post position winners: 1
Last winner: I'll Have Another (2012)
20) Combatant
Owner: Winchell Thoroughbreds LLC and Willis Horton Racing LLC
Trainer: Steve Asmussen
Jockey: Ricardo Santana Jr.
Opening odds: 50-1
Saturday morning odds: 66-1
Post position winners: 1
Last winner: Big Brown (2008)